One of the twelve [Aiel] warrior societies. %%ot t[Aethan Dor|Compleat]%% in the [Old Tongue].

! Members

* [Juranai] (leader)
* [Cassin]
* [Dedric]
* [Rhuarc] - before becoming clan chief
* [Urien]

! References (Possible Spoilers)

# In [The Great Hunt]
## [TGH,Ch28] - [Urien] introduces himself as a Red Shield of the [Two Spires] sept of the [Reyn] [Aiel].
## [The Great Hunt],Glossary - Red Shields act as police.
# In [The Dragon Reborn]
## [TDR,Ch54] - [Rhuarc] introduces himself to [Mat] and [Juilin] as [Nine Valleys] sept of the [Taardad] [Aiel]. He was once a Red Shield, %%ot Aethan Dor%% in the [Old Tongue].
## [TDR,Ch54] - Among the [Aiel], Red Shields often serve as thief-catchers.
# In [The Shadow Rising]
## [TSR,Ch22] - When [Rand] and the [Aiel] leave [Tear|City of Tear], [Rhuarc] orders six of the [Aiel] societies, Red Shields, [Brothers of the Eagle], [Water Seekers], [Maidens of the Spear], [Black Eyes] and [Thunder Walkers], to spread out to look for the [Portal Stone].
## [TSR,Ch50] - Red Shields accompany [Rhuarc] for his honor because he was a Red Shield before becoming clan chief.
## [TSR,Ch57] - Red Shields accompany [Rhuarc] as they approach [Alcair Dal].
# In [The Fires of Heaven]
## [TFoH,Ch41] - [Juranai] leads the Red Shields under [Rhuarc].
## [TFoH,Ch54] - Members of every society including Red Shields accompany [Rand] to [Caemlyn].
# In [Lord of Chaos]
## [LoC,Ch10] - Red Shields help [Bashere]'s men police [Caemlyn].
## [LoC,Ch16] - Red Shields guard [Rand] along with the [Maidens].
## [LoC,Ch17] - Red Shields and [Maidens] accompany [Rand] when he [Travels|Weaves] from [Caemlyn] to [Cairhien|City of Cairhien|Cairhien (City)].
## [LoC,Ch19] - [Cassin] is a Red Shield of the [Goshien].
More [Category Organizations]