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| %%(display:block; text-align:center;) [{Image src='Chapter Icons/wheel_bw.gif' align='center' link='Wiki.jsp?page=Wheel Chapter Icon Usage'}] ''[KoD|Knife of Dreams]: Something . . . Strange'' %% 
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! __Faile__ POV

It is early morning, nearly a month since [Faile|Zarine Bashere] was caught with a knife, nearly two months since she was captured. She is one of a dozen %%ot [gai'shain|Aiel]%% serving [Sevanna] in her tent. [Bain] and [Chiad] have an easy time being %%ot [gai'shain|Aiel]%%. She thinks [Rolan] saved her life. She has to escape before [Perrin|Perrin Aybara] finds her and gets himself killed, but they have been at [Malden] for a long time. [Therava] is there with [Galina|Galina Casban]. More than half a week ago, [Therava] singed off all her hair then hung her upside down and naked to beat her. [Faile|Zarine Bashere] hopes [Galina|Galina Casban] will not betray her. [Lusara] serves [Therava] water. She has sworn to [Faile|Zarine Bashere] like [Aravine|Aravine Carnel] in the past two weeks.

[Faile|Zarine Bashere] fears betrayal; she must protect [Alliandre|Alliandre Maritha Kigarin] and [Maighdin|Morgase Trakand] as well as herself. [Sevanna] is set on marrying [Rand|Rand alThor]. [Therava] believes [Couladin] was the %%ot [Car'a'carn|Rand]%% and [Rand|Rand alThor] was a setup by the [Aes Sedai]. They told him what to say at [Alcair Dal]. [Sevanna] never went to [Rhuidean] so she was clueless. 

A new set of %%ot [gai'shain|Aiel]%% including [Maighdin|Morgase Trakand] and [Doirmanes] enter the tent. [Therava] tells [Sevanna] that many sept chiefs still try to use their %%ot [nar'baha]%%. [Bendhuin] of the [Green Salts] left for [Rhuidean] five days ago. [Faile|Zarine Bashere] leaves and returns to her tent. There are fourteen septs around [Malden] and two more, the [Morai] and the [White Cliff], just days away.

She runs into [Meira]. [Meira] and [Rhiale] debrief the %%ot [gai'shain|Aiel]%% after they attend [Sevanna]. Without warning three ripples pass through reality.[1] [Faile|Zarine Bashere] and [Meira] are both shocked. [Faile|Zarine Bashere] returns to the tent she shares with [Alliandre|Alliandre Maritha Kigarin], [Maighdin|Morgase Trakand] and [Dairaine Saighan]. [Dairaine|Dairaine Saighan] is a spy for [Sevanna]. [Alliandre|Alliandre Maritha Kigarin] is there recovering from a switching. [Faile|Zarine Bashere] reminds her that she dealt with [Masema|Masema Dagar] and kept her nerve. [Aravine|Aravine Carnel] arrives and reports that [Alvon] and his son [Theril] have something. Outside, [Theril] gives [Faile|Zarine Bashere] the [binder|Oath Rod] he stole from [Therava]'s tent. [Rolan] appears unexpectedly and the other three leave quickly. He and other %%ot [Mera'din|MeraDin]%% plan to return to the [Aiel Waste]. He figured out that she plans to escape. [Jhoradin] plans to take [Lacile Aldorwin] with him and the [Maiden|Maidens of the Spear][2] who captured [Arrela|Arrela Shiego] plans to take her. [Rolan] wants to take [Faile|Zarine Bashere] with him. He lets her go and she hides the [binder|Oath Rod] inside the town. Later, [Therava] discovers the [binder|Oath Rod] is missing and leads a furious search but she does not find it.
\\%%follow [Follow Perrin and Faile|KoD,Ch12]%%
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More [Faile POV]

! Notes (Possible Spoilers)

[#1] Another sign of the coming of the [Last Battle|Creator].
\\[#2] [Marthea]
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