Title: Lord Toram of House Riatin

A [Cairhienin|Cairhien (Country)] Lord and High Seat of House Riatin. He wears slashes of color to his knees. The sign of House Riatin is Five Stars. [Ailil Riatin] is his sister.

! Physical Description

He is very tall for a [Cairhienin|Cairhien (Country)]. He is slender but has broad shoulders. He is strikingly handsome with a strong chin and just a touch of gray. He has a deep, rich voice. ([ACoS,Ch35])

! Chronology (Possible Spoilers)

* As a child, Toram Riatin pushes his friend [Derowin] down the stairs breaking his back because [Derowin] rode Toram's pony without asking. ([ACoS,Ch36]) 
* [Caraline Damodred] and Toram Riatin join forces in rebellion and set up camp in the foothills of the [Spine of the World]. ([LoC,Ch17])
* [Caraline Damodred] and Toram Riatin have a large camp south of [Cairhien|Cairhien (City)]. Three days ago they came near the city and declared [Colavaere|Colavaere Saighan] a usurper. ([ACoS,Ch3])
* Toram Riatin is in the rebel camp. He has hired some ex-[Queen's Guards|Caemlyn] thugs including [Daved Hanlon]. His advisor is [Padan Fain]. He challenges [Rand|Rand alThor] to practice swords. ([ACoS,Ch35])
* When the fog descends Toram hits [Rand|Rand alThor] with a foul blow to the side. He joins [Rand|Rand alThor]'s group for protection but runs off in anger when he learns who [Rand|Rand alThor] really is. ([ACoS,Ch36])
* [Padan Fain] brings Toram Riatin with him to [Far Madding]. When they confront [Rand|Rand alThor] and [Lan|al'Lan Mandragoran], [Lan|al'Lan Mandragoran] kills Toram. ([WH,Ch33])

! Other References (Possible Spoilers)

# In [The Great Hunt]
## [TGH,Ch9] - The sign of House Riatin is Five Stars.
# In [Lord of Chaos]
## [LoC,Ch17] - [Berelain|Berelain sur Paendrag] reports to [Rand|Rand alThor] that [Caraline Damodred] and Toram Riatin have rebelled.
# In [A Crown of Swords]
## [ACoS,Ch7] - [Bashere|Davram Bashere] is worried about what Toram and [Caraline|Caraline Damodred] intend to do.
## [ACoS,Ch35] - Toram wears slashes of color to his knees indicating his high rank.
## [ACoS,Ch36] - Toram is vindictive and intensely jealous of his possessions.
# In [The Path of Daggers]
## [TPoD,Ch25] - The [White Tower] does not know the whereabouts of [Caraline|Caraline Damodred], [Darlin|Darlin Sisnera] and Toram Riatin.
## [TPoD,Ch27] - [Dobraine|Dobraine Taborwin] reports to [Rand|Rand alThor] that Toram Riatin has disappeared but is rumored to still be alive.
# In [Winters Heart]
## [WH,Ch13] - [Cadsuane|Cadsuane Melaidhrin] and [Verin|Verin Mathwin] blackmail [Ailil Riatin] into passing on information about her brother Toram.
## [WH,Ch13] - [Ailil|Ailil Riatin] intensely dislikes her brother.
## [WH,Ch25] - [Alanna|Alanna Mosvani] reports to [Rand|Rand alThor] that not all are happy with [Dobraine|Dobraine Taborwin] ruling [Cairhien|Cairhien (Country)]. Some might support Toram Riatin if he returns.
# In [Crossroads of Twilight]
## [CoT,Prologue] - Some supporters want to name [Ailil|Ailil Riatin] as High Seat of House [Riatin|Cairhien (Country)], but [Samitsu|Samitsu Tamagowa] refuses as Toram Riatin might still be alive.
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