Episode 102
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Season 1 - Shadow's Waiting

Under Construction

Scene 3 - Cold Open, Whitecloak Camp#

Eamon Valda burns a Yellow Aes Sedai alive after cutting off her hands. He then adds her ring to his collection.

Scene 5 - Chased#

The group is riding away from the Two Rivers with Trollocs chasing them. They cross a shallow river and the Trollocs still continue the chase. They continue into the night to the Taren Ferry, waking Master Hightower, and demanding to cross immediately. Master Hightower says his son will be here soon to help. Moiraine presses coins into his hand and promised twice that when they reach the other side. They are halfway across the Taren River when the Trolloc horde reaches the riverbank. One Trolloc is pushed into the river and drowns. A Fade rides up between the Trollocs to the edge and then screams. Once on the other side, they unload the horses. Moiraine explains that a Fade can force a Trolloc to do many things, but not to cross deep water. Moiraine offers assistance to Master Hightower, but he refuses, citing the need to save his family. Lan cuts the ferry's ropes and sets the ferry adrift. Moiraine Weaves to create a whirlpool that will destroy the ferry. Master Hightower jumps into the water to the ferry and then drowns.

The next morning they are still riding. Lan, who was scouting, returns and reports that they have lost the Trollocs.

Scene 6 - Camp#

Scene 7 & 8 - Camp - Moiraine and Egwene#

Scene 9 - Camp - Rand and Egwene#

Scene 10 - Camp - Perrin and Egwene#

Scene 11 - Camp - Dreams#

Scene 12 - Weep for Manetheren#

Scene 13 - Camp#

Rand and Egwene are gathering wood for a fire. Egwene just wants Rand to look at her without hating her. Rand says that he could never hate her.

Scene 14 - Wolves#

Perrin is filling up water bottles in a creek. There are wolves howling in the distance. He sits down to look at his leg injury. He hears a noise and stands up to see a pack of wolves around him. One of them approaches and licks the wound, then they all run away.

Scene 15 - Camp#

Scene 16 - Rand and Egwene#

Scene 17 - Perrin and Mat#

Scene 18 - Mashadar#

Notes (Possible Spoilers)#


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