A source of pure %%ot [saidin|Said]%% created by male and female [Aes Sedai] working together after the [Dark One|ShaiTan]'s backlash tainted %%ot [saidin|Said]%%.

In the [Borderlands], young men go hunting the Eye of the World. Its as big a legend as the [Horn|Horn of Valere] there.

! References (Possible Spoilers)

# In [The Eye of the World]
## [TEotW,Ch14] - [Ba'alzamon|Ishamael] asks [Rand] if the [Aes Sedai] offered him the Eye of the World.
## [TEotW,Ch15] - [Thom] tells [Rand] that the Eye of the World is a legend in the [Borderlands].
## [TEotW,Ch24] - [Ba'alzamon|Ishamael] tells [Rand] that the Eye of the World will not serve him.
## [TEotW,Ch25] - An [Aiel] [Maiden] returns from the [Blight] with a story that [Leafblighter|ShaiTan] means to blind the Eye of the World.
## [TEotW,Ch42] - [Loial] relates a story told by a man at [Stedding Shangtai] twenty years ago that the [Dark One|ShaiTan] means to blind the Eye of the World.
## [TEotW,Ch43] - [Moiraine] believes the Eye of the World has enough power to break the [Dark One|ShaiTan]'s prison. They must make haste to the [Green Man|Someshta] to warn him of the danger.
## [TEotW,Ch46] - [Moiraine] tells Lord [Agelmar Jagad] they are going after the Eye of the World.
## [TEotW,Ch49] - [Moiraine] asks the [Green Man|Someshta] to take them to the Eye of the World.
## [TEotW,Ch50] - The [Green Man|Someshta] takes them to the cave where the Eye of the World sits, but will not enter himself.
## [TEotW,Ch51] - [Ba'alzamon|Ishamael] says he sent [Jain Farstrider|Jain Charin] "whom I painted like a fool" to the [Ogier] to tell of the threat to the [Eye of the World]. [Aginor] burns himself up when he tries to use the Eye of the World. [Rand] then uses it to win the battle at [Tarwins Gap] and to defeat [Ba'alzamon|Ishamael].
## [TEotW,Ch52] - When [Rand] returns, the Eye of the World is gone and in its place are revealed the [Horn of Valere], the [Dragon Banner], and one of the [seals|Seals] of the [Dark One|ShaiTan]'s prison.
## [TEotW,Ch53] - [Moiraine] tells Lord [Agelmar Jagad] that the Eye of the World is gone.
# In [The Shadow Rising]
## [TSR,Ch26] - When [Jonai] is summoned to the [Hall of the Servants|Paaran Disen], he sees [Someshta] and several [Aes Sedai] around a table with the [Dragon Banner] and %%ot [Callandor]%%. They are discussing the making of the Eye of the World.
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