A female %%ot [angreal|Angreal]%% in the form of an age-darkened ivory figurine of a woman in flowing robes. It is in the possession of [Moiraine] and is of average strength.

! References (Possible Spoilers)

# In the [Guide]
## [TWoTRPG|Guide] - The ivory figurine is an %%ot [angreal|Angreal]%% of average strength.
# In [The Eye of the World]
## [TEotW,Ch8] - [Moiraine] uses the ivory figurine to fight off the [Trollocs] in [Emond's Field|Emonds Field] and later to [Heal|Weaves] [Tam al'Thor|Tam alThor].
## [TEotW,Ch18] - [Moiraine] uses the ivory figurine to create an earthquake and a wall of fire to delay the [Fades|Fade] and [Trollocs] chasing them.
# In [The Great Hunt]
## [TGH,Ch7] - [Moiraine], [Siuan], [Leane Sharif] and [Verin] use the ivory figurine to partially [Heal|Weaves] [Mat].
# In [The Dragon Reborn]
## [TDR,Ch5] - [Moiraine] uses the ivory figurine to [Heal|Weaves] the wounded after [Trollocs] and [Fades|Fade] attack their party.

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