A wide grassland surrounded by forest near the border of [Shienar]. There are ruins of a tower fortress across the north of the field. It is a large triangular area of [Shienaran|Shienar] grassland, bounded on two sides by converging rivers — the [Mora River] and the [Erinin River] — and on the other by woods. The grass is broken by Dashar Knob, a rocky outcrop about a hundred feet high, with cliff walls, and on the [Arafellin|Arafel] side of the [Mora River] the Polov Heights, a flat-topped hill about forty feet high, with gradual slopes on three sides and a steeper slope on the river side.  Southwest of Polov Heights lies an area of bogs, and nearby, the [Mora River]'s shallows, known as Hawal Ford, a convenient crossing place between [Arafel] and [Shienar]. There is an [Ogier] grove nearby, opposite some old stone ruins to the north.

There is a map of the Field of Merrilor in [A Memory of Light] hc p. 604.

! References (Possible Spoilers)

# In [Towers of Midnight]
## [ToM,Ch3] - [Rand] confronts [Egwene] and the [Sitters] and announces that he will meet with the rulers of the world at the Field of Merrilor in one month. He will then go to [Shayol Ghul] and break the remaining [seals|Seals].
## [ToM,Ch22] - [Gareth Bryne] has a map showing Merrilor on the border of [Shienar].
## [ToM,Ch27] - [Egwene] writes to the rulers of the world asking them to join her at the Field of Merrilor.
## [ToM,Ch47] - 
## [ToM,Ch52] - [Elayne] announces to her new [Cairhien|Country of Cairhien|Cairhien (Country)] subjects that they will be marching to the Field of Merrilor.
## [ToM,Ch53] - [Perrin]'s army [Travels|Weaves] to the Field of Merrilor. Armies from [Tear|Country of Tear|Tear (Country)], [Illian|Country of Illian] and [Cairhien|Country of Cairhien|Cairhien (Country)] are already there.
## [ToM,Ch56] - [Egwene] and her army arrive at the Field of Merrilor. There are contingents from [Illian|Country of Illian] and [Tear|Country of Tear|Tear (Country)] with the [Aiel]. [Perrin]'s army with [Ghealdan] and [Mayene] are there. [Elayne] arrives with [Andor], [Cairhien|Country of Cairhien|Cairhien (Country)] and some of the [Band of the Red Hand]. [Rand] arrives.
## [ToM,Epilogue] - The [Borderlands] army accompanies [Rand] to the Field of Merrilor and he makes his camp with them.
# In [A Memory of Light]
## [AMoL,Ch1] - A wind rises in the [Mountains of Mist] and blows east then north to the Field of Merrilor.
## [AMoL,Ch5] - There is a detailed description of the Field of Merrilor.
More [Category Geography]