Pronunciation: mahn-EHTH-ehr-ehn [{LinkedImagePlugin image-src='Pronunciation//soundbut.gif' href='Pronunciation/manetheren.wav' }]

One of the [Ten Nations of the Second Covenant|History] which formed after the [Breaking]. It was destroyed during the [Trolloc Wars].  About two hundred years into the Wars, a massive force of [Trollocs] and [Dreadlords] attacked wiping out most of the Manetheren forces and finally killing King [Aemon|Aemon al Caar al Thorin]. Queen [Eldrene|Eldrene ay Ellan ay Carlan], feeling his death, countered with a blast of the [One Power] that wiped out the [Trolloc|Trollocs] army but also destroyed her and the entire city of Manetheren as well.

! Location

Manetheren was a large country covering most of present day [Andor] and [Ghealdan].

! Ruling Body

The ruler at the time of the signing of the Compact was Queen Sorella ay Marena.

! Towns/Cities

* Manetheren (capital) - [Waygate|Ways]
* Corartheren
* Jara'copan
* Shanaine - site of present day [Jehannah]

! Other Sites

* [Midean's Ford|Mideans Ford]

! References (Possible Spoilers)

# In [Prophesies of the Dragon|Guide#4]
## [PotD|Guide#4] - Jara'copan lay south of the city of Manetheren in the foothills of the [Mountains of Mist].
# In [The Eye of the World]
## [TEotW,Ch9] - Manetheren was destroyed during the [Trolloc Wars]. About two hundred years into the Wars, a massive force of [Trollocs] and [Dreadlords] attacked wiping out most of the Manetheren forces and finally killing King [Aemon|Aemon al Caar al Thorin]. Queen [Eldrene|Eldrene ay Ellan ay Carlan], feeling his death, countered with a blast of the [One Power] that wiped out the [Trolloc|Trollocs] army but also destroyed her and the entire city of Manetheren as well.
## [TEotW,Ch19] - Prince [Caar] of Manetheren went to [Aridhol|Aridhol (City)] to bring them back to the Light. After he was imprisoned, another force from Manetheren went to [Aridhol|Aridhol (City)] but found it deserted.
## [TEotW,Ch36] - When [Rand] mentions Manetheren, [Loial] says "We could not come in time."
## [TEotW,Ch45] - There was a [Waygate|Ways] near the city of Manetheren.
## [TEotW,Ch47] - The [Ogier] grove at Manetheren was the most beautiful of all except for [Tar Valon].
# In [The Great Hunt]
## [TGH,Ch5] - [Tetsuan] betrayed Manetheren out of jealousy of [Ellisande|Eldrene ay Ellan ay Carlan].
# In [The Dragon Reborn]
## [TDR,Ch24] - [Mat] tells [Hammar] that he is from Manetheren.
## [TDR,Ch35] - According to [Saldaean|Saldaea] history, every Queen of Manetheren was [Aes Sedai] and the King was her [Warder|Warder]. Manetheren was a large land covering most of present day [Ghealdan] and [Andor].
# In [The Shadow Rising]
## [TSR,Ch16] - [Loial] agrees to take [Perrin] and [Faile] to the [Two Rivers] via the [Ways] and the Manetheren [Waygate|Ways].
## [TSR,Ch27] - They arrive at the Manetheren [Waygate|Ways] above the site of the ancient city of Manetheren in the [Mountains of Mist].
## [TSR,Ch37] - [Aedomon] of [Safer] ruthlessly wiped out [Buiryn] and the forces of Manetheren at [Midean's Ford|Mideans Ford].
## [TSR,Ch53] - The Red Eagle banner of Manetheren waves in front of the [White Boar] inn of [Watch Hill].
## [TSR,Ch56] - The men of [Watch Hill] carry the banner of Manetheren when they ride to the aid of [Emond's Field|Emonds Field].
# In [The Fires of Heaven]
## [TFoH,Ch19] - [Morgase] learns that the banner of Manetheren has been raised in the [Two Rivers].
# In [Lord of Chaos]
## [LoC,Ch5] - [Mat] has memories of Manetheren before the [Trolloc Wars].
## [LoC,Ch20] - The [Ogier] built a [Waygate|Ways] at Manetheren during its construction.
# In [A Crown of Swords]
## [ACoS,Ch21] - [Birgitte] says [Mat] sometimes speaks the [Old Tongue] like a First Lord of Manetheren.
# In [The Path of Daggers]
## [TPoD,Ch8] - [Perrin] and [Faile] plan to flaunt the Manetheren banner in [Ghealdan] to cover their true intent.
# In [Winters Heart]
## [WH,Ch5] - [Perrin] again plans to use the banner of Manetheren to cover his trip with [Masema|Masema Dagar].
## [WH,Ch5] - Manetheren's borders ran nearly to where [Murandy] now stands.
## [WH,Ch27] - [Elayne] sees the banner of Manetheren over [Emond's Field|Emonds Field] and thinks that she must do something about it.
# In [Crossroads of Twilight]
## [CoT,Ch5] - Villagers in [Altara] are overawed when they see the banner of Manetheren.
More [Category History]