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| %%(display:block; text-align:center;) [{Image src='Chapter Icons/wheel_bw.gif' align='center' link='Wiki.jsp?page=Wheel Chapter Icon'}] ''[LoC|Lord of Chaos]: In the Hall of the Sitters'' %% 
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! __Egwene__ POV

[Egwene|Egwene alVere] is with [Sheriam|Sheriam Bayanar], [Siuan|Siuan Sanche], [Anaiya], [Beonin|Beonin Marinye], [Carlinya], [Morvrin] and [Myrelle|Myrelle Berengari]. They explain that the law does not explicitly state that the woman chosen as [Amyrlin|Aes Sedai] must be [Aes Sedai]. [Egwene|Egwene alVere] can hardly believe she will be [Amyrlin|Aes Sedai]. [Siuan|Siuan Sanche] was the youngest ever at thirty. A serving woman goes to fetch dresses while [Siuan|Siuan Sanche] goes to wake the [Sitters]. The other [Aes Sedai] rehearse [Egwene|Egwene alVere] for the ceremony where she will be raised to the [Amyrlin|Aes Sedai]. They take her to the [Little Tower|Salidar] and [Sheriam|Sheriam Bayanar], [Morvrin] and [Myrelle|Myrelle Berengari] accompany her inside. [Romanda|Romanda Cassin] as the eldest and [Kwamesa] as the youngest lead the ceremony. On the first vote, nine of the [Sitters] stand. [Delana|Delana Mosalaine] then [Kwamesa] then [Janya|Janya Frende] are first. [Malind Nachenin] also stands. [Samalin], [Lelaine|Lelaine Akashi] and [Romanda|Romanda Cassin] are among those who stay seated. [Egwene|Egwene alVere] then washes the feet of the [Sitters] starting with [Samalin]. As she does so, [Myrelle|Myrelle Berengari] looks angry.[1] On the second vote, all stand. [Delana|Delana Mosalaine] and [Samalin] stand first while [Lelaine|Lelaine Akashi] and [Romanda|Romanda Cassin] stand last.[2] Afterwards, the [Sitters] line up in order of age, youngest to oldest, to pay homage. [Delana|Delana Mosalaine] is less than half way down, while [Janya|Janya Frende], [Lelaine|Lelaine Akashi] and [Romanda|Romanda Cassin] are the eldest. After the [Sitters] leave, [Myrelle|Myrelle Berengari] lets in [Anaiya], [Beonin|Beonin Marinye] and [Carlinya]. [Egwene|Egwene alVere] asks what would have happened if [Romanda|Romanda Cassin] did not stand. They tell her that [Romanda|Romanda Cassin] or [Lelaine|Lelaine Akashi] would have been raised to the [Amyrlin|Aes Sedai] in a few days. [Egwene|Egwene alVere], [Sheriam|Sheriam Bayanar] and the rest would have been exiled. They tell her that it is customary for a new [Amyrlin|Aes Sedai] to spend her first night in contemplation and prayer but instead they plan to update her on what is going on in [Salidar].
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More [Egwene POV]%%

! Notes (Possible Spoilers)

[#1] Curious. What is she angry about? [Samalin] does not stand on the first vote but she is second to stand on the second vote. Was [Myrelle|Myrelle Berengari] sending her a message?
\\[#2] The other [Sitters] are [Lyrelle|Lyrelle Arienwin], [Moria Karentanis], [Takima], [Escaralde], [Varilin], [Faiselle], [Aledrin], [Berana], [Saroiya], [Salita Toranes] and [Magla Daronos]. ([TPoD,Ch19])

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