Pronunciation: KANH-dohr 
[{LinkedImagePlugin image-src='Pronunciation/soundbut.gif' href='Pronunciation//kandor.wav'}]

Map: A map of Kandor is available in [The Eye of the World] hc p. 578, pb p. 688.

! Location

Kandor is one of the [Borderlands]. It lies between [Saldaea] and [Arafel]. The sign of Kandor is a rearing red horse on a field of pale green. The Plain of Lances runs across the north of Kandor.

The nation of Kandor was formed early in the [War of the Hundred Years]. The governors of [Hawkwing]'s five northern provinces met and agreed to form stable nations to preserve the peace and defend against the [Blight]. Jarel Soukovni was the first King of Kandor.

!! Ruling Body

Kandor is ruled by Queen [Ethenielle|../characters/e/ethenielle_noramaga]. She holds the Throne of the Clouds in the [Aesdaishar Palace|../geography/kandor/chachin/aesdaishar] in the capital of [Chachin|../geography/kandor/chachin/index].

<a name="h">! Noble Houses</a>

As with most nations of the [Westlands|Geography], there are numerous strong noble Houses that wield influence. Known Houses of Kandor are listed below.

* Arrel - [Edeyn|../characters/e/edeyn_arrel], [Iselle|../characters/i/iselle_arrel]
* Marcasiev - [Varan Marcasiev|../characters/uz/varan]
* Materasu - [ Ethenielle|../characters/e/ethenielle_materasu]
* Noramaga - [Ethenielle|../characters/e/ethenielle_noramaga]

!! Towns/Cities

* [Berndt Crossroads|../geography/kandor/berndt/index]
* [Chachin|../geography/kandor/chachin/index] (capital)
* [Canluum|../geography/kandor/canluum/index]
* [Manala|../geography/kandor/manala/index]
* [Ravinda|../geography/kandor/ravinda/index]
* [South Mettler|../geography/kandor/mettler/index]

!! Watch Towers

Kandor maintains watch towers along the [Blight]. These towers use a mirror system to signal warnings of [Shadowspawn] to each other and inland to [Chachin|../geography/kandor/chachin/index].

* Barklan Tower
* Farmay Tower
* Heeth Tower
* Rena Tower

!! References

* [TWoTRPG|../../books/guide/index.html#2] - Information on the history and culture of Kandor.
* [NS,Ch15|../books/new_spring/ch15] - [Lan] and [Bukama] flip a coin and decide to travel to the [Blight] through Kandor.
* [NS,Ch17] - [Moiraine]'s search for the [Dragon Reborn] brings her to Kandor as well.
* [TGH,Ch4] - There was a [false Dragon|../history/dragon] in Kandor a couple of years ago but he could not [channel|True Source].
* [TDR,Prologue|../books/tdr/prologue] - [Pedron Niall] wonders about reports of [Aiel] as far west as Kandor and [Ghealdan].
* [TSR,Ch13] - There is a guild for merchants in Kandor. Master merchants wear three silver across their chest.
* [TPoD,Ch20] - [Lan] mistakes [Birgitte] for Kandori because of her clothes.
* [WH,Prologue|../books/wh/prologue] - In [Caemlyn], [Birgitte] pretends to be from Kandor.
* [WH,Ch9] - A merchant reports to [Dyelin] that there are thousands of [Arafellin|../geography/arafel/index], Kandori and [Shienarans|../geography/shienar/index] in [Braem Wood|../geography/braem_wood].
* [TGS,Ch18] - The rebels send a sister to Kandor to collect their tribute, but the clerk angrily reports that he already paid the tribute to a sister from the [White Tower].
* [ToM,Prologue|../books/tom/prologue] - Northern Kandor has a series of fortified signal towers that allow quick communications between [Chachin|../geography/kandor/chachin/index] and the [Blight] border. An army of [Shadowspawn] attacks the towers.
* [ToM,Ch7] - [Lan] and [Bulen] ride across the Plain of Lances.
* [ToM,Epilogue|../books/tom/epilogue] - [Barriga] arrives at Heeth Tower to find it fallen. His caravan is overrun by [Shadowspawn].