[Nynaeve]'s horse in [Ebou Dar] and [Andor].

! Physical Description

She is a plump brown mare. ([TPoD,Ch2])

! Chronology (Possible Spoilers)

* [Nynaeve] rides Loversknot as they prepare to leave for the [farm|Farm]. ([TPoD,Ch2])
* [Birgitte] rides with [Nynaeve] on Loversknot from the gateway to Master [Hornwell]'s after her horse is killed in the explosion. ([TPoD,Ch20])
* [Nynaeve] rides Loversknot and [Lan] rides [Mandarb] when she takes him to [World's End|Worlds End]. ([KoD,Ch20])

! Other References (Possible Spoilers)


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