In the Wheel of Time, wolves have a weak association with man. They live partly in %%ot [Tel'aran'rhiod|TelAranRhiod]%%, which they call the [wolf dream|TelAranRhiod]. They communicate with each other over long distances and can communicate with certain rare individuals called Wolfbrothers. Wolfbrothers, however, cannot directly communicate with each other.

! Wolves

* [Boundless|../creatures/wolves/boundless]
* [Burn|../creatures/wolves/burn]
* [Cold Water|../creatures/wolves/cold_water]
* [Dapple|../creatures/wolves/dapple]
* [Feather|../creatures/wolves/feather]
* [Half Tail|../creatures/wolves/half_tail]
* [Hopper|../creatures/wolves/hopper]
* [Leafhunter|../creatures/wolves/leafhunter]
* [Morning Clouds|../creatures/wolves/morning_clouds]
* [Morning Mist|../creatures/wolves/morning_mist]
* [Morninglight|../creatures/wolves/morninglight]
* [Oak Dancer|../creatures/wolves/oak_dancer]
* [Old Deer|../creatures/wolves/old_deer]
* [Rabbit Nose|../creatures/wolves/rabbit_nose]
* [Smoke|../creatures/wolves/smoke]
* [Snowy Dawn|../creatures/wolves/snowy_dawn]
* [Sparks|../creatures/wolves/sparks]
* [Springhorn|../creatures/wolves/springhorn]
* [Tall Bear|../creatures/wolves/tall_bear]
* [Three Toes|../creatures/wolves/three_toes]
* [Thunder Mist|../creatures/wolves/thunder_mist]
* [Twilight|../creatures/wolves/twilight]
* [Two Deer|../creatures/wolves/two_deer]
* [Two Moons|../creatures/wolves/two_moons]
* [Whisperer|../creatures/wolves/whisperer]
* [White Tail|../creatures/wolves/white_tail]
* [Wildfire|../creatures/wolves/wildfire]
* [ Wind|../creatures/wolves/wind_wolf]
* [Winter Dawn|../creatures/wolves/winter_dawn]

! Wolfbrothers

* [Elyas Machera]
* [Noam]
* [Perrin Aybara]

! Wolf Names

* Heartfang - [Ba'alzamon|Ishamael]
* The Last Hunt - [Tarmon Gai'don|Creator]
* Long Tooth - [Elyas Machera]
* Moonhunter - [Lanfear]
* Neverborn - [Myrddraal|Fade]
* Notdead - [Gray Man|../creatures/gray_man]
* Shadowbrother - [Darkhound|../creatures/darkhound]
* Shadowkiller - [Rand al'Thor|Rand alThor]
* Small Thorny Back - porcupine
* Twisted Ones - [Trollocs]
* Young Bull - [Perrin Aybara|../characters/op/perrin]
!! References

* [Glimmers Q&A|../books/guide/index.html#3] - There can be Wolfsisters as well as Wolfbrothers. [Ogier|../../creatures/ogier/index] cannot become linked to wolves in this way.
* [TEotW,Ch10] - Wolves do not like [Trollocs] and vice versa.
* [TGH,Ch14] - The wolves now call [Perrin] [Young Bull|../characters/op/perrin]. Wolves only hate two things, fire and [Trollocs] whom they call Twisted Ones. [Padan Fain] offends them even more than [Trollocs]. The wolves do not care about [Darkfriends], but they agree to wait and let [Young Bull|../characters/op/perrin] help them kill the Twisted Ones.
* [TGH,Ch28] - The wolves call [Rand] [Shadowkiller|../characters/r/rand]. They are not really afraid, but they are in awe of him and will not come close.
* [TDR,Ch36] - Wolves live partly in the World of Dreams, all wolves that are, all that were, all that will be.
* [TDR,Ch36] - Wolves call porcupines Small Thorny Back.
* [TSR,Ch32] - [Perrin] wonders if [Verin], being [Brown Ajah], knows anything about Wolfbrothers.
* [CoT,Ch5] - [Perrin] wishes he could communicate directly with [Elyas] the way he does with wolves, but he cannot.
* [CoT,Ch8] - A [Darkhound|../creatures/darkhound] is the soul of a wolf corrupted by the [Shadow|Creator]. [Darkhounds|../creatures/darkhound] and wolves will fight in the [Last Battle|../main/creator]. [Darkhounds|../creatures/darkhound] can eat the souls of wounded wolves turning them into more [Darkhounds|../creatures/darkhound]. [Perrin] wonders if they can eat the soul of a Wolfbrother.
* [ToM,Ch30] - Wolves in the [wolf dream|../main/tar] celebrate when [Rand] has his epiphany. The [Last Hunt|../main/creator] will come.
* [ToM,Ch33] - In both the real world and the [wolf dream|../main/tar] wolves are running north for the [Last Hunt|../main/creator].
* [ToM,Ch35] - Most of the wolves in the [wolf dream|../main/tar] have gone north.
* [ToM,Ch40] - [Elyas] leaves to go north with the wolves.
* [ToM,Epilogue|../books/tom/epilogue] - A Wolfbrother who dies can become a wolf in the [wolf dream|../main/tar].