Pronunciation: ee-LAIN trah-KAND 
[{LinkedImagePlugin image-src='Pronunciation/soundbut.gif' href='Pronunciation/elayne.wav'}]

aka: Caryla, Morelin

Daughter to Queen [Morgase|Morgase Trakand] and Daughter-Heir of [Andor]. Her sign is a gold lily.

! Physical Description

She is tall for a girl and beautiful. Her face is a perfect oval framed by a mass of sunburst curls, her lips are full and red. Her eyes are bluer than [Rand|Rand alThor] can believe. ([TEotW,Ch40]) She is about 5'6".

| [{Image src='elayne.jpg' link=''}]\\Elayne Trakand by Emily Cleghorn | [{Image src='newel4a.jpg' link=''}]\\Elayne Trakand by [Richard Boyé|]

! Points of View

See Elayne's [chapter points of view|Elayne POV].

! Chronology (Possible Spoilers)


! Childhood

* [Thom|Thom Merrilin] entertains the Royal Court with feats of juggling to the delight of baby Elayne. ([TGS,Ch10])

! Beginning of Series

* Elayne startles [Rand|Rand alThor] and causes him to fall off a wall into the [Royal Palace] garden. ([TEotW,Ch39])
* Elayne and [Gawyn|Gawyn Trakand] meet [Rand|Rand alThor] then accompany him when the guards take him to Queen [Morgase|Morgase Trakand]. ([TEotW,Ch40])

! Tar Valon

* Elayne travels from [Caemlyn] to [Tar Valon] accompanied by [Gawyn|Gawyn Trakand] and [Elaida|Elaida do Avriny aRoihan]. ([TGH,Ch4])
* They are followed the whole way by a force of [Whitecloaks] led by [Eamon Valda]. ([TGH,Ch5])
* Elayne meets Egwene and introduces her to [Min|Min Farshaw], [Galad|Galad Damodred] and [Gawyn|Gawyn Trakand]. ([TGH,Ch24])
* [Liandrin] tells [Egwene|Egwene alVere] and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] that they must accompany he to help [Rand|Rand alThor]. Elayne and [Min|Min Farshaw] overhear and plan to come, too. ([TGH,Ch38])
* [Egwene|Egwene alVere], [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara], Elayne and [Min|Min Farshaw] follow [Liandrin] through the [Ways] to [Toman Head]. ([TGH,Ch39])

! Toman Head

* [Egwene|Egwene alVere] and [Min|Min Farshaw] are captured by High Lady [Suroth|Suroth Sabelle Meldarath] and [Egwene|Egwene alVere] is collared. [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] and Elayne escape. ([TGH,Ch40])
* [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] and Elayne have located the %%ot [damane|Seanchan (People)]%% quarters and plan how to free [Egwene|Egwene alVere]. ([TGH,Ch42])
* Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] find [Min|Min Farshaw]. They meet with [Bayle Domon] who agrees to take them away from [Falme]. ([TGH,Ch43])
* [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara], Elayne and [Min|Min Farshaw] capture [Seta] and prepare to use her as a decoy to free [Egwene|Egwene alVere]. ([TGH,Ch45])
* [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara], Elayne and [Min|Min Farshaw] free [Egwene|Egwene alVere], but they are separated in the subsequent battle. ([TGH,Ch46])
* Elayne feels drawn to [Rand|Rand alThor]. They regroup, find the horses and leave [Falme]. ([TGH,Ch48])

! Journey to Tar Valon

* [Egwene|Egwene alVere], Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] begin the journey back to [Tar Valon] with [Verin|Verin Mathwin], [Hurin] and [Mat|Matrim Cauthon]. ([TGH,Ch49])
* [Verin|Verin Mathwin], [Egwene|Egwene alVere], Elayne, [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara], [Hurin] and [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] are confronted by [Whitecloaks] as they near [Tar Valon]. ([TDR,Ch10])

