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| %%(display:block; text-align:center;) [{Image src='Chapter Icons/wheel_bw.gif' align='center' link='Wiki.jsp?page=Wheel Chapter Icon Usage'}] ''[TSR|The Shadow Rising]: Playing With Fire'' %% 
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! __Egwene__ POV

The next morning [Egwene|Egwene alVere] and [Elayne|Elayne Trakand] pay a call on [Rand|Rand alThor]. [Gaul], the leader of the [Stone Dogs] guarding the door, tells them he is in a foul mood and that he already threw High Lord [Torean|Torean Andiama] across the room. [Mangin] is another of the guards. [Egwene|Egwene alVere] has barely spoken to [Rand|Rand alThor] in passing in the last two weeks and wonders how much he has changed. They enter [Rand|Rand alThor]'s room where he is reading a book. At first he is suspicious of their motives. [Egwene|Egwene alVere] tells him the [Tairens|Tear (Country)] may think he is high and mighty, but she remembers when [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] switched [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] and him for stealing apple brandy. He reminds her of an equally embarrassing moment. She changes the subject to the supposed reason for their visit, to give him a lesson in [channeling|True Source]. He thinks this is some plot of [Moiraine|Moiraine Damodred]'s, but they convince him that it is not. They talk over his head for a few moments. He pinches them and [Elayne|Elayne Trakand] pinches him back much harder. They experiment a bit and determine that he gets goose bumps when they [channel|True Source] %%ot [saidar|Said]%%. [Egwene|Egwene alVere] probes the wound in [Rand|Rand alThor]'s side and recoils. It feels like all the evil in the world. They feel nothing at all when he [channels|True Source]. They press him and he finally gets angry and loses control. She realizes he is far stronger than she and [Elayne|Elayne Trakand] combined. He apologizes and they try again. They compare how they embrace %%ot [saidar|Said]%% with how he seizes %%ot [saidin|Said]%% and realize it is completely different. They compare how they handle [Fire|One Power] and that is completely different as well. [Sheriam|Sheriam Bayanar] had to [Heal|Weaves] [Elayne|Elayne Trakand] when she tried to handle [Fire|One Power] the male way. They all agree that they made little progress. [Egwene|Egwene alVere] changes the subject and tells [Rand|Rand alThor] she does not love him. He admits that he no longer loves her either. They are both somewhat relieved. [Egwene|Egwene alVere] then leaves [Rand|Rand alThor] and [Elayne|Elayne Trakand] alone.
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More [Egwene POV]

! Notes (Possible Spoilers)
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