aka: Tinkers

Pronunciation: too-AH-thah-AHN 
[{LinkedImagePlugin image-src='Pronunciation/soundbut.gif' href='Pronunciation/tuathaan.wav'}]

They hold to the Way of the Leaf and will do no violence for any reason. The leader of a band of Tinkers is called Mahdi or "Seeker" in the [Old Tongue].

Pronunciation: MAH-dee 
[{LinkedImagePlugin image-src='Pronunciation/soundbut.gif' href='Pronunciation/mahdi.wav'}]

[Aiel] hold them in disgust and call them the Lost Ones, though they tolerate them traveling in the [Aiel Waste]. Tinkers avoid cities as they have an undeserved reputation as thieves and kidnappers.

! Possible Spoilers

Tinkers are the descendants of the [Aiel] who broke from their mission to carry the [Aes Sedai]'s wagons to safety. Rather, they chose to strike out on their own to search for the song that was lost.

! Members

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! References (Possible Spoilers)

# In [New Spring]
## [NS,Ch3] - According to [Verin], Tinkers never try to [channel|True Source] on their own.
# In [The Eye of the World]
## [TEotW,Ch4] - First mention of Tinkers. With patrols being sent out, [Mat] wonders if they might see odd folk like Tinkers.
## [TEotW,Ch25] - [Perrin], [Egwene] and [Elyas Machera] join up with [Raen]'s band of Tinkers.
## [TEotW,Ch27] - [Perrin], [Egwene] and [Elyas Machera] leave the Tinkers and head south. The Tinkers intend to head east, possibly to the [Spine of the World].
## [TEotW,Ch27] - Tinkers are vegetarians. Their diet consists of fruits, nuts, berries and vegetables.
## [TEotW,Ch42] - [Loial] has a talent for treesinging. He tried to teach it to Tinkers but the trees would not listen to men.
# In [The Great Hunt]
## [TGH,Ch35] - A band of Tinkers recently visited [Stedding Tsofu].
# In [The Dragon Reborn]
## [TDR,Ch1] - [Leya], a Tinker woman, reports to [Moiraine] with news from [Almoth Plain].
# In [The Shadow Rising]
## [TSR,Ch1] - A band of Tinkers is camped near [Taren Ferry] when the [Children of the Light] arrive.
## [TSR,Ch26] - Discouraged with their pointless mission, [Sulwin] defies [Adan], the leader of the [Aiel], and leads some of the wagons in search of the song that was lost. [Adan] shouts that he is lost.
## [TSR,Ch31] - The band of Tinkers in the [Two Rivers] is [Raen]'s band. They are camped near [Watch Hill]. The [Children of the Light] will not let them move north.
## [TSR,Ch41] - After they are attacked by [Trollocs], [Perrin]'s band seeks refuge with the Tinkers south of [Emond's Field|Emonds Field].
## [TSR,Ch42] - [Perrin]'s band leaves the Tinkers' camp.
## [TSR,Ch42] - Tinker women do a very provocative dance called the tiganza.
## [TSR,Ch45] - The Tinkers are attacked by [Trollocs]. Only twenty survive and they are taken in by [Emond's Field|Emonds Field].
## [TSR,Ch56] - [Raen]'s band of Tinkers stays with the women and children during the defense of [Emond's Field|Emonds Field].
# In [The Fires of Heaven]
## [TFoH,Ch5] - Some of the [Aiel] who succumb to the bleakness go to the Tuatha'an.
## [TFoH,Ch15] - [Egwene] [dreams|TelAranRhiod] of [Perrin], lounging with [Faile] on his lap, kissing her while she played with the short-cut beard he wore in the dream. Behind them two banners waved, a red wolf's head and a crimson eagle. A man in a bright yellow coat stood near to [Perrin]'s shoulder, a sword strapped to his back; in some way she knew that he was a Tinker, though no Tinker would even touch a sword. And every bit of it except the beard seemed important. The banners, [Faile] kissing [Perrin], even the Tinker. Every time he moved closer to [Perrin] it was as if a chill of doom shot through everything.
# In [Lord of Chaos]
## [LoC,Ch15] - [Egwene] [dreams|TelAranRhiod] - Again [Perrin]; he turned away from a Tinker and ran, faster and faster though she called for him to come back.
## [LoC,Ch22] - Near the [Erinin River], [Chel Vanin] and [Mat] find a burned Tinker camp with the people slaughtered. There is a message on a wagon, "Tell the [Dragon Reborn|Rand]."
# In [Knife of Dreams]
## [KoD,Ch8] - [Mat], [Tuon] and [Selucia] encounter a Tinker caravan heading toward [Ebou Dar]. [Seanchan|Seanchan (People)] law offers them safety.
## [KoD,Ch11] - [Luca]'s circus passes more Tinkers heading south.
## [KoD,Ch11] - When Tinkers discover that one of their women can [channel|True Source] they take her straight to [Tar Valon].
## [KoD,Ch12] - Tinkers are migrating to [Seanchan|Seanchan (People)]-held territory because they offer law and safety.
# In [The Gathering Storm]
## [TGS,Ch38] - Using Need in %%ot [Tel'aran'rhiod|TelAranRhiod]%%, [Egwene] finds herself in a Tinker camp and wonders what brought her there.
## [TGS,Ch49] - [Rand] spends the night in a Tinker camp outside [Ebou Dar]. There are many Tinker camps nearby and many talk about settling down. They provide shelter for visitors when the city gates are closed at night and the [Seanchan|Seanchan (People)] give them money to support this activity.
# In [Towers of Midnight]
## [AMoL,Ch11] - Tinkers continue to congregate around [Ebou Dar] forming a virtual Tinker city.

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