Title: Banner-General Gamel Loune

A Banner-General of the [Seanchan|Seanchan (People)] army stationed in north central [Altara]. He is from [Dalenshar|Seanchan (Country)].

! Physical Description

He is tall and lean and has the sharp accents of [Dalenshar|Seanchan (Country)]. He is missing the top of his right ear. He has a slash of solid white there through his tight
black curls and flecks of white elsewhere. ([KoD,Ch34])

! Chronology (Possible Spoilers)

* [Furyk Karede] meets with Gamel Loune. General Loune reluctantly tells him the troubles with the rogue army and that General [Chisen] is coming from the [Molvaine Gap|Damona Mountains] to help. ([KoD,Ch34])

! Other References (Possible Spoilers)

# In [Knife of Dreams]
## [KoD,Ch36] - When [Karede|Furyk Karede] rides into the camp of the [Band of the Red Hand] he does not think there are nearly enough men to do the damage General Loune described.
More [Category Characters|Category.Characters], [EVA Banner-General], [Category G Character]