Fortress of the Light

The headquarters of the Children of the Light. It is located in Amador. The Dome of Truth is the central structure of the Fortress. It is a great meeting hall covered by a gleaming white dome a hundred feet across.

Employees or Residents#

References (Possible Spoilers)#

  1. In The Dragon Reborn
    1. TDR,Prologue - Jaret Byar, Jaichim Carridin and Ordeith all report to Pedron Niall in the Fortress of the Light.
  2. In Lord of Chaos
    1. LoC,Prologue - Pedron Niall issues orders from his headquarters in the Fortress of the Light.
    2. LoC,Ch9 - Niall has Morgase and her party moved from King Ailron's Seranda Palace into the Fortress of the Light.
    3. LoC,Ch29 - Thom reports to Elayne that there are rampant rumors that Morgase is in the Fortress of the Light. Elayne does not believe it, convinced that her mother is dead.
    4. LoC,Ch31 - The Dome of Truth is a gleaming white building located in the Fortress of the Light. It is covered by a huge dome a hundred feet across. It is used as the gathering place for the most solemn meetings of the Children of the Light. Eamon Valda meets Rhadam Asunawa there.
  3. In A Crown of Swords
    1. ACoS,Prologue - Pedron Niall is assassinated in the Fortress of the Light.

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