[Selucia]'s horse

! Physical Description

Rosebud is a dun mare. ([KoD,Ch10])

! Chronology (Possible Spoilers)

* After [Mat] begins riding with [Tuon], [Selucia] gets her own horse and names her Rosebud. ([KoD,Ch10])
* [Tuon] rides [Akein] and [Selucia] rides Rosebud to the camp of the [Band of the Red Hand]. ([KoD,Ch26])
* [Mat] rides [Pips], [Tuon] rides [Akein] and [Selucia] rides Rosebud and [Mat] prepares for another encounter with the [Seanchan (People)] army. ([KoD,Ch27])
* [Tuon] rides [Akein] and [Selucia] rides Rosebud when they return to [Ebou Dar] with [Karede|Furyk Karede]. ([KoD,Ch36])

! Other References (Possible Spoilers)


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