Episode 107
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Season 1 - The Dark Along the Ways

Work In Progress

Scenes are as identified by the TV series. The non-story scenes are listed first.


Scene 3 - Blood Snow#

On the slopes of Dragonmount, Tigraine, pregnant and in labor, defeats six Illian Companions[1] in battle, but not before being stabbed in the side. She grabs a cape and makes her way over to a boulder, puts the cape down, and prepares to give birth. As she is doing so, a seventh Companion[2], standing in front of her, points his heron-marked sword at her.

Scene 5 - The Ways#

Scene 6 - Machin Shin#

All are asleep, except for Lan. Egwene is awakened by a whistling sound.

Scene 7 - Fal Dara#

Scene 8 - Deliver a Message#

Padan Fain exits the Waygate.

Scene 9 - The Seer#

Scene 10 - We Leave at Dawn#

Scene 11 - The Only Woman I've Ever Loved#

Scene 12 - Purpose#

Moiraine worries that she's taken too much from Lan. Lan assures her that she has given him something to live and die for, which he did not have before. As he is leaving, she remarks that she likes Nynaeve.

Scene 13 - Family#

Lan makes his way through Fal Dara. He senses that Nynaeve is following him. He continues until he gets to a door and knocks on it. He enters and exchanges warm greetings with a family. Nynaeve moves closer so that she can see in through the windows. Lan and the family settle down for dinner. Lan senses that Nynaeve is still outside, so he leaves around back and sneaks up behind her, surprising her. He invited her inside to join him and she accepts. After dinner, Lan and Nynaeve walk back together to his door. After a long silence, he bids her goodnight and goes into his room.

Scene 14 - Should I Stay Or Should I Go#

Scene 15 - Hard-Won Experience#

Scene 16 - Dai Shin#

Scene 17 - The Dragon Reborn#

Scene 18 - Something Impossible#

Scene 19 - It's Me#

Scene 20 - Into the Blight#

Rand and Moiraine enter the Blight in order to get to the Eye of the World.

Notes (Possible Spoilers)#

[1] We know that they are Illian Companions because of the seven bees on their breastplates.
[2] Tam

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