One of [Perrin]'s horses.

! Physical Description

He is a dun stallion, heavy in shoulder and haunch. ([TSR,Ch18])

! Chronology (Possible Spoilers)

* [Perrin] names his horse Stepper. ([TDR,Ch1])
* [Perrin] rides Stepper along the [Lugard] Road to [Remen]. ([TDR,Ch33])
* [Perrin] readies Stepper and the other horses to leave [Remen]. ([TDR,Ch35])
* [Perrin] rides Stepper northeast out of [Illian|Illian (City)]. ([TDR,Ch44])
* [Perrin] rides Stepper from the [Stone of Tear] to the [Waygate|Ways]. ([TSR,Ch18])
* [Perrin] rides Stepper through the [Ways] to the site of ancient [Manetheren]. ([TSR,Ch27])
* [Perrin] rides Stepper into [Emond's Field|Emonds Field]. ([TSR,Ch29])
* At the old sickhouse, [Tam] and [Perrin] admire Stepper and [Swallow] before they go for a walk with [Perrin]. ([TSR,Ch31])
* [Perrin] rides Stepper north to rescue the prisoners from the [Whitecloaks]. ([TSR,Ch32])
* [Perrin] rides Stepper as he and his band hunt [Trollocs]. ([TSR,Ch40])
* [Verin] leads Stepper with [Perrin] aboard to the [Winespring Inn]. ([TSR,Ch43])
* [Perrin] rides Stepper through [Emond's Field|Emonds Field]. ([TSR,Ch44])
* [Perrin] rides Stepper during the battle of [Emond's Field|Emonds Field]. ([TSR,Ch56])
* [Perrin] rides Stepper from the [Two Rivers] to [Caemlyn]. ([LoC,Ch45])
* The [Two Rivers] men bring Stepper and [Swallow] with them when they follow [Perrin] from [Caemlyn] to [Cairhien|Cairhien (Country)]. ([LoC,Ch54])
* [Perrin] is riding Stepper the day after [Dumai's Wells|Dumais Wells]. ([ACoS,Ch1])
* [Perrin] brings Stepper and [Stayer] with him to [Ghealdan]. ([TPoD,Ch9])
* [Perrin] rides Stepper while he scouts [Bethal]. ([TPoD,Ch7])
* [Perrin] would like to help take care of Stepper and [Stayer], but the farriers would be insulted if he did. ([TPoD,Ch9])
* As he prepares to go after [Faile], [Perrin] sends [Kenly Maerin] to saddle Stepper. ([WH,Ch6])
* [Perrin] rides Stepper to scout around the camp. ([CoT,Ch5])
* [Perrin] rides Stepper near the camp. ([CoT,Ch8])
* [Perrin] rides Stepper to his first meeting with [Tylee|Tylee Khirgan]. ([KoD,Ch4])
* [Perrin] rides Stepper to inspect the aqueduct east of [Malden]. ([KoD,Ch26])
* [Perrin] rides Stepper to his parley with [Galad]. ([ToM,Ch26])
* [Perrin] rides Stepper to his trial. ([ToM,Ch34])
* [Perrin] rides Stepper back to his camp. ([ToM,Ch35])
* [Perrin] rides Stepper to rescue the [Whitecloaks]. ([ToM,Ch40])
* [Perrin] rides Stepper to battle the [Trollocs]. ([ToM,Ch41])

! Other References (Possible Spoilers)

# In [The Shadow Rising]
## [TSR,Ch18] - Stepper often frisks in quick steps that caused [Perrin] to give him his name.
# In [Lord of Chaos]
## [LoC,Ch55] - [Perrin] walks into the battle at [Dumai's Wells|Dumais Wells] because he cannot bear the thought of taking Stepper or [Stayer] into the slaughter.

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