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| %%(display:block; text-align:center;) [{Image src='Chapter Icons/dice_bw.gif' align='center' link='Wiki.jsp?page=Dice Chapter Icon'}] ''[ToM|Towers of Midnight]: Into the Void'' %% 
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! __Mat__ POV

[Mat|Matrim Cauthon] dices with [Rittle], [Saddler] and [Snelle] in [The Dusty Wheel] inn. [Kati] serves wine and ale. The innkeeper is [Hatch].[1] [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] leaves and walks randomly though the [New City|Caemlyn]. He is attacked by thugs, but [Talmanes|Talmanes Delovinde] and his men including [Harvell] are keeping watch.

 The %%ot [gholam|Gholam]%% confronts him and his men light lanterns. [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] has the [foxhead medallion|Foxhead Medallion] tied to the front of his %%ot [ashandarei]%%. After sparring a few moments, the %%ot [gholam|Gholam]%% proceeds to knock out the lanterns. [Talmanes|Talmanes Delovinde] saves the last one and runs into a building, dropping the lantern and setting the building on fire. The %%ot [gholam|Gholam]%% runs after him and [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] throws the %%ot [ashandarei]%% in a desperate attempt to stop it. It trips the %%ot [gholam|Gholam]%% but now the [foxhead medallion|Foxhead Medallion] is gone. The %%ot [gholam|Gholam]%% comes for [Mat|Matrim Cauthon]. At the last second he pulls out two more medallions.[2] The %%ot [gholam|Gholam]%% flees back into the burning building and [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] follows retrieving his %%ot [ashandarei]%%. As he fights, [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] shouts in the [Old Tongue], "Al dival, al kiserai, al mashi" (For light, glory and love). "Carai an manshimaya [Tylin|Tylin Quintara]. Carai an manshimaya [Nalesean|Nalesean Aldiaya]. Carai an manshimaya ayend'an" (Honor of my blade for [Tylin|Tylin Quintara]. Honor of my blade for [Nalesean|Nalesean Aldiaya]. Honor of my blade for the fallen). The %%ot [gholam|Gholam]%% backs into a room, but the door is actually a gateway for [Skimming|Weaves#s] and the floor is a small platform. [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] knocks the %%ot [gholam|Gholam]%% off the platform into the endless black void.[3] [Sumeko|Sumeko Karistovan] and [Julanya|Julanya Fote] made the gateway. [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] intends to give the extra medallions to [Olver] and [Tuon|Tuon Athaem Kore Paendrag]. 
Captain [Guybon|Charlz Guybon] arrives. [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] and [Talmanes|Talmanes Delovinde] claim combat pay from the Crown for ridding the city of the %%ot [gholam|Gholam]%%. The gateway was [Elayne|Elayne Trakand] and [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion]'s idea. [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] and [Talmanes|Talmanes Delovinde] will collect [Setalle|Setalle Anan] and [Olver] from their inn and get back to camp.
\\%%follow [Follow Mat|ToM,Ch44]%%
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More [Mat POV]

! Notes (Possible Spoilers)

[#1] A fitting tribute to Matt Hatch and his somewhat "dusty" website [Theoryland.com|http://www.theoryland.com].
\\[#2] So [Elayne|Elayne Trakand] was successful in making more copies of the [foxhead medallion|Foxhead Medallion].
\\[#3] The %%ot [gholam|Gholam]%% was still alive as it fell. Apparently another of its immunities is at least partial resistance to effect of gateways that is instant death to [Trollocs]. That also explains how it could have gotten to [Caemlyn] within a day of [Mat|Matrim Cauthon]'s arrival. The identity of its most recent boss is still unknown.
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