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! __Cadsuane__ POV

[Sarene|Sarene Nemdahl] questions [Semirhage] as [Cadsuane|Cadsuane Melaidhrin] listens from outside the room, eavesdropping with a weave of [Spirit|One Power]. Her [Warder|Warders] [Vitalien|vitalien] is with her. [Daigian|Daigian Moseneillin], [Erian|Erian Boroleos] and [Elza|Elza Penfell] hold her shield. [Cadsuane|Cadsuane Melaidhrin] wants to do some questioning, but [Merise|Merise Haindehl] already failed and she does not want to risk failing as well. A serving woman brings a midday meal and [Semirhage] hurls it to the floor. [Sarene|Sarene Nemdahl] tries to appease her, sending for another meal. [Cadsuane|Cadsuane Melaidhrin] realizes that that is the problem, they have been respecting her. [Cadsuane|Cadsuane Melaidhrin] enters the room, knocks [Semirhage] off her feet and proceeds to spank her. She sends for maids and servants to come and watch. [Semirhage] finally howls in humiliation and eats the spilled meal off the floor. As she leaves, [Cadsuane|Cadsuane Melaidhrin] tells [Sarene|Sarene Nemdahl] to get a hairbrush for the next time. She begins wondering again what to do about [Rand|Rand alThor].
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! __Perrin__ POV

[Perrin|Perrin Aybara] tries to manage his camp and the refuges. He spends all his time managing disputes that [Balwer|Sebban Balwer] brings to him. He had focus when he was rescuing [Faile|Zarine Bashere], but not now. He feels [Rand|Rand alThor] pulling him, northward now. [Grady|Jur Grady] explains that he and [Neald|Fager Neald] are still tired. At best, it would take days for all the refugees to pass through gateways they could make. The quartermaster, [Bavin Rockshaw], sees to distribution of food to the refugees. [Tod al'Caar] and [Jori Congar] salute as he walks by. They respect him even though they still talk about his night in [Berelain|Berelain sur Paendrag]'s tent. [Perrin|Perrin Aybara] worries about his rage during battle. In a recent visit to the wolf dream he nearly killed [Hopper].[1] He thinks it is time to return to the wolf dream to look for answers.
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! Notes (Possible Spoilers)

[#1] [Perrin|Perrin Aybara] thinks of this as "recent". This may have happened off-screen or it may be the incident of [WH,Ch5] though that was more than two months ago.
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