The name given to thirteen of the most powerful [Aes Sedai] of the [Age of Legends|history/aol/index], thus among most powerful ever known, who went over to the [Dark One|Shaitan] during the [War of the Shadow|history/shadow_war] in return for the promise of immortality. According to both legend and fragmentary records, they were imprisoned along with [Dark One|Shaitan] when his prison was re-sealed. The names given to them are still used to frighten children. They prefer to call themselves The Chosen.

In exchange for their oaths in [Shayol Ghul], the Forsaken receive a mark from the [Dark One|Shaitan]. This mark is invisible to humans but some [Shadowspawn] can recognize it.

<table><tr><td valign="top">

* [Aginor] (M)
* [Asmodean] (M)
* [Balthamel] (M)
* [Be'lal|characters/b/belal] (M)

</td><td valign="top">

* [Demandred] (M)
* [Graendal] (F)
* [Ishamael] (M)

</td><td valign="top">

* [Lanfear] (F)
* [Mesaana] (F)
* [Moghedien] (F)

</td><td valign="top">

* [Rahvin] (M)
* [Sammael] (M)
* [Semirhage] (F)


There are four new Forsaken as well: 


* [Aran'gar|characters/a/arangar] (F)
* [Cyndane] (F)

</td><td valign="top">

* [Osan'gar|characters/op/osangar] (M)
* [Moridin] (M)


! References (Possible Spoilers)


* [Tor Website Q&amp;A|books/guide/index.html#3] - In exchange for their oaths in [Shayol Ghul], the Forsaken receive a mark from the [Dark One|Shaitan]. This mark is visible only to certain [Shadowspawn] and it gives the Forsaken some measure of control over them.
* [TEotW,Ch42] - [Moiraine] states that the Forsaken do not have a tenth the power of the [Dark One|Shaitan].
* [TGH,Prologue] - At the [Darkfriend|Darkfriends] social, [Bors|characters/c/carridin] does not know if [Ba'alzamon|Ishamael] in one of the Forsaken newly freed or the [Dark One|Shaitan] himself.
* [TGH,Ch7] - For some reason, [Moiraine] does not tell [Siuan] that some of the Forsaken are loose.
* [TGH,Ch22] - At [Adeleas]' and [Vandene]'s house, [Moiraine] studies [Santhra]'s book on the Forsaken.
* [TDR,Ch6] - [Moiraine] wonders how many of the Forsaken are now loose.
* [TSR,Ch2] - [Rand] incorrectly blames one of the Forsaken for the attack of the bubbles of evil.
* [TFoH,Prologue|books/tfoh/prologue] - Their bonds, oaths and ties to the [Great Lord|Shaitan] protect the male Forsaken from the taint on ''[saidin|Said]''.
* [TFoH,Ch14] - [Birgitte] tells [Nynaeve] that all the Forsaken are more active in ''[Tel'aran'rhiod|main/tar]'' than anytime since their release.
* [TFoH,Ch56] - Thinking of [Sammael] in [Illian|Country of Illian], the rest of the Forsaken and the [Seanchan], [Rand] tells [Bashere|characters/d/d_bashere] that there will be blood and death before there is peace.
* [LoC,Ch20] - [Rand] wonders why the Forsaken do not open gateways and dump thousands of [Trollocs] and [Fades|Fade] in the [Royal Palace|geography/andor/caemlyn/royal_palace] to attack him.
* [LoC,Ch28] - [Fain] is furious when he hears about the [Gray Man] attack on [Rand], wishing the Forsaken would stop meddling in his plans. He also is wary of them knowing they would kill him in a heartbeat.
* [ACoS,Prologue] - [Elaida] still does not believe that the Forsaken are loose.
* [ACoS,Ch8] - The Forsaken do not have the [ageless|organizations/aes_sedai/ageless] look.
* [ACoS,Ch10] - The [Wise One|organizations/aiel/index] [dreamwalkers|main/tar] have glimpsed the Forsaken in ''[Tel'aran'rhiod|main/tar]'', but they do not mess with each other.
* [ACoS,Ch19] - [Cadsuane] quizzes the other [Aes Sedai] asking if there is proof that the Forsaken are really loose.
* [ACoS,Ch23] - Although she is relatively weak, [Berowin] has a [Talent|Weaves] for shielding. She could shield one of the Forsaken.
* [ACoS,Ch25] - [Moridin] tells [Moghedien] that she accidentally did some good so she will continue to be one of the Chosen.
* [WH,Ch13] - During the [War of Power|history/shadow_war] over a dozen of the Chosen died because of the [Great Lord|Shaitan]'s suspicion.
* [CoT,Ch8] - With the powerful [channeling|main/true_source/index] to the north, [Annoura|characters/a/annoura_larisen] wonders if the Forsaken have a ''[sa'angreal|main/true_source/angreal]''.
* [CoT,Ch10] - When [Elayne] feels the powerful [channeling|main/true_source/index], she fears it is the [Black Ajah] or the Forsaken.
* [KoD,Ch12] - After an assassination attempt, [Perrin] wonders if the Forsaken are after him.
* [KoD,Ch22] - [Logain] will not tell anyone where [Rand] is because the Forsaken are trying to kill him.
* [TGS,Ch39] - According to [Verin], the one thing the Forsaken have in common that the [Dark One|Shaitan] values is selfishness. That makes them predictable.

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