! Tar Valon

* [Verin|Verin Mathwin] turns [Egwene|Egwene alVere], Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] over to [Sheriam|Sheriam Bayanar] who turns them over to three [Accepted]. ([TDR,Ch11])
* [Egwene|Egwene alVere], [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] and Elayne are sent to [Siuan|Siuan Sanche] for punishment for running away. [Siuan|Siuan Sanche] sends Elayne to [Sheriam|Sheriam Bayanar] for further punishment. ([TDR,Ch13])
* After [Sheriam|Sheriam Bayanar] gives her a licking, [Gawyn|Gawyn Trakand] and [Galad|Galad Damodred] question her about where she has been. [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] and [Egwene|Egwene alVere] tell her about the attempt on their lives and the hunt for the [Black Ajah] and ask her to join them. ([TDR,Ch16])
* [Elaida|Elaida do Avriny aRoihan] questions [Egwene|Egwene alVere], [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] and Elayne about their disappearance and about [Rand|Rand alThor]. ([TDR,Ch17])
* [Sheriam|Sheriam Bayanar] takes [Egwene|Egwene alVere], [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] and Elayne to the bowels of the [White Tower] to witness [Mat|Matrim Cauthon]'s [Healed|Weaves]. ([TDR,Ch18])
* Elayne has her [Accepted] test right before [Egwene|Egwene alVere]'s. ([TDR,Ch22])
* [Egwene|Egwene alVere] finds her crying on [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara]'s lap afterwards. ([TDR,Ch23])
* [Egwene|Egwene alVere], Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] review [Verin|Verin Mathwin]'s information on the [Black Ajah]. "[Else Grinwell]" leaves a message for them from [Siuan|Siuan Sanche] to check out the [Black Ajah]'s belongings. ([TDR,Ch25])
* [Egwene|Egwene alVere], Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] go through the [Black Ajah]'s belongings and find numerous references to [Tear|Tear (City)]. They decide [Egwene|Egwene alVere] should use the [twisted ring] to try to learn more. ([TDR,Ch26])
* Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] stand guard while [Egwene|Egwene alVere] uses the [twisted ring]. After she wakes and tells them of her experiences, they agree they must go to [Tear|Tear (City)] midday tomorrow. ([TDR,Ch27])
* [Egwene|Egwene alVere], [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] and Elayne visit [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] with the intent of having him carry a letter from Elayne to [Morgase|Morgase Trakand]. He agrees if they can get him out of [Tar Valon]. After some discussion, [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] gives him one of [Siuan|Siuan Sanche]'s executive orders. ([TDR,Ch28])
* [Laras] washes [Egwene|Egwene alVere]'s and Elayne's mouths with soap while [Siuan|Siuan Sanche] exchanges information with [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] in the kitchen. [Egwene|Egwene alVere] and Elayne return and they agree to leave immediately. ([TDR,Ch29])

! Journey to Tear

* [Egwene|Egwene alVere], Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] sail down the River [Erinin River] on the ''[Blue Crane]''. They get stuck on a mud flat and decide to walk to the next town. ([TDR,Ch37])
* They meet [Aviendha], [Bain] and [Chiad]. [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] [Heals|Weaves] [Dailin (Wise One)]. ([TDR,Ch38])
* [Egwene|Egwene alVere], Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] are kidnapped on the orders of three [Fades|Fade]. The [Aiel] rescue them and they continue their trip to [Tear|Tear (Country)]. ([TDR,Ch39])
* [Egwene|Egwene alVere], Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] arrive at [Tear|Tear (City)] and stay with Mother [Guenna|Ailhuin Guenna]. ([TDR,Ch48])

! Tear

* [Egwene|Egwene alVere], Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] hire [Juilin Sandar] to help them find the [Black Ajah]. ([TDR,Ch49])
* [Egwene|Egwene alVere], Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] are captured by the [Black Ajah] and taken to the [Stone of Tear]. ([TDR,Ch51])
* [Egwene|Egwene alVere] wakes in the cell with Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara]. They are shielded by [Amico|Amico Nagoyin]. They agree that the [twisted ring] is their only hope so [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] sings her to sleep. ([TDR,Ch54])
* [Egwene|Egwene alVere] wakes in the cell and tells Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] that [Amico|Amico Nagoyin] is shielded. Their shields are not broken. [Egwene|Egwene alVere] prepares to go back to sleep to try again. [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] and [Juilin|Juilin Sandar] rescue them and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] knocks out [Amico|Amico Nagoyin] finally breaking their shield. ([TDR,Ch55])
* [Egwene|Egwene alVere], Elayne, [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] and [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] listen as [Moiraine|Moiraine Damodred] tells them what is still to come. ([TDR,Ch56])
* [Egwene|Egwene alVere], Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] are pretending to be full [Aes Sedai].  ([TSR,Ch5])
* Elayne accompanies [Moiraine|Moiraine Damodred] when she is summoned. She catches a glimpse of [Rand|Rand alThor]'s room and hears that [Berelain|Berelain sur Paendrag] was with him. ([TSR,Ch6])
* Elayne and [Moiraine|Moiraine Damodred] return to the room where [Egwene|Egwene alVere] and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] are questioning [Amico|Amico Nagoyin] and [Joiya|Joiya Byir]. ([TSR,Ch5])
* [Egwene|Egwene alVere], [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara], Elayne and [Moiraine|Moiraine Damodred] discuss the two [Black Ajah] stories and [Rand|Rand alThor]'s lack of action. [Egwene|Egwene alVere] and Elayne discuss their feelings about [Rand|Rand alThor] and agree to pay him a visit. [Moiraine|Moiraine Damodred] tells them about the [twisted red doorway|Twisted Red Doorway]. ([TSR,Ch6])
* [Egwene|Egwene alVere] and Elayne visit [Rand|Rand alThor]. They try to teach him to [channel|True Source]. They fail, but discover that %%ot [saidar|Said]%% gives him goose bumps. [Egwene|Egwene alVere] tells [Rand|Rand alThor] she no longer loves him and he returns the sentiment. [Egwene|Egwene alVere] leaves. ([TSR,Ch7])
* Elayne tells [Rand|Rand alThor] that she loves him and they kiss. She leaves when a group of High Lords arrive for an audience. ([TSR,Ch8])
* Elayne spends as much time as possible with [Rand|Rand alThor] and gives him advice on governing. ([TSR,Ch9])
* [Aviendha], Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] are with [Egwene|Egwene alVere] as she prepares to enter %%ot [Tel'aran'rhiod|TelAranRhiod]%%. ([TSR,Ch11])
* The girls agree that [Egwene|Egwene alVere] will go to [Rhuidean] and Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] will go to [Tanchico]. They update [Moiraine|Moiraine Damodred] on their plans. ([TSR,Ch12])

! Journey to Tanchico

* [Egwene|Egwene alVere], Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] bid a tearful farewell. Elayne writes a love letter to [Rand|Rand alThor], then a second putting him in his place. ([TSR,Ch16])
* On the ''[Wavedancer]'', Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] discuss the [gift of passage|Sea Folk] to [Tanchico] with [Coine|Coine din Jubai Wild Winds] and [Jorin|Jorin din Jubai White Wing]. ([TSR,Ch19])
* Elayne discovers that [Windfinders|Sea Folk] can [channel|True Source]. ([TSR,Ch20])
* Elayne and [Egwene|Egwene alVere] meet in %%ot [Tel'aran'rhiod|TelAranRhiod]%%. Elayne tells her that [Thom|Thom Merrilin] and [Juilin|Juilin Sandar] are with them. [Egwene|Egwene alVere] tells Elayne about [Rhuidean], [Rand|Rand alThor]'s marking, [Aiel] history, going to [Alcair Dal] and [Rand|Rand alThor]'s parents. Elayne tells her that she and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] will be in [Tanchico] in two or three days. [Egwene|Egwene alVere] tells Elayne that [Aviendha] can [channel|True Source], then Elayne slips and tells her that [Jorin|Jorin din Jubai White Wing] can, too. ([TSR,Ch35])

! Tanchico

* [Bayle Domon] recognizes Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] at the docks and takes them, [Juilin|Juilin Sandar] and [Thom|Thom Merrilin] to the [Three Plum Court]. Elayne gets drunk listening to [Thom|Thom Merrilin] and finally remembers who he is. ([TSR,Ch39])
* [Floran Gelb] tries to kidnap [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara]. [Egeanin|Egeanin Tamarath] arrives and helps Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] defend themselves. They tell [Egeanin|Egeanin Tamarath] about [channeling|True Source] and [Aes Sedai]. [Moghedien|moghedien] interviews them. ([TSR,Ch46])
* Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] dine with [Egeanin|Egeanin Tamