[Elayne]'s horse in [Andor].

! Physical Description

He is a tall, black gelding. ([CoT,Ch10])

! Chronology (Possible Spoilers)

* After her other horse is killed, [Elayne] gets a new horse, Fireheart, from Master [Hornwell]. ([TPoD,Ch20])
* [Elayne] continues to ride Fireheart to [Caemlyn]. ([TPoD,Ch28])
* [Elayne] rides Fireheart through the streets of [Caemlyn]. ([WH,Ch7])
* [Elayne] rides Fireheart to the meeting with the [Borderlands] rulers. ([WH,Ch27])
* [Elayne] rides Fireheart when she returns from House [Matherin|Andor] to [Caemlyn]. ([CoT,Ch10])
* [Elayne] rides Fireheart into the Queen's Stableyard of the [Royal Palace]. ([CoT,Ch11])
* [Elayne] rides Fireheart and [Aviendha] rides [Mageen] as they lead the defense against an attack on the [Caemlyn] walls. ([KoD,Ch13])
* [Elayne] rides Fireheart and [Birgitte] rides [Arrow|Arrow (Birgitte)] to the House on Full Moon Street to capture the [Black Ajah] sisters. ([KoD,Ch31])
* The Queen's Guards take Fireheart back to the [Royal Palace] after [Elayne] is captured. ([KoD,Ch32])

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