| [{Image src='Official Trailer Breakdown/Official WoT Trailer.jpg' link='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPAYuCt7Eco' width='500' align='center'}] | [{Image src='Official Trailer Breakdown/The Wheel of Time Exclusive Trailer Breakdown with Showrunner Rafe Judkins - IGN First.png' link='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cjq7iHhuTG0' width='500' align='center'}]

The text here is directly taken from the [official Wheel of Time Twitter account|https://twitter.com/TheWheelOfTime] on [this thread|https://twitter.com/TheWheelOfTime/status/1453390849354579969] in full, with links to pages on our site added. Also information from Rafe's cut is also included.

* [Moiraine] stands in front of a hazy blue background, her eyes closed at first. Cut to an overhead shot of a group of [Aes Sedai] in [red|Red Ajah], [green|Green Ajah] and [blue|Blue Ajah] as the Prime Video logo appears. [Moiraine]’s hand in a blue sleeve grasps a [white and gold rod|Oath Rod].
* Closeup of her hand and another hand in a gold sleeve as [channels|True Source] of the [One Power] twine around the [rod|Oath Rod]. Cut to a shot of [Moiraine], a [Red Sister|Red Ajah] and a [Green Sister|Green Ajah] all channeling similar [Weaves] in a cave lit by torches.
* [Logain|Logain Ablar] is in the same cave and they seem to be [channeling|True Source] against him. Cut to [Thom]’s face and voice in a very dark location. Smash cut back to the [Amyrlin|Aes Sedai] seat in a great, white hall, surrounded by Sitters of the Seven Ajahs.
* The Sitters are standing in a circle with [Moiraine] in the center, her [kesiera] visible on her forehead as she looks up at the [Amyrlin Seat|Siuan Sanche] who is dressed in gold and white. Words appear on the screen “Based on the Best-Selling Book Series by Robert Jordan”.
* Cut to [Moiraine] standing at the top of a tall building, looking outward, then to another shot of her riding a horse through a forest. In the next shot, [Lan] looks up at her on her horse as he asks her, “Where next?”
* Cut to a wide shot of a group of people walking through a lush green mountain meadow. An overhead shot of a woman in a blue-green pool of water, her arms outstretched as she spins. [Nynaeve] seems to be watching her.
* Cut to a shot of [Egwene], standing in a shaft of light in a dark place, then a shot of [Mat], [Rand] and [Perrin] sitting at a table outside, drinking together and smiling. Cut to darkness then to a shot of a horse’s hooves on a muddy, rainy street.
* As [Moiraine] says “The [Dark One|Shaitan] is waking, a quick shot of a [myrddraal|Fade] and then a wide shot of the heroes riding into an abandoned city.
* Cut to [Egwene]’s back on horseback as she turns to face camera, then a shot of [Perrin] sweating and breathing heavy in a torchlit room. Cut to [Nynaeve], drenched and tossing her long braid over her right shoulder.
* [Mat] draws a dagger as [Rand] knocks an arrow in his bow. Closeup on [Moiraine] who is standing in a field, then smash cut to the seven heroes riding fast across a sandy plain.
* Cut to [Mat] who seems beaten up, then a wide shot of [Perrin], [Egwene] and Rand all standing on a high vista with an impressive view of mountains around them.
* Cut back to them all standing in a scene of devastation among a smoldering ruin of an inn. [Moiraine], [Lan] and Egwene look up to the hills to see hundreds of torches being carried in the distance.
* Cut to shots of [trollocs], bearing torches and running through the woods. A [trolloc] bursts through a door, smashing it. It swings a sword and nearly misses two men. Quick cut to [Perrin] as he asks, “What can we do?”
* Cut back to [Tam al’Thor] unsheathing a sword and fighting a [trolloc] as [Rand] fires an arrow at it. A horse rides through a misty forest and a quick shot of [Lan] laying [Moiraine]’s body on a dark forest floor.
* Wide, overhead shot of a walled fortress, then cut to the backs of a group of armed men walking through double doors. Another shot shows a [man with a topknot|Shienar] standing in a round portal looking out onto what appears to be a balcony.
* Cut to a [woman dressed in yellow|Yellow Ajah] being burnt at the stake as a [man|Eamon Valda] dressed in pristine white watches on and drinks from a silver goblet.
* The same [man|Eamon Valda] attaches a ring to a string holding other rings. [Lan], dressed all in white, beats a fist against his chest and cries out in pain as [Moiraine], also in white, watches.
* A wide shot of smoldering buildings and a burnt tree cuts to [Rand] in a courtyard lit by torches, then to [Perrin] and [Egwene], back to back, as [men in white|Children of the Light] on horseback circle them.
* Someone slips a dagger out of their sleeve then a quick shot [Egwene] saying “You won’t.” Several quick shots of several women being attacked by [trollocs] and fighting back. Then a shot of eight people standing in front of a [Waygate|Ways].
* A fast shot of someone fighting a [trolloc] cuts to [Nynaeve], running through a dark forest. Next, an army of [trollocs] roars before [Moiraine] channels and hurls fireballs at them.
* Cut to [Logain|Logain Ablar] surrounded by metal bars that are melting then cut to someone trying to stab him as [weaves] stop the blade mid-air. In a forest, a [Green Sister|Green Ajah] stands in a forest, unharmed as it explodes around her. [Trollocs] charge as men in armor level crossbows.
* Cut to [someone|Aiel] dressed in white cloth with two spears on their back, walking through snow with dead people on the ground around them. Another shot shows a similarly-dressed person leaping in the air and pulling a person in armor by their yellow cape.
* Quick shots of a figure walking in the smoke, then another shot of [Rand] drawing his bow.
* Cut to an overhead shot of the round chamber of the [Amyrlin Seat|Aes Sedai] that dissolves into a metallic snake, coiling in a circle and swallowing its own tail as the words "The Wheel of Time" unfurl underneath it.
* The words "Amazon Original Series" appear at the top of the screen as "November Nineteenth, Experience The Full Trailer in Three Hundred and Sixty Degrees on YouTube" appears at the bottom. [Perrin] and [Egwene] sit around a campfire, talking.
* Cut away to shots of a [myrddraal|Fade] and another of Mat, shots of [Lan] and [Perrin] both fighting [trollocs], then a shot of a group of people stabbing something with pitchforks and spears.
* [Rand] blows out a candle before we cut back to [Egwene] and [Perrin] at the campfire as she says “No.” Cut to the Prime Video logo on a blue background. At the bottom it says, “Included with Prime. Restrictions apply. See  [http://amazon.com/amazonprime|https://t.co/TuhTTC3MlL?amp=1]  for details.