Various and sundry products are mentioned throughout the books as cures for a variety of maladies. Here is a list of references. 

# acem
# andilay root
# asping rot
# blackwasp nettles
# blisterleaf
# blue goatflowers (boiled)
# bluespine tea
# bluewort tea
# boneknit
# catfern (boiled)
# Chainleaf tea
# corenroot
# crimsonthorn root
# dogwood tea
# dogwort
# feverbane
# five-finger
# flatwort tea
# forkroot tea
# foxtail
# gheandin blossom (powdered)
# goatstongue
# goosemint
# gray fennel
# Greenwort
# itchoak (powdered)
# ivy (ground)
# healall
# heartleaf tea
# lionheart
# mardroot-oil
# marisin
# marshwhite leaves
# mavinsleaf (powdered)
# pokeleaf
# rannel
# red fennel
# sheepstongue root
# silverleaf
# sleepwell root
# sorfa
# sprinklewort
# sunburst root
# tarchrot leaf
# timsin root
# Whitefennel
# white henpepper
# willowbark tea
# worrynot root

! References (Possible Spoilers)

# In [New Spring]
## [NS,Ch21] - [Lan] nearly loses his temper when [Moiraine] finds a patch of __blisterleaf__ and uses it on him.
# In [The Eye of the World]
## [TEotW,Ch5] - [Tam] and [Rand] keep small bags of medicines including __willowbark__.
## [TEotW,Ch18] - [Nynaeve] tells [Moiraine] that __flatwort tea__ and __andilay root__ are best for fatigue. They clear the head and dim the burn in tired muscles.
## [TEotW,Ch19] - [Nynaeve] gives [Moiraine] a weak tea of __foxtail__ and __marisin__. It will help her sleep for an hour and not be groggy.
## [TEotW,Ch38] - [Nynaeve] rubs [Perrin]'s bruises with __ground ivy__, __five-finger__ and __sunburst root__, a greasy ointment that relieves pain and heals bruises.
# In [The Great Hunt]
## [TGH,Ch8] - In a dither, [Nynaeve] thinks she should dose herself with __rannel__ and __sheepstongue root__. She uses them on people who are moping or acting like a fool. They perk one up a bit, but mainly they leave a horrible taste that lasts all day.
## [TGH,Ch14] - When [Perrin] contacts the wolves, [Mat] thinks he looks ill and offers to make him some __willowbark tea__. He keeps __willowbark__ in his saddlebags.
## [TGH,Ch18] - __Raw sheepstongue root__ is the worst tasting thing [Nynaeve] knows of.
## [TGH,Ch23] - During her [Accepted] test, [Nynaeve] hears that that the new Wisdom gave [Bran al'Vere|Brandelwyn alVere] __gray fennel__ before he died. It is poison.
# In [The Dragon Reborn]
## [TDR,Ch10] - As [Mat]'s fever grows worse, [Nynaeve] wishes she had some __worrynot root__ or __feverbane__.
## [TDR,Ch38] - [Nynaeve] doses [Dailin|Dailin (Maiden)] with __corenroot__ to help make blood, __dogwort__ for knitting flesh, and __healall__.
## [TDR,Ch39] - [Adden] and his men dope [Egwene], [Elayne] and [Nynaeve] with __sleepwell root__. The men think it will keep them asleep, but it actually clears headaches so one can sleep. It only makes one a little drowsy.
## [TDR,Ch48] - [Nynaeve] and Mother [Guenna|Ailhuin Guenna] test each others knowledge of herbs. __Chainleaf tea__ and __bluewort tea__ settle a queasy stomach. So does a brew of __marshwhite leaves__, but that has a bite to the taste. __Flatwort tea__ or __andilay root__ is good for fatigue. __Whitefennel__ helps with a difficult childbirth. __Powdered gheandin blossom__ on the tongue helps a heart attack. For a broken limb, give __boneknit__ then wrap the limb in toweling soaked with __boiled blue goatflowers__. __Sheepstongue root__ is good for eye pain.
# In [The Shadow Rising]
## [TSR,Ch7] - [Nynaeve] dosed [Egwene] with __dogwood tea__ for moping. It tasted so bad [Egwene] hit her with a bowl.
## [TSR,Ch34] - The [Wise Ones|Aiel] give [Mat] tea made from __timsin root__ and __silverleaf__ for his headache.
## [TSR,Ch52] - [Nynaeve] wants some __willowbark__ or __acem__ to make something for the lump on [Thom]'s head.
# In [The Fires of Heaven]
## [TFoH,Ch5] - [Bair] threatens to dose [Egwene] with __bluespine tea__, an incredibly bitter brew that serves no purpose except to "cure" sullenness or sulkiness.
## [TFoH,Ch10] - [Ronde Macura] accidentally discovers the effects of __forkroot tea__. She uses it to drug [Elayne] and [Nynaeve]. It puts them to sleep and inhibits them from [Channeling|True Source].
## [TFoH,Ch10] - [Nynaeve] finds __white henpepper__ in [Ronde Macura]'s kitchen. It will soothe a toothache but it will also turn one's hair black as night. They will use it to disguise [Elayne].
## [TFoH,Ch13] - Angry at having to play a servant, [Nynaeve] offers to make [Elayne] a tea of __sheepstongue root__ and __red daisy__.
## [TFoH,Ch15] - [Egwene] almost forces a brew of __boiled catfern__ and __powdered mavinsleaf__ on [Nynaeve] for lying.
## [TFoH,Ch16] - [Nynaeve] uses some __healall__ ointment on the scratches she received in %%ot [Tel'aran'rhiod|TelAranRhiod]%%.
## [TFoH,Ch26] - When she was a [novice], [Siuan] washed a disliked [Accepted]'s shifts with __itchweed__.
## [TFoH,Ch36] - [Nynaeve] uses __white henpepper__ to darken [Birgitte]'s hair.
## [TFoH,Ch48] - [Nynaeve] packs up the remedies she took from [Ronde Macura] from the __healall__ to the dreadful __forkroot__.
## [TFoH,Ch49] - [Nynaeve] rubs stinging __mardroot-oil__ liniment into [Uno|Uno Nomesta]'s bruised shoulder and dabs some __healall__ ointment on the gash on his face.
## [TFoH,Ch49] - [Elayne] and [Birgitte] remove the dark coloring from their hair with __pokeleaf__. It is normally used for sore gums and toothaches. [Nynaeve] uses __red fennel__ to settle her stomach.
## [TFoH,Ch54] - [Nynaeve] adds some unnecessary __sheepstongue root__ to [Siuan]'s sleeping brew when they prepare to visit %%ot [Tel'aran'rhiod|TelAranRhiod]%%.
## [TFoH,Ch54] - Fearing [Moghedien], [Nynaeve] wishes she had some __goosemint__ for her heartburn.
## [TFoH,Ch54] - With the %%ot [a'dam|Seanchan (People)]%%, [Nynaeve] uses __blackwasp nettles__ on [Moghedien].
## [TFoH,Ch55] - In %%ot [Tel'aran'rhiod|TelAranRhiod]%%, [Nynaeve] gives [Moghedien] a cup of __forkroot tea__ to drug her for real in [Salidar].
# In [Lord of Chaos]
## [LoC,Ch7] - [Nynaeve] chews __goosemint__ frequently to settle her stomach.
## [LoC,Ch12] - [Nynaeve] chews __goosemint__ to soothe her burning stomach.
## [LoC,Ch15] - [Egwene] takes __sleepwell root__ to make herself drowsy and clear her headache.
## [LoC,Ch29] - [Nynaeve] still tastes __boiled catfern__ and __powdered mavinsleaf__ when she even thinks of lying.
# In [A Crown of Swords]
## [ACoS,Prologue] - [Ronde Macura] reports to the [White Tower] the effects of __forkroot__. [Elaida] orders [Joline] and [Teslyn Baradon] to use it to capture [Elayne] and [Nynaeve].
## [ACoS,Ch32] - When they were [novices|novice], [Seaine Herimon] and [Pevara Tazanovni] put powdered __itchoak__ on [Serancha Colvine]'s shift.
# In [The Path of Daggers]
## [TPoD,Ch1] - [Teslyn Baradon] uses the __forkroot__ on [Joline Maza] to prevent her from interfering in [Elayne] and [Nynaeve]'s escape from [Ebou Dar].
## [TPoD,Ch25] - [Elaida] is annoyed that everyone in the [White Tower] now seems to know about __forkroot__.
## [TPoD,Ch28] - Someone poisons [Adeleas Namelle] and [Ispan|Ispan Shefar] with __crimsonthorn root__. It is sweet. A little kills pain. More paralyzes and slowly kills.
# In [Winter's Heart|Winters Heart]
## [WH,Ch9] - [Daved Hanlon] stages an attack on [Elayne], spiking her tea with __forkroot__.
## [WH,Ch10] - [Nynaeve] doses [Elayne] with herbs to overcome the effects of __forkroot__. __Greenwort__ and __goatstongue__ might may one sleep, but they are sovereign for the stomach cramps caused by __forkroot__.
## [WH,Ch10] - The assassins who attacked [Elayne] had daggers poisoned with __gray fennel__ and powdered __peach pit__.
## [WH,Ch12] - Women use __heartleaf__ tea for effective birth control.
## [WH,Ch14] - After her %%ot [damane|Seanchan (People)]%% is caned, [Tuon] orders her welts painted with tincture of __sorfa__. She is also to be given __lionheart__ for the pain.
## [WH,Ch19] - [Teslyn Baradon] admits to [Mat] that she drugged [Joline] with __forkroot__ to foil [Elaida]'s plan to capture [Elayne] and [Nynaeve].
# In [Crossroads of Twilight]
## [CoT,Ch30] - When [Egwene] is captured at [Northharbor|Tar Valon] someone drugs her with __forkroot__.
# In [Knife of Dreams]
## [KoD,Prologue] - [Silviana Brehon] intends to keep [Egwene] drugged with __forkroot__. __Forkroot__ affects channelers much more strongly than those who cannot channel.
## [KoD,Ch4] - [Perrin] learns that the [Seanchan (People)] are using __forkroot__ to detect and capture men and women who can [channel|True Source].
## [KoD,Ch11] - [Mat] learns that the [Seanchan (People)] army at the [Murandy] border is using __forkroot__ to detect and capture men and women who can [channel|True Source].
## [KoD,Ch12] - [Perrin] and [Tylee|Tylee Khirgan] go to [Almizar] to procure thousands of pounds of __forkroot__.
## [KoD,Ch15] - When her pregnancy bothers her [Elayne] sometimes regrets not drinking __heartleaf__ tea before lying with [Rand].
## [KoD,Ch20] - [Nynaeve] takes __willowbark__ when she gets a headache from too much [Channeling|True Source].
## [KoD,Ch24] - The [Aes Sedai] keep [Egwene] lightly dosed with __forkroot__ so she can barely [channel|True Source].
## [KoD,Ch26] - [Perrin] and his followers dump thousands of pounds of __forkroot__ into the aqueduct that leads to the cistern in [Malden].
## [KoD,Ch29] - [Maighdin|Morgase] collapses after drinking water laced with __forkroot__.
# In [The Gathering Storm]
## [TGS,Ch5] - [Cadsuane] wishes she had some __forkroot__ to use on [Semirhage].
## [TGS,Ch31] - [Nynaeve] [Heals|Weaves] [Milisair Chadmar] after [Kerb] poisons her with __tarchrot leaf__. It has a bad taste. It takes several days to kill.
## [TGS,Ch39] - [Verin] poisons herself with __asping rot__. It has a bad taste. Even a drop can cause a quick, peaceful death within an hour.
## [TGS,Ch41] - After the [Seanchan (People)] raid, there are so many wounded that the sisters use __healall__ on the less serious cases.
# In [Towers of Midnight]
## [ToM,Ch17] - [Mat] gives [Joline] a bag of sweetbuns as a parting gift. They are dosed with __sprinklewort__ and will turn her mouth blue.
# In [A Memory of Light]
## [AMoL,Prologue] - [Melten] applies __blisterleaf__ to [Talmanes Delovinde]'s wound from a [Fade]'s sword. It slows the spread of the [Thakan'dar|ThakanDar] taint.
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