Pronunciation: SAHM-may-EHL 
[{LinkedImagePlugin image-src='Pronunciation/soundbut.gif' href='Pronunciation/sammael.wav'}]

aka: Lord Brend, Tel Janin Aellinsar, Caddar

One of the [Forsaken]. His real name was Tel Janin Aellinsar. In the [Old Tongue] Sammael means "Destroyer of Hope."

! Physical Description

He is solid and compact with a quick stride and an abrupt manner. He has blue eyes and golden hair with a neat, square trimmed beard. ([TFoH,Prologue]) He is slightly taller than average, muscular and solid, with blue eyes, golden hair and a square cut beard. He has a livid scar from hairline to beard. ([ACoS,Ch15])

| [{Image src='sammael_aol.jpg' width='200'}] Sammael in the Age of Legends\\ - by [Dabel Brothers Production|] | [{Image src='sammael_wot.jpg' width='200'}] Sammael 998 NE

! Points of View

See Sammael's [chapter points of view|Sammael POV].

! Chronology (Possible Spoilers)

* Tel Janin is a leader in the fight against the [Dark One|ShaiTan] before he forsakes the Light. ([TDR,Ch50])
* Tel Janin turns to the [Shadow|Creator] because of his jealousy of [Lews Therin|Lews Therin Telamon]. [Graendal] brings him to [Shayol Ghul]. ([LoC,Ch6])
* Tel Janin is named Sammael, Destroyer of Hope, after he betrays the [Gates of Hevan|Age of Legends] and brings the [Shadow|Creator] into [Rorn M'doi|Age of Legends] and [Satelle|Age of Legends]. ([TFoH,Ch44])
* [Lews Therin|Lews Therin Telamon] gives Sammael the scar on his face. He keeps it as a mark of remembrance. ([TFoH,Prologue])
* During the [Shadow War], he leads an attack on the region where the [access keys|Control Statue] for the [Choedan Kal] are being built. They are lost so the [Choedan Kal] are never used. ([SaSG|The Strike at Shayol Ghul])
* The thirteen [Forsaken] meet with the [Great Lord|ShaiTan] in the [Pit of Doom|Shayol Ghul]. [Lews Therin|Lews Therin Telamon] and his companions seal the [Bore|Creator], trapping the [Forsaken] for over three thousand years.
* Sammael sets himself up to rule [Illian|Illian (Country)] as Lord Brend, one of the [Council of Nine|Illian (Country)]. ([TDR,Ch42], [TDR,Ch44])
* Sammael sends a [Darkhound] to track [Moiraine|Moiraine Damodred]. ([TDR,Ch44])
* Sammael sends a pack of [Darkhound] to kill [Moiraine|Moiraine Damodred], [Lan|al'Lan Mandragoran], [Perrin|Perrin Aybara], [Loial] and [Faile|Zarine Bashere]. ([TDR,Ch44])
* Sammael sends a force of [Fades|Fade], [Trollocs] and [Darkfriends] to attack the [Stone of Tear]. ([LoC,Ch6])
* [Rahvin], [Lanfear], Sammael, and [Graendal] meet in [Rahvin]'s quarters in the [Royal Palace] in [Caemlyn]. [Lanfear] proposes that the four of them work together to control [Rand|Rand alThor]. Sammael is furious that [Asmodean] is a traitor and vows to kill him on sight. ([TFoH,Prologue])
* [Demandred], [Graendal], [Lanfear], [Rahvin], Sammael and [Semirhage] all stalk each other in %%ot [Tel'aran'rhiod|TelAranRhiod]%%. ([TFoH,Ch14])
* [Graendal], [Rahvin], Sammael, and [Lanfear] plan to trap [Rand|Rand alThor]. Sammael waffles because he is to be the bait while the other three wait linked. ([TFoH,Ch34])
* As [Rand|Rand alThor] tires from battle, Sammael sends lightning bolts that destroy [Rand|Rand alThor]'s tower nearly killing him. Sammael attacks at least one more time during the battle. ([TFoH,Ch44])
* Sammael finds [Sevanna] in [Kinslayer's Dagger|Kinslayers Dagger] and gives her a [call box]. ([LoC,Prologue])
* Sammael does not attend [Demandred]'s meeting. ([LoC,Prologue])
* Sammael meets with [Graendal] in her palace in [Arad Doman]. She tries to distract him from her real intentions and goad him into going after [Rand|Rand alThor]. He thinks that he has his lines of retreat prepared. He thinks [Demandred] is responsible for events to the south. ([LoC,Ch6])
* Sammael finds a [stasis box] with some goodies in it. ([LoC,Ch23])
* Sammael sends [Andris] to [Rand|Rand alThor] with an offer of a truce. ([LoC,Ch17])
* [Graendal] visits Sammael in [Illian|Illian (City)]. He claims that he has a truce with [Rand|Rand alThor]. He winds up in charge. He plans to be the only one left on the day of return to fight [Rand|Rand alThor]. ([LoC,Ch23])
* Sammael arrives at [Carridin|Jaichim Carridin]'s quarters in [Ebou Dar]. He is surprised when [Carridin|Jaichim Carridin] tells him that [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] is in [Ebou Dar] and mutters something about betrayal. He orders [Carridin|Jaichim Carridin] to leave [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] alone unless he interferes and to keep looking for the stash of %%ot *[angreal|Angreal]%%. When [Carridin|Jaichim Carridin] tells him there are [Aes Sedai] in the city he says he will send ... someone ... to help. He gates to some place full of columns and mist. ([ACoS,Ch15])
* Sammael and [Graendal] meet with [Sevanna]. He is disguised masquerading as Caddar. He tells [Sevanna] to keep after [Rand|Rand alThor] and, if she takes him, he will bring her something that will control him. ([ACoS,Ch20])
* Sammael and [Graendal] meet again with [Sevanna|sevanna] six days later. He gives her a [binder|Oath Rod] he got the previous day and tells her again he will bring her something to control [Rand|Rand alThor]. He sends the [Shaido] through gateways scattering them from [Illian|Illian (Country)] to [Ghealdan] but does not realize that [Sevanna] takes all of the [channeling|True Source] [Wise Ones|Aiel] with her to [Ghealdan]. ([ACoS,Ch40])
* When [Rand|Rand alThor]'s forces reach the hillforts Sammael appears immediately to take part in the battle. Sammael [Travels|Weaves] into [Illian|Illian (City)] several hours after [Rand|Rand alThor] and the [Asha'man] arrive. He [Travels|Weaves] to [Shadar Logoth|Aridhol (City)] and [Rand|Rand alThor] follows. [Rand|Rand alThor] spots him near the [Waygate|Ways] and begins to [balefire|Weaves] him. Before he can, [Rand|Rand alThor] is distracted by [Liah]. When he turns back, the area where Sammael stood is covered by [Mashadar]. Sammael is dead. ([ACoS,Ch41])

! Other References (Possible Spoilers)

# In [The Dragon Reborn]
## [TDR,Ch6] - First mention of Sammael as one of the [Forsaken].
## [TDR,Ch42] - [Nieda] reports to [Moiraine|Moiraine Damodred] that Lord Brend appeared before winter and now leads the [Council of Nine|Illian (Country)]. 
## [TDR,Ch44] - [Moiraine|Moiraine Damodred] learns that Lord Brend is, in fact, Sammael.
## [TDR,Ch50] - [Be'lal|BeLal] and Sammael are both masters of the sword.
# In [The Shadow Rising]
## [TSR,Ch6] - [Moiraine|Moiraine Damodred] wants [Rand|Rand alThor] to make war on [Illian|Illian (Country)] and Sammael.
## [TSR,Ch9] - [Lanfear] warns [Rand|Rand alThor] that Sammael, [Rahvin] and [Moghedien] fear him too much to wait.
## [TSR,Ch21] - [Moiraine|Moiraine Damodred] still thinks [Rand|Rand alThor] should attack Sammael in [Illian|Illian (Country)].
## [TSR,Ch39] - [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] tells [Bayle Domon] that Sammael now runs [Illian|Illian (Country)].
## [TSR,Ch57] - [Lanfear] tells [Rand|Rand alThor] that [Asmodean] is his only option as a teacher. [Demandred], [Rahvin] or Sammael would kill him.
## [TSR,Ch58] - [Lanfear] warns [Rand|Rand alThor] to use [Asmodean] wisely. [Demandred] with his hatred, [Rahvin] with his lust for power or Sammael with his envy will come after him if they learn he has the [control statue|Control Statue].
# In [The Fires of Heaven]
## [TFoH,Prologue] - Sammael likes to dupe his enemies into thinking they can take him by surprise. Sammael's way of attack is always armies and open conquest.
## [TFoH,Ch2] - [Rand|Rand alThor] is reluctant to go after Sammael because he might find others there as well waiting for him.
## [TFoH,Ch3] - [Asmodean] confirms to [Rand|Rand alThor] that Sammael is in [Illian|Illian (Country)].
## [TFoH,Ch6] - [Rand|Rand alThor] questions [Lanfear]'s assertion that [Rahvin] sent the [Darkhound]. Why not [Demandred] or Sammael or [Semirhage] or [Moghedien]?
## [TFoH,Ch22] - [Shadowspawn] and [Darkfriends] attack [Rand|Rand alThor]'s camp yelling, "Sammael and the Golden Bees." Later, [Rand|Rand alThor] and [Asmodean] discuss whether the attack came from Sammael or one of the other [Forsaken]. [Rand|Rand alThor] recalls that Sammael tried to bait him the same way at [Serendahar|Age of Legends].
## [TFoH,Ch22] - Sammael always wished he were taller and resented it that the [One Power] could not make him so.
## [TFoH,Ch44] - [Rand|Rand alThor] recalls that Sammael's real name was Tel Janin and that he was intensely jealous. He recalls some of Sammael's infamous exploits during the [Shadow War] and that he was named Destroyer of Hope.
## [TFoH,Ch45] - [Rand|Rand alThor] remembers that Sammael's full name was Tel Janin Aellinsar.
## [TFoH,Ch45] - [Rand|Rand alThor] thinks that he has at least made a start against Sammael by sending [Weiramon|Weiramon Saniago] back to [Tear|Tear (Country)].
## [TFoH,Ch46] - [Rand|Rand alThor] knows that he must secure [Cairhien|Cairhien (Country)] before he can move against Sammael.
## [TFoH,Ch47] - [Egwene|Egwene alVere] reports that [Rand|Rand alThor] won a great victory over Sammael's forces.
## [TFoH,Ch51] - [Rand|Rand alThor] is concentrating on Sammael, building his army in [Tear|Tear (Country)].
## [TFoH,Ch51] - [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] thinks the [Melindhra|melindhra]'s nine bees dagger means that Sammael ordered her to kill him.
## [TFoH,Ch52] - [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] tells [Rand|Rand alThor] about the attack. [Rand|Rand alThor] says he will deal with Sammael later.
## [TFoH,Ch54] - [Moghedien] tells [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] that [Graendal], [Lanfear], [Rahvin] and Sammael are plotting against [Rand|Rand alThor]. They will draw him to Sammael and the others will be waiting. At least [Rahvin] and [Graendal] will. She thinks [Lanfear] has other plans.
## [TFoH,Ch56] - Thinking of Sammael in [Illian|Illian (Country)], the rest of the [Forsaken] and the [Seanchan|Seanchan (People)], [Rand|Rand alThor] tells [Bashere|Davram Bashere] that there will be blood and death before there is peace.
# In [Lord of Chaos]
## [LoC,Prologue] - [Graendal] reports to [Demandred] that Sammael will not attend their meeting. He is too busy with army and his hunt for %%ot [angreal|Angreal]%%. [Demandred] replies that they are to tell Sammael nothing about the [Great Lord|ShaiTan]'s orders.
## [LoC,Ch4] - [Rand|Rand alThor] discusses Sammael's defenses in [Illian|Illian (Country)].
## [LoC,Ch5] - [Rand|Rand alThor] visits [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] and rants about finishing Sammael. He always thinks in straight lines so he can be gulled.
## [LoC,Ch7] - [Elayne|Elayne Trakand] worries about Sammael being only a few hundred miles away.
## [LoC,Ch14] - [Anaiya] first thinks the bubble of evil in [Salidar] is an attack by Sammael.
## [LoC,Ch16] - [Andris] arrives at the [Royal Palace] at [Caemlyn] with a message from Sammael offering a truce. [Rand|Rand alThor] angrily turns it down.
## [LoC,Ch17] - [Rhuarc] and [Berelain|Berelain sur Paendrag] report to [Rand|Rand alThor] on rebellions and other problems, but [Rand|Rand alThor] insists that they remain focused on Sammael.
## [LoC,Ch28] - [Rand|Rand alThor] and [Taim|Mazrim Taim] talk about Sammael's defenses.
## [LoC,Ch33] - When [Rand|Rand alThor] sends [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] to [Salidar], [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] worries that this might draw Sammael's attention away from [Tear|Tear (Country)] but [Rand|Rand alThor] is not concerned.
## [LoC,Ch42] - When [Rand|Rand alThor] threatens [Taim|Mazrim Taim] about staying away from the [Aes Sedai], [Taim|Mazrim Taim] asks if he will be held responsible if, say, Sammael or [Demandred] decides to kill an [Aes Sedai].
## [LoC,Ch50] - [Lews Therin|Lews Therin Telamon] mutters about killing Sammael and [Demandred].
## [LoC,Ch51] - [Lews Therin|Lews Therin Telamon] mutters that he will kill [Demandred] first, then Sammael.
## [LoC,Ch53] - [Sevanna|sevanna] still has Sammael's [call box] but she decides not to use it after she sees [Rand|Rand alThor].
# In [A Crown of Swords]
## [ACoS,Ch7] - In [Rand|Rand alThor]'s head [Lews Therin|Lews Therin Telamon] rants about killing Sammael and [Demandred] whenever he sees the [Asha'man].
## [ACoS,Ch7] - From [Lews Therin|Lews Therin Telamon] [Rand|Rand alThor] knows that Sammael was at his best defending. [Rand|Rand alThor] thinks about Sammael's hillforts in the [Doirlon Hills] just inside [Illian|Illian (Country)]. He is worried about finding the missing [little fat man] before their confrontation.
## [ACoS,Ch8] - [Egwene|Egwene alVere] thinks Sammael, [Asmodean] or [Demandred] freed [Moghedien].
## [ACoS,Ch40] - [Graendal] questions whether he will succeed but cannot bring herself to break her tie to him yet.
# In [The Path of Daggers]
## [TPoD,Ch2] - [Moridin] things Sammael is a fool for spending so much time and effort trying to get the %%ot *[angreal|Angreal]%% stash.
## [TPoD,Ch11] - [Sevanna] finally acknowledges to the other [Wise Ones|Aiel] that Caddar might have betrayed them.
## [TPoD,Ch12] - After Sammael vanished [Graendal] rummaged through his quarters in the [Great Hall of the Council] in [Illian|Illian (City)] and found a small [gold ring] %%ot [angreal|Angreal]%% attuned to women.
## [TPoD,Ch12] - [Cyndane] tells [Graendal] that Sammael is dead. [Graendal] acknowledges only an occasional contact with Sammael.
## [TPoD,Ch13] - [Rand|Rand alThor] confronts a group of soldiers who followed Lord Brend and gives them an ultimatum - join him or lay down their arms.
## [TPoD,Ch13] - [Rand|Rand alThor] wonders if Sammael might be responsible for the [Aiel] scattered across [Illian|Illian (Country)].
## [TPoD,Ch21] - Many of the [Illianers|Illian (Country)] who followed Lord Brend have joined [Rand|Rand alThor]'s army.
# In [Crossroads of Twilight]
## [CoT,Prologue] - [Rand|Rand alThor] gets the blame for all the [Aiel] on [Almoth Plain] though it was really Sammael's doing.
# In [Knife of Dreams]
## [KoD,Ch3] - [Moridin] has eleven chairs at the [Forsaken] meeting. [Aran'gar|AranGar] does not understand why because [Asmodean], [Be'lal|BeLal], [Rahvin] and Sammael are dead.
## [KoD,Ch3] - [Moridin] is angry that someone masquerading as Sammael sent tens of thousands of [Trollocs] into the [Ways].
## [KoD,Ch18] - The image [Rand|Rand alThor] sees in his head is the man who saved his life when he was chasing Sammael in [Shadar Logoth|Aridhol (City)].
# In [The Gathering Storm]
## [TGS,Prologue] - [Graendal] is sure that [Rand|Rand alThor] killed Sammael at [Shadar Logoth|Aridhol (City)].
## [TGS,Ch22] - [Rand|Rand alThor] wonders why [Moridin] saved him in [Shadar Logoth|Aridhol (City)] when he was fighting Sammael.
## [TGS,Ch37] - [Rand|Rand alThor] says [Graendal] cannot be goaded like Sammael or [Rahvin].
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