An army of men who came to the [Black Tower|geography/andor/black_tower/index] to be tested as [Asha'man] but could not learn. [Davram Bashere|characters/d/d_bashere] and his [Saldaeans|geography/saldaea/index] trained them as a conventional army.

!! Members

* [Davram Bashere|characters/d/d_bashere] - commander
* [Jak Masond|characters/j/jak_masond]

!! Chronology

* The Legion of the Dragon, led by [Rand], storms through [Rand]'s gateway to [Illian|City of Illian] to control [Sammael]'s conventional troops while [Rand] and the [Asha'man] wait for [Sammael]. ([ACoS,Ch41])
* A thousand men of the Legion of the Dragon leave [Illian|City of Illian] to join [Rand]'s assault against the [Seanchan]. ([TPoD,Ch21])
* [Jak Masond|characters/j/jak_masond] leads the Legion of the Dragon forces as they [Travel|main/true_source/weaves.html#t] to [Altara]. ([TPoD,Ch22])

!! Other References