The [Great Lord of the Dark|Shaitan] provides his most favored minions with the True Power that comes directly from him. It is even more addictive and dangerous than the One Power. ([ACoS,Ch20]) Traveling using the True Power involves ripping a hole in the [Pattern|Wheel of Time]. ([ACoS,Ch20]) Users of the True Power such as [Moridin] develop %%ot [saa]%% or black spots that travel across the eyes. ([ACoS,Ch25]) In the [Age of Legends] only thirty were given this privilege by the [Great Lord|Shaitan]. ([ACoS,Ch25])

The %%ot [gholam]%% can detect True Power weaves. He feels it as an itch somewhat different from the One Power. ([TPoD,Ch2])

Since he became [Nae'blis|Forsaken], only [Moridin] is allowed access to the True Power. ([WH,Ch13])

[Rand] believes the stranger is in his head because his [One Power] [balefire|Weaves] touched [Moridin]'s True Power [balefire|Weaves]. ([KoD,Ch18])

The [Great Lord|Shaitan] makes the True Power available to [Rand] and he accepts it. He uses it to destroy the [Domination Band|Sad Bracelets] and then to balefire [Semirhage] and [Elza|Elza Penfell]. ([TGS,Ch22])

The [Great Lord|Shaitan] grants [Graendal] limited access to the True Power as a reward for her successes. ([ToM,Prologue])

[Rand] says that the [Far Madding] [guardian] only blocks the [One Power] implying that it does not block the True Power.([ToM,Ch51])