One of the [Aes Sedai] Ajahs. The Yellow concentrates on the study of [Healing|Weaves]. The First Weaver of the Yellow Ajah is [Suana Dragand]. 

! Members

* [Amico Nagoyin] 
* [Ananda] 
* [Annharid]
* [Atuan Larisett] 
* [Beldemaine] 
* [Berenicia Morsad] 
* [Carniele] 
* [Celestin] 
* [Chesmal Emry] 
* [Corele Hovian]
* [Dagdara Finchey] 
* [Desandre] 
* [Doesine Alwain] 
* [Edesina Azzedin] 
* [Farellien]
* [Gelarna] 
* [Larissa Lyndel] 
* [Ludice Daneen] 
* [Magla Daronos]
* [Meramor]
* [Musarin]
* [Narenwin Barda] - head of the eyes-and-ears
* [Niere]
* [Nisao Dachen] 
* [Nynaeve al'Meara] 
* [Pritalle Nerbaijan]
* [Romanda Cassin] 
* [Rosil]
* [Ryma Galfrey]
* [Salita Toranes] 
* [Samitsu Tamagowa]
* [Sedore Dajenna]
* [Shanelle] 
* [Shemerin] 
* [Suana Dragand] - head of the Yellow Ajah
* [Talva] 
* [Therva Maresis] 
* [Yuan]
* [Zenare Ghodar] 

! References (Possible Spoilers)

# In [New Spring]
## [NS,Ch12] - The Yellow Ajah quarters in the [White Tower] are decorated in flamboyant style compared to other [Ajahs|Aes Sedai].
## [NS,Ch14] - The [Blue Ajah] is also a bit at odds with the [White Ajah] and Yellow over something in [Altara] a hundred years before. The [Brown Ajah] supports the [White Ajah] against the [Blue Ajah], but supports the [Blue Ajah] against the Yellow.
# In [The Eye of the World]
## [The Eye of the World],Glossary - The glossary lists the colors of the seven Ajahs. This is the first mention of the Yellow Ajah.
## [The Eye of the World],Glossary - Yellow Ajah sisters bond only one [Warder|Warders] at a time.
# In [The Shadow Rising]
## [TSR,Ch5] - Yellow sisters are the best [Healers|Weaves]. They will try to learn to [Heal|Weaves] anything.
## [TSR,Ch34] - The best [Healers|Weaves] are all Yellow Ajah.
## [The Shadow Rising],Glossary - The Yellow Ajah concentrates on the study of [Healing|Weaves].
# In [The Fires of Heaven]
## [TFoH,Prologue] - The Yellow Ajah has only a minimal eyes-and-ears organization.
## [TFoH,Ch9] - [Ronde Macura] is an agent of the Yellow Ajah.
## [TFoH,Ch9] - A Yellow Ajah message signal is an upside-down bouquet of yellow flowers tied with yellow ribbon.
## [TFoH,Ch10] - [Narenwin Barda] is the head of the Yellow Ajah eyes-and-ears.
# In [Crossroads of Twilight]
## [Crossroads of Twilight],Glossary - The title of the head of the Yellow Ajah is First Weaver.
## [CoT,Ch12] - [Birgitte] reports to [Elayne] that two sisters, [Green Ajah] and [Gray Ajah], arrived at [The Silver Swan] the same day that a [Brown Ajah] sister left heading east and a Yellow Ajah sister left heading south toward [Far Madding].
## [CoT,Ch21] - The head of the Yellow Ajah is known as the First Weaver.

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