Episode 104
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Season 1 - The Dragon Reborn

Scenes are as identified by the TV series. The non-story scenes are listed first.

Work In Progress


Scene 3 - Ghealdan#

At the Jheda Palace, in Jehannah, the capital of Ghealdan, Logain's army is invading. Two soldiers are protecting the King of Ghealdan, who has been wounded in the shoulder. The two soldiers stop and confront Logain while the King continues onward. They throw spears at him, but Logain weaves a shield that stops the spears.

The King finally stops at a well on a parapet and Logain is not far away. The King says that Logain will never wear the crown, but Logain says he doesn't want it. The King is amazed that Logain believes that he is the Dragon Reborn and tells Logain that the Aes Sedai are coming for him. Logain says that the Aes Sedai should be following him instead. A female shadow voice tells Logain to kill the King, but he ignores her. The King tries to stab Logain, but Logain stops the dagger with a weave and proceeds to Heal the King's shoulder wound, even with shadow voices whispering that the King is not to be trusted. Logain tells the King that there's room for anyone on his side, even his enemies.

Scene 5 - Finally Healed#

Nynaeve is on a ridge overlooking the Aes Sedai camp, watching the activity below. Inside a tent, Kerene is healing Moiraine. Moiraine is amazed that the healing has exhausted Kerene. Kerene explains that it's not the healing, but the effort to keep Logain shielded that is exhausting. Moiraine says that she want to meet Logain.

Scene 6 - Logain's Cave#

Kerene leads Moiraine to the cave where Logain is being kept. Kerene explains that only Alanna, Liandrin and herself are strong enough to keep Logain shielded and they have to work in pairs. Right now, Alanna and Liandrin have paired up. Logain is sitting in a cage with his eyes closed. Moiraine says she heard that Logain had conquered half of Ghealdan and had the King on his side. Liandrin explains that they captured him in his own camp while he slept and then scared his army away by weaving lightning. Kerene has set wards to give warnings if any of his followers approach. Liandrin says that he is mad, declared himself the Dragon Reborn and also tried to march on the White Tower. Kerene reminds the others that the Amyrlin Seat commanded that they bring him to the White Tower for trial. Kerene and Moiraine take over for Alanna and Liandrin. Moiraine grunts at the effort to keep Logain shielded. Liandrin tells Moiraine that that's half his power.

Scene 7 - Barely Company#

Lan and Stepin are practicing with their weapons. Lan asks about the White Tower. Stepin mentions that the Amyrlin Seat is still annoyed with Moiraine. Looking over at Nynaeve, Stepin questions Lan's choice in traveling companions. Lan corrects him, saying that she's barely company. Stepin sees Kerene approaching and walks over to talk with her.

Scene 8 - Imagine Their Dinners#

Stepin and Kerene are in their tent and talking about her relationship with Moiraine. Kerene mentions how tight-lipped Moiraine can be and Stepin says the same thing can be said about Lan. The both chuckle over the thought of Moiraine and Lan's dinners together. Stepin mentions that Liandrin has been talking to the other Aes Sedai and the rumors of the Red Ajah gentling men across the countryside. Kerene is confident that Liandrin won't disobey the Amyrlin Seat's order of bringing Logain to the White Tower for a trial.

Scene 9 - Not Very Good Bandits#

Egwene and Perrin talk about how they do not trust the Tinkers and agree that if either of them want to leave, they both would, no questions asked. Aram walks up and tells them that the Tinkers are headed east to Tar Valon and that they are welcome to join them. Aram says that it's not often they find people from the Mountains of Mist, but Egwene replies that she and Perrin are from Whitebridge. Aram does not seem to believe that. Ila bangs a pot with a stick and others follow suit, indicating that the caravan is moving on. Egwene and Perrin join the caravan.

Scene 10 - That Would Be Smart#

Thom, Mat and Rand and riding horses through some trees. Thom thinks he sees a farm ahead, so he rides a bit faster but Mat and Rand stop for a moment. Mat is having trouble with his horse.[1] Mat and Rand talk about Thom's trustworthiness. Rand wonders if Thom killed Dana just to get them to trust him more. Mat reminds Rand that Dana mentioned that there were five of them that could be the Dragon Reborn. Mat wonders who the fifth person would be.[2]

Scene 11 - Holding a Cat in the Bath#

Alanna and Moiraine are in the cave, maintaining the shield on Logain. Moiraine knew that women could not see men's weaves and tries to explain the experience itself, but can't. Alanna says it's like holding a cat in the bath. Moiraine surmises that Kerene is using Alanna to get information from her. Moiraine says that Alanna could have been Blue Ajah, but Alanna says that one Warder would never have been enough. Alanna says that when she picked the "Battle Ajah", the Green Ajah, she never thought that she would see the Last Battle. She also says that she's never seen any False Dragon with so much strength. She believes that the end of this Age is near. She's also worried that the Dragon Reborn might be needed at the Last Battle, but the Red Ajah may have, or will have, gentled him before that time.

Logain pushes against the shield, but Alanna and Moiraine clamp down on it.

Scene 12 - Lunch With Liandrin#

Nynaeve is still on a ridge overlooking the Aes Sedai camp, eating her lunch. Liandrin comes over, mispronounces her name, and says it's because she can't identify her accent, but that's because she's never heard Nynaeve speak. Nynaeve guesses that Liandrin is there to ask her questions, so she says that first she'll ask Liandrin questions and then maybe answer Liandrin's questions. Her first question is "How long have you known Moiraine." Liandrin smiles.

Scene 13 - Meet The Grinwells#

Thom, Mat and Rand have dismounted and are scouting a farm. Thom says that they'll wait until dark to sneak into the barn, sleep the night, and then be away before they're discovered. Mat's horse is still acting spooked. Master Grinwell appears with a drawn bow. Rand explains that they just wanted to sleep the night there. He surmises that Master Grinwell doesn't want to kill them because he's holding his bow wrong. Master Grinwell calls out to his wife to ask her what she thinks. She and her son are standing behind Thom, Mat and Rand with their bows drawn. Mistress Grinwell says that the three can stay in there after they muck the stalls.

Scene 14 - A Snake#

Liandrin is telling Nynaeve about Moiraine choosing the Blue Ajah and the purpose of the Red Ajah ("to protect the world from people who would misuse the One Power"). Lan comes up and asks if he can join, to which Liandrin replies that she's just leaving. She invites Nynaeve to the Red Ajah tent, which is open to all women. After she leaves, Nynaeve tells Lan that Liandrin is a snake. She asks Lan if the White Tower is full of women like that, to which Lan replies that she'll have a chance to find out. He reminds her that Moiraine and he promised to help find their friends when they got to the White Tower. Lan leaves, but as he's walking away, he invites her to the Warder's fire, as long as she doesn't shove anyone into it.

Scene 15 - The Way of the Leaf#

Ila explains that the Tinkers follow the Way of the Leaf and have done so for thousands of years. They forswear all violence and all instruments of it. If they are attacked, they run if they can and endure if they can't. Rebirth through the turning of the Wheel plays a big part. She asks Perrin if he's used a weapon such as an axe and whether his life was better or worse because of it.

Scene 16 - Mucking Out the Stables#

Mat and Rand are mucking out the stalls while Thom is sipping tea. Mat seemed tired and says he needs a break.

Scene 17 - Birgitte#

Mat is leaning on a trough and vomiting. The blackness from Shadar Logoth is on the ground and around his mouth. Else Grinwell comes in, surprising Mat. Mat recovers. She says that her mother sent her to give them a load of bread for their work. Mat thanks her for the bread. He then talks about his sisters, who are home with their parents. Else then give him a doll to give to his sisters, that she named Birgitte, who protects her when everyone else is asleep. She says that Birgitte has always wanted to see the world.[3]

Scene 18 - Owyn#

Scene 19 - Guarding Logain#

Scene 20 - The Warders' Fire#

Scene 21 - Terrifying or Comforting#

Scene 22 - Finding the Song#

Scene 23 - What Greater Revenge?#

Scene 24 - The Leaf Doesn't Fight the Wind#

Scene 25 - No Matter What Happens#

Scene 26#

Scene 27 - I See You#

Scene 28 - Where Is He Going?#

Scene 29 - Expediency Versus What's Right#

Scene 30 - Seven Times For the Seven Towers#

Scene 31 - Logain's Army#

Scene 32 - Raining Arrows#

Scene 33 - Unshielded#

Scene 34 - A Raging Sun#

Notes (Possible Spoilers)#

[1] Because he's carrying the ruby dagger.
[2] Not knowing that Nynaeve is still alive.
[3] Foreshadowing?

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