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! __Egwene__ POV

The nobles immediately head for the [Sitters]. [Egwene|Egwene alVere] pulls [Sheriam|Sheriam Bayanar] away from [Donel|Donel Alordeine] telling her to ask about the sisters in [Andor]. She sends [Siuan|Siuan Sanche] on the same mission. [Romanda|Romanda Cassin] and [Lelaine|Lelaine Akashi] look really angry, but are surrounded by nobles. [Segan|Segan do Avharin aRoos] asks her if she really meant the novice book is open to all women. [Egwene|Egwene alVere] spots [Talmanes|Talmanes Delovinde] talking to [Pelivar|Pelivar Coelan] and heads for him. [Halima|AranGar] and [Siuan|Siuan Sanche] watch as they talk. The [Murandians|Murandy] are deferring to the [Andorans|Andor], especially [Pelivar|Pelivar Coelan], [Arathelle|Arathelle Renshar] and [Aemlyn|Aemlyn Carand], hoping that the [Andoran|Andor] army will eventually leave. 

[Talmanes|Talmanes Delovinde] tells [Egwene|Egwene alVere] that he and others in the [Band of the Red Hand] feel that [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] needs them in the south. He asks where [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] is. She implies that he is heading to [Andor].[1] [Talmanes|Talmanes Delovinde] wants to stay behind in [Murandy]. King [Roedran Almaric do Arreloa a'Naloy|Roedran Analoy] wants to hire the [Band|Band of the Red Hand] to help him consolidate [Murandy]. [Egwene|Egwene alVere] agrees, as long as [Talmanes|Talmanes Delovinde] agrees not to get involved in a war. 

Other conversations continue. [Donel|Donel Alordeine] talks with [Janya|Janya Frende] and [Moria|Moria Karentanis]. [Cian do Mehon a'Macansa] talks with [Takima]. All of the women eventually get around to asking [Egwene|Egwene alVere] about the [novice|novices] book including an [Andoran|Andor] lady, [Negara], a [Murandian|Murandy] lady, [Jennet|Jennet (Murandy)],[2] and even one of the [Aes Sedai]'s servants, [Nildra]. [Egwene|Egwene alVere] wants to hear what the men think of the agreement, but most of them, including an [Andoran|Andor] man named [Macharan] avoid her. [Pelivar|Pelivar Coelan] spills his wine avoiding her. She comments that he must be pleased that [Elayne|Elayne Trakand] is returning but he is cool to the idea.[3] [Egwene|Egwene alVere] is frustrated because the men such as [Pelivar|Pelivar Coelan] and [Culhan|Culhan Carand] control the soldiers. The [Aes Sedai] prepare to return to their camp.
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More [Egwene POV]

! Notes (Possible Spoilers)

[#1] Even though she knows from [Elayne|Elayne Trakand] and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] that [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] was trapped in [Ebou Dar].
\\[#2] [Jennet|Jennet (Murandy)] will become a [novice|novices] and has an affinity for [Healing|Weaves#h]. ([KoD,Ch23])
\\[#3] [Pelivar|Pelivar Coelan] now supports [Dyelin|Dyelin Taravin] for the [Lion Throne|Royal Palace]. ([TPoD,Ch28])
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