Ethenielle Kirukon Materasu
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Title: Queen Ethenielle Kirukon Materasu

Her Most Illuminated Majesty, Ethenielle Kirukon Materasu, By the Blessing of the Light, Queen of Kandor, Protector of the Land, Shield of the North, High Seat of House Materasu. She resides in the Aesdaishar Palace.

Physical Description#

Chronology (Possible Spoilers)#

Other References (Possible Spoilers)#

  1. TWoTRPG - The RPG gives Ethenielle Kirukon Materasu as the full name of the current queen.
  2. Guide - The Guide gives Ethenielle Cosaru Noramaga as the full name of the current queen.
  3. SaSG - Ethenielle Kirukon Materasu is Queen of Kandor while Jorille Mondevin, the Royal Historian, writes The Strike at Shayol Ghul.
  4. In A Memory of Light
    1. AMoL,Ch7 - Easar tells Lan that even Queen Ethenielle is leaving Kandor to join the fight.
    2. AMoL,Ch9 - Agelmar notes that Tenobia has become more rash since her uncle, Kalyan Ramsin, married Queen Ethenielle. Queen Ethenielle tried to save as many refugees as possible before turning rescue operations over to the Aes Sedai.