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! __Graendal__ POV

[Graendal] is in her palace in [Arad Doman].[1] She forges a letter from King [Alsalam|Alsalam Saeed Almadar] to Lord [Rodel Ituralde] and seals it with the Hand and Sword of [Arad Doman]. She gives it to [Nazran], a close cousin of the king, who will say Lady [Tuva] gave it to him after being mortally wounded by a [Gray Man]. The letter should create great chaos.[2] She is wearing a [gold ring] %%ot [angreal|Angreal]%% that she found among [Sammael]'s possessions in his chambers in the [Great Hall of the Council].[3] 

A chime sounds and a gateway opens. [Moghedien] enters with a stranger. [Moghedien] introduces her as [Cyndane],[4] which means "Last Chance" in the [Old Tongue]. [Cyndane] is stronger in the [One Power] than [Graendal]! Both wear red and black livery.[5] [Cyndane] tells [Graendal] that [Sammael] is dead. [Graendal] only acknowledges occasional contact with [Sammael]. [Cyndane] tells [Graendal] that she is in charge because of [Moghedien]'s recent mistakes.[6] Both of them start and shudder.[7] They tell her that [Moridin] is [Nae'blis|Forsaken] and she is now to serve him, too. [Graendal] does not believe them, telling them to peddle their story to [Demandred] or [Semirhage]. [Moghedien] [channels|True Source] out the lights. In defense, [Graendal] [channels|True Source] a single light creating shadows and traps [Moghedien] and [Cyndane] with [Compulsion|Weaves#co]. Suddenly she is cut off from the [True Source] and a giant [Myrddraal|Fade] steps out of the shadows. [Aginor] thought [Fades|Fade] were slightly out of phase with time and reality. He says he is [Shaidar Haran] and that when he speaks she is to hear the voice of the [Great Lord|Shaitan]. She agrees to obey him, his first order being to visit [Moridin], but does not tell him about the letter she just sent.
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More [Graendal POV]

! __Cadsuane__ POV

[Cadsuane|Cadsuane Melaidhrin] is on her way to the [Sun Palace] in Lady [Arilyn|Arilyn Dhulaine]'s coach with [Daigian|Daigian Moseneillin] and [Kumira] who is [Brown Ajah]. It is getting cold and stormy. She has been coming to the palace for over a week. They are greeted by [Corgaide|Corgaide Marendevin], Holder of the Keys, the head servant. [Faeldrin|Faeldrin Harella], [Merana|Merana Ambrey] and [Bera|Bera Harkin] are also in the entry hall. The [Wise Ones|Aiel] gave them a day off because of the rain. She leaves [Daigian|Daigian Moseneillin] and [Kumira] to visit with the others and subtly influence them. [Corgaide|Corgaide Marendevin] takes her to a quiet room. [Cadsuane|Cadsuane Melaidhrin] is so frustrated with [Rand|Rand alThor]'s impetuousness she almost wishes he was raised in [Far Madding].[8] 

[Cadsuane|Cadsuane Melaidhrin] asks for [Alanna|Alanna Mosvani] who appears shortly. [Cadsuane|Cadsuane Melaidhrin] has been badgering her for information about [Rand|Rand alThor], but she is unwilling and unable to tell any more. When [Alanna|Alanna Mosvani] holds %%ot [saidar|Said]%%, one of [Cadsuane|Cadsuane Melaidhrin]'s hair ornaments, intertwined [golden crescents|Paralis-net], feels cool.[9] [Cadsuane|Cadsuane Melaidhrin] considered bonding [Rand|Rand alThor] herself and also forcing [Alanna|Alanna Mosvani] to pass the bond to her, but [Alanna|Alanna Mosvani]'s lack of control over [Rand|Rand alThor] made her give up the idea. [Cadsuane|Cadsuane Melaidhrin] has little sympathy for [Alanna|Alanna Mosvani] or for [Moiraine|Moiraine Damodred] and [Elaida|Elaida do Avriny aRoihan] who have bungled. She is also ticked off at herself for being off chasing [Logain|Logain Ablar] and [Taim|Mazrim Taim] instead of [Rand|Rand alThor]. [Alanna|Alanna Mosvani] has been [Aes Sedai] over twenty years.[10] 

[Sorilea] arrives and sends off [Alanna|Alanna Mosvani]. [Kiruna|Kiruna Nachiman] enters with a tray. [Sorilea] sends her back to her lessons with [Chaelin]. The [Aes Sedai] are having a hard time learning [Wise Ones|Aiel]' method of weaving because they use almost no hand gestures. Once one has learned one way, learning another is very difficult.[11] This is one reason [wilders|Wilder] are disliked. When [Sorilea] asks, [Cadsuane|Cadsuane Melaidhrin] tells her that punishing [Alanna|Alanna Mosvani] will not hurt [Rand|Rand alThor]. In return, [Sorilea] advises [Cadsuane|Cadsuane Melaidhrin] to act indifferent to [Rand|Rand alThor] and not chase after him, good advice. They talk about [Rand|Rand alThor] being hard and brittle rather than strong and enduring. They cautiously agree that their targets may not be too different. As a final gift, [Sorilea] teaches [Cadsuane|Cadsuane Melaidhrin] the weave for [Traveling|Weaves#t].[12] [Sorilea] offers [Cadsuane|Cadsuane Melaidhrin] water oath to teach [Rand|Rand alThor] laughter and tears and [Cadsuane|Cadsuane Melaidhrin] accepts.
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More [Cadsuane POV]

! Notes (Possible Spoilers)

[#1] This fortress palace is known as [Natrin's Barrow|Arad Doman]. ([TGS,Ch35])
\\[#2] The letter orders [Ituralde|Rodel Ituralde] to gather as many men as he can and attack the [Seanchan|Seanchan (People)] to the south. ([CoT,Prologue])
\\[#3] So it probably came from the %%ot *[angreal|Angreal]%% stash in the [Rahad].
\\[#4] [Lanfear] is back.
\\[#5] [Moridin]'s colors ([ACoS,Ch30])
\\[#6] Was this [Moghedien] taking a detour to try to take out [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] or something else?
\\[#7] Evidently [Moridin] stroking their [mindtraps|Mindtrap].
\\[#8] Men in [Far Madding] are obedient to women. ([TPoD,Ch10])
\\[#9] Her hair ornaments are %%ot [angreal|Angreal]%% and %%ot [ter'angreal|Angreal]%% ([WH,Ch34], [WH,Ch35]) known as a [paralis-net|../items/paralis-net]. ([TGS,Ch22])
\\[#10] The original text had her as [Aes Sedai] for nearly forty years which contradicted her age from [LoC,Ch43]. Both chapters have been corrected so they are now consistent.
\\[#11] This is known as the second-learned weave limitation [KoD,Ch23] and it is the reason [Aviendha] can barely make a gateway the way [Elayne|Elayne Trakand] taught her [TPoD,Ch1].
\\[#12] [Egwene|Egwene alVere] has been teaching the [Wise Ones|Aiel] in payment for their lessons on %%ot [Tel'aran'rhiod|TelAranRhiod]%%. ([WH,Prologue])
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