An [Aes Sedai] of the [White Ajah]. She is a [Sitter|Sitters] in the [Hall|Sitters].

! Possible Spoilers
She remains loyal to the [White Tower].
She is [Black Ajah].

! Physical Description

She has a high pitched voice which contrasts her [Saldaean|Saldaea] eagle-beak nose and sharp, tilted eyes. ([TPoD,Ch25])

! Chronology (Possible Spoilers)

* Velina meets with [Elaida|Elaida do Avriny aRoihan] and [Sitters] of the other [Ajahs|Aes Sedai] to discuss the [Seanchan|Seanchan (People)], the [Salidar Aes Sedai], and [Rand|Rand alThor]. Despite reports she does not believe that %%ot [a'dam|aDam]%% really exist. She flinches when [Alviarin|Alviarin Freidhen] enters. ([TPoD,Ch25])
* Velina is absent when [Egwene|Egwene alVere] is raised to the [Amyrlin|Aes Sedai]. ([TGS,Ch46])
* Dagdara is outed as [Black Ajah] but manages to escape before she can be caught. ([TGS,Epilogue])

! Other References (Possible Spoilers)

# In [Crossroads of Twilight]
## [CoT,Prologue] - Velina was a [Sitter|Sitters] before the [White Tower] split.
# In [The Gathering Storm]
## [TGS,Ch39] - Her last name is Behar.
## [TGS,Ch39] - Velina's name is in [Verin|Verin Mathwin]'s book as [Black Ajah].

[Categories|WikiCategory]: [Category.Characters] | [Category.V Characters] | [Category.B Characters] | [Category.Aes Sedai Sisters] | [Category.White Ajah Sisters] | [Spoiler|Category.BA Sisters]