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| %%(display:block; text-align:center;) [{Image src='Chapter Icons/dragon_fang_bw.gif' align='center' link='Wiki.jsp?page=Dragon Fang Chapter Icon Usage'}] ''[LoC|Lord of Chaos]: A Woman's Eyes'' %% 
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! __Rand__ POV

[Rand|Rand alThor] opens a gateway to the farm. [Enaila] and three other [Maidens|Maidens of the Spear] leap through. [Rand|Rand alThor] and [Taim|Mazrim Taim] enter then [Sulin] and other [Maidens|Maidens of the Spear] follow. [Rand|Rand alThor] hears [Aviendha]'s voice, but closes the gateway before she can follow. As they walk to the farm, [Rand|Rand alThor] tells [Taim|Mazrim Taim] of the [Forsaken], [Trollocs], [Myrddraal|Fade], [Draghkar], [Gray Men|Gray Man], [Gholam], [Darkhound] and bubbles of evil. He wonders how he can stop [Shadowspawn] from using the [Ways].[1] [Taim|Mazrim Taim] says he has been in the [Blight] and killed [Trollocs] and [Fades|Fade]. [Rand|Rand alThor] asks if [Taim|Mazrim Taim] knows [balefire|Weaves], but [Taim|Mazrim Taim] says he never heard of it. 

There are twenty-seven men at the farm including [Eben Hopwil], [Fedwin Morr] and [Damer Flinn]. [Rand|Rand alThor] wants [Taim|Mazrim Taim] to test them for the talent. [Taim|Mazrim Taim] is surprised that [Rand|Rand alThor] does not know how since he knows how to [Travel|Weaves].[2] [Rand|Rand alThor] introduces [Taim|Mazrim Taim] to the men. [Jur Grady] and his wife [Sora Grady] are there. [Taim|Mazrim Taim] grabs [Damer|Damer Flinn] to test first. A tiny flame appears and [Rand|Rand alThor] is relieved that [Taim|Mazrim Taim] really can [channel|True Source]. [Rand|Rand alThor] feels the resonance that [Damer|Damer Flinn] could learn. [Taim|Mazrim Taim] points to [Kely Huldin] next. [Rand|Rand alThor] tells [Taim|Mazrim Taim] his job is to teach the men as fast as they can learn. 

[Taim|Mazrim Taim] asks if [Rand|Rand alThor] means to train them as weapons and [Rand|Rand alThor] agrees. [Taim|Mazrim Taim] asks if he wants to match the number of [Aes Sedai]. [Rand|Rand alThor] thinks there are a thousand. [Taim|Mazrim Taim] thinks there are not so many.[3] [Rand|Rand alThor] says he intends to defeat the [Dark One|Shaitan] and cleanse %%ot [saidin|Said]%%. [Taim|Mazrim Taim] thinks that would take more power than [Rand|Rand alThor] can imagine and asks if he has a %%ot [sa'angreal|Angreal]%%. [Rand|Rand alThor] cuts him off and tells him to watch for any student who learns too fast. One of the [Forsaken] might try to slip in. [Taim|Mazrim Taim] looked shaken. 

[Rand|Rand alThor] tells [Taim|Mazrim Taim] to seize %%ot [saidin|Said]%% and hold as much as he can. [Taim|Mazrim Taim] holds nearly what [Rand|Rand alThor] could, unaided. [Lews Therin|Lews Therin Telamon] rages "Kill him. Kill him." In his head [Rand|Rand alThor] shouts at him to shut up and the voice disappears.[4] 

[Rand|Rand alThor] leaves with [Enaila], [Somara], [Sulin], [Jalani] and the rest of the [Maidens|Maidens of the Spear]. [Jalani] makes a joke at [Rand|Rand alThor]'s expense and [Maira], [Desora], [Liah] and [Sulin] all laugh. Most of the [Maidens|Maidens of the Spear] treat [Rand|Rand alThor] as a brother, but some like [Enaila] and [Somara] actually treat him as a son. [Rand|Rand alThor] thinks of his father, [Tam|Tam alThor] and his mother, [Kari al'Thor]. Wishing to avoid [Aviendha], [Rand|Rand alThor] decides to go directly to [Tear|Tear (Country)] to visit [Weiramon|Weiramon Saniago] rather than return to the [Royal Palace] and keep his appointment with [Bashere|Davram Bashere]. As [Rand|Rand alThor] opens a gateway and steps through, he sees [Kely Huldin] leaving in dejection, but his wife seems happy. [Sora Grady], on the other hand, has her eyes locked on [Rand|Rand alThor] as she holds her [son|Gadren Grady].[5]

! Notes (Possible Spoilers)

[#1] [Rand|Rand alThor] will start to take care of this in [ACoS,Ch27].
\\[#2] [Taim|Mazrim Taim] uses the word "[Travel|Weaves]," but [Rand|Rand alThor] never mentioned it, calling it a gateway. Where did [Taim|Mazrim Taim] learn this term?
\\[#3] [Rand|Rand alThor]'s assessment is accurate. ([LoC,Ch7])
\\[#4] This is the first time that [Rand|Rand alThor] actually talks back to [Lews Therin|Lews Therin Telamon].
\\[#5] His name is [Gadren|Gadren Grady]. ([ToM,Ch10])
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