TODO. Maybe after [A Memory of Light].

We'll see if we can do this. No guarantees. This is definitely a work in progress and it %%(color:red)__is not working yet__%%.

Check the boxes next to the books that you want visible in the Notes, Chronology and Other References lists.

[{FormOutput form='spoilerForm'}]
[{FormOpen form='spoilerForm' handler='SpoilerPlugin' populate='handler'}]
[{FormInput type='checkbox' name='ns' value='display'}] New Spring\\
[{FormInput type='checkbox' name='teotw' value='display'}] The Eye of the World\\
[{FormInput type='checkbox' name='tgh' value='display'}] The Great Hunt\\
[{FormInput type='checkbox' name='tdr' value='display'}] The Dragon Reborn\\
[{FormInput type='checkbox' name='tsr' value='display'}] The Shadow Rising\\
[{FormInput type='checkbox' name='tfoh' value='display'}] The Fires of Heaven\\
[{FormInput type='checkbox' name='loc' value='display'}] Lord of Chaos\\
[{FormInput type='checkbox' name='acos' value='display'}] A Crown of Swords\\
[{FormInput type='checkbox' name='tpod' value='display'}] The Path of Daggers\\
[{FormInput type='checkbox' name='wh' value='display'}] Winter's Heart\\
[{FormInput type='checkbox' name='cot' value='display'}] Crossroads of Twilight\\
[{FormInput type='checkbox' name='kod' value='display'}] Knife of Dreams\\
[{FormInput type='checkbox' name='tgs' value='display'}] The Gathering Storm\\
[{FormInput type='checkbox' name='tom' value='display'}] Towers of Midnight\\
[{FormInput type='checkbox' name='amol' value='display'}] A Memory of Light\\

[{FormInput type='submit' name='updateButton' value='Update Spoiler Settings'}]