An inn in [Tremonsien]. 

! Employees

* [Maglin Madwen] - innkeeper
* [Catrine] - serving girl
* [Lidan] - serving girl

! References (Possible Spoilers)

# In [The Great Hunt]
## [TGH,Ch20] - [Rand|Rand alThor], [Loial], [Hurin] and [Selene|Lanfear] arrive at The Nine Rings.
## [TGH,Ch21] - They stay the night, but [Selene|Lanfear] disappears.
# In [Winter's Heart|Winters Heart]
## [WH,Ch35] - [Barmellin] is on his way to bring [Maglin Madwen] some plum brandy for The Nine Rings inn in [Tremonsien] when he is terrified by the glow of the [Choedan Kal].
More [Category Geography|Category.Geography], [Inns and Taverns]