Leader of a pack of wolves in the [wolf dream|TelAranRhiod].

! Physical Description

She is a youthful female, a pelt so light it is almost white with a black streak on her right side. ([ToM,Ch4])

! Chronology (Possible Spoilers)

* In the [wolf dream|TelAranRhiod], [Hopper], [Boundless], [Morninglight], Oak Dancer, [Sparks] and [Whisperer] invite [Perrin] to hunt. ([ToM,Ch4])
* In the [wolf dream|TelAranRhiod] [Perrin] can sense [Boundless], Oak Dancer and [Sparks] nearby. ([ToM,Ch18])
* [Hopper], Oak Dancer, [Boundless], [Sparks] and [Morninglight] teach [Perrin] how to follow in the [wolf dream|TelAranRhiod]. [Perrin] kills [Morninglight] and [Hopper] then agrees to teach [Perrin]. ([ToM,Ch24])
* [Perrin] practices with [Hopper] when they hear calls of distress. Oak Dancer, [Boundless] and [Sparks] are trapped in the violet dome. [Sparks] is wounded and [Whisperer] is dead. ([ToM,Ch28])
* Only [Hopper], [Boundless], Oak Dancer and [Sparks] are left in the [wolf dream|TelAranRhiod]. All the other wolves have gone north. [Perrin] kills Oak Dancer and wounds [Sparks], but [Sparks] finds the [dreamspike] and [Perrin] takes it. ([ToM,Ch35])

! Other References (Possible Spoilers)

# In [Towers of Midnight]
## [ToM,Ch4] - She is named Oak Dancer for the way she scampered between saplings as a whelp.
More [Category Creatures], [Category Wolves]