Over the centuries, many men before [Rand alThor] claimed to be the [Dragon Reborn|Rand]. Only a few could [channel|True Source], but those few often wreaked havoc before they could be killed or [gentled|stilling].

!! Well Known Names

* [Raolin Darksbane] (335-6 AB)
* [Yurian Stonebow] (circa 1300-1308 AB)
* [Davian] (FY 351)
* [Guaire Amalasan] (FY 939-43)
* [Gorin Rogad|characters/g/gorin_rogad] (circa 995 NE)
* [Logain Ablar] (997 NE)
* [Mazrim Taim] (998 NE)

!! References

* [TEotW,Ch3] - [Padan Fain] tells the [Emond's Field] crowd that there is a false Dragon in [Ghealdan]. That is the third in the last five years. The last one started a war and laid siege to [City of Illian].
* [TEotW,Ch13] - [Whitecloaks|organizations/whitecloaks] have arrived in [Baerlon] because of the false Dragon in [Ghealdan]. [Aes Sedai] are fighting him.
* [TEotW,Ch14] - [Ba'alzamon|Ishamael] claims that the [White Tower] used [Davian], [Yurian Stonebow], [Guaire Amalasan], [Raolin Darksbane] and [Logain].
* [TEotW,Ch26] - News in [Whitebridge|geography/andor/whitebridge/index] - the false Dragon [Logain] was captured near [Lugard]. [Bartim] saw the previous false Dragon paraded through the countryside two years ago.
* [TEotW,Ch34] - The road to [Caemlyn] is filled with people headed to see the false Dragon [Logain].
* [TEotW,Ch52] - [Rand] asks [Moiraine] if he will be used like [Raolin Darksbane], [Guaire Amalasan], [Yurian Stonebow], [Davian] and [Logain].
* [TGH,Ch4] - News in [Shienar|geography/shienar/index] - there are three more false Dragons in [Saldaea], [Murandy] and [Tear|Country of Tear], but only the one in [Saldaea] can [channel|True Source]. [Moiraine] notes that there were three others in the last two years. [Logain] is now [gentled|stilling] in [Tar Valon|geography/tar_valon/index]. The two others in [Kandor|geography/kandor/index] and [Arad Doman|geography/arad_doman/index] could not [channel|True Source].
* [TGH,Ch8] - [Rand] tells the [Amyrlin Seat|organizations/aes_sedai/index.html#a] that he will not be used like [Raolin Darksbane], [Yurian Stonebow] or [Guaire Amalasan].
* [TGH,Ch25] - [Thom]'s patrons want to hear news about false Dragons.
* [TDR,Prologue|books/tdr/prologue] - [Pedron Niall|characters/op/pedron] is sure that [Rand] is just another false Dragon. He wonders about the other two in [Saldaea] and [Tear|Country of Tear]. He plans to use the false Dragon to augment his own position.
* [TDR,Ch12] - News in [Tar Valon|geography/tar_valon/index] - [Mazrim Taim] has been captured and the false Dragon in [Haddon Mirk] was captured and executed. The moment [Rand] declared himself the false Dragons were eliminated.
* [TDR,Ch22] - There are always lots of guards around during the trial of a false Dragon in the [White Tower] because followers of false Dragons [Guaire Amalasan] and [Raolin Darksbane] tried to break into the [White Tower] to rescue them.
* [TSR,Ch17] - In the [White Tower], [Gawyn] is concerned about the rumors coming from [ Tear|geography/tear/tear/index] about a false Dragon taking the [Stone of Tear].
* [LoC,Prologue] - News in [Amador|geography/amadicia/amador/index] - the false Dragon [Logain] was set up by the [Red Ajah].
* [LoC,Ch2] - [Rand] reminds [Logain] of what happens to false Dragons. [Logain] [gentled|stilling] in the [White Tower]. One beheaded in [Haddon Mirk] by the [Tairens|geography/tear/index]. One burned alive by the [Murandians|geography/murandy/index] as was [Gorin Rogad|characters/g/gorin_rogad] by the [Illianers|geography/illian/index] four years ago.
* [LoC,Ch8] - [Logain] tells his story about the [Red Ajah] to [Altaran|geography/altara/index] nobles. One of the nobles recalls that [Raolin Darksbane] and [Guaire Amalasan]'s followers attacked the [White Tower] after they were taken. [Nynaeve] wonders if the [Red Ajah] also set up other false Dragons such as [Gorin Rogad|characters/g/gorin_rogad] and [Mazrim Taim].
* [LoC,Ch54] - [Loial] tells [Perrin] what he knows about men who [channel|True Source] including [Davian], [Guaire Amalasan], [Raolin Darksbane] and [Yurian Stonebow].