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| %%(display:block; text-align:center;) [{Image src='Chapter Icons/wolf_bw.gif' align='center' link='Wiki.jsp?page=Wolf Chapter Icon'}] ''[ToM|Towers of Midnight]: The Strength of This Place'' %% 
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! __Perrin__ POV

[Perrin|Perrin Aybara] runs in the [wolf dream|TelAranRhiod] while his body sleeps next to [Faile|Zarine Bashere] on the hilltop. [Perrin|Perrin Aybara] is confident the [Asha'man] and [Wise Ones|Aiel] could destroy the [Whitecloaks|Children of the Light] but he does not want to do that. [Balwer|Sebban Balwer] thinks this is the bulk of the remaining [Children of the Light]. He visits their camp to see if he can pick up anything [Elyas|Elyas Machera] and the [Aiel] might have missed. In the Lord Captain Commander's tent there is a signet ring with a winged dagger on it.[1] In another large tent he sees [Basel Gill] 's hat appear and vanish. He second guesses himself that he should have scouted [Malden] like this. [Hopper] appears and [Perrin|Perrin Aybara] can sense [Oak Dancer], [Sparks] and [Boundless] as well. [Hopper] begins teaching [Young Bull|Perrin] how to use the [wolf dream|TelAranRhiod]. The strength of this place is his strength. They continue training and [Perrin|Perrin Aybara] senses a scent of determination that reminds him of [Tam|Tam alThor] when he is training. He and [Hopper] stop when they find a translucent violet wall. [Hopper] says it is wrongness. Suddenly the wall is gone.[2] They continue training but [Perrin|Perrin Aybara] is troubled.
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! __Ituralde__ POV

[Rodel Ituralde] has his force on a hillside directly across the [Arinelle River] from the [Blight] blocking the route to [Maradon]. They have been fighting [Trollocs] for weeks with [Myrddraal|Fade] driving them. The [Asha'man] are exhausted from [Healing|Weaves#h]. He calls [Lidrin] and orders him to lead the archers to the towers to deflect the next attack. The [Saldaeans|Saldaea] will not help and will not let him into [Maradon], treating his force as a foreign army.[3] Bodies suddenly fall from the sky. The [Shadowspawn] have set up trebuchets and are launching dead [Trollocs] into their camp. Captain [Finsas] reports them moving more into place. [Rajabi] is taking command of part of the camp. [Ituralde|Rodel Ituralde] hopes that [Rand|Rand alThor] keeps his promises. Another young officer is [Zhell]. [Ituralde|Rodel Ituralde] orders Lieutenant [Nils] to get a damage assessment and to tell Captain [Creedin] to guard the ford. Then suddenly there are live [Draghkar] among the falling bodies and they attack. One kills [Rajabi]. The [Asha'man] begin striking them down with balls of fire. Again [Ituralde|Rodel Ituralde] hopes that [Rand|Rand alThor] will keep his promise to send help.
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! __Faile__ POV

The next day [Faile|Zarine Bashere] walks through the camp. The scouts from [Cairhien|Cairhien (Country)] are back and will report soon. She goes to confront [Berelain|Berelain sur Paendrag] and a pair of [Winged Guards|Mayene] escort her. [Annoura|Annoura Larisen] emerges from [Berelain|Berelain sur Paendrag]'s tent as they arrive, seemingly displeased. [Faile|Zarine Bashere] enters. [Berelain|Berelain sur Paendrag] thinks [Faile|Zarine Bashere] chose [Perrin|Perrin Aybara] for political gain for [Saldaea] with the [Dragon Reborn|Rand alThor].[4] [Faile|Zarine Bashere] challenges [Berelain|Berelain sur Paendrag] to a duel to the death unless [Berelain|Berelain sur Paendrag] can come up with a way to stop the rumors about her and [Perrin|Perrin Aybara]. [Berelain|Berelain sur Paendrag] suggests that they pretend to be friends, though it will be difficult, and [Faile|Zarine Bashere] agrees. 
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! Notes (Possible Spoilers)

[#1] The sigil of [Galad Damodred] ([The Eye of the World],Glossary)
\\[#2] [Slayer|Isam Mandragoran]'s first test of the [dreamspike].
\\[#3] We learn more about this in [ToM,Ch32].
\\[#4] More on this in [ToM,Ch40].
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