One of the [{ReferringPagesPlugin exclude='Category*' page='Category.Aiel Clans' show='count'}] [Aiel] [clans]. ! Members * [Dhearic] (clan chief) * [Desora] - of the [Musara] sept * [Urien] - of the [Two Spires] sept ! Septs * [Musara] * [Two Spires] ! References (Possible Spoilers) %%collapse # In the [Guide] ## [Guide] - The Reyn was one of the clans that invaded the [Westlands|Geography#west] in the [Aiel War]. # In [The Great Hunt] ## [TGH,Ch28] - [Urien] introduces himself as a [Red Shield] of the [Two Spires] sept of the Reyn [Aiel]. # In [The Shadow Rising] ## [TSR,Ch49] - [Dhearic] is clan chief of the Reyn. # In [The Fires of Heaven] ## [TFoH,Ch20] - [Dhearic] and the Reyn join [Rand]. ## [TFoH,Ch21] - The Reyn's lands are in the northern part of the [Aiel Waste]. # In [A Crown of Swords] ## [ACoS,Ch40] - When [Sammael] disperses the [Shaido] most of the [Moshaine] sept is sent to a region where they encounter thousands of hostile Reyn. # In [The Path of Daggers] ## [TPoD,Ch13] - [Desora] was a member of the [Musara] Reyn. %% %%cat-border [Categories|WikiCategory]: [Special.Organizations] | [Category.Aiel Clans] | [Category.Reyn] %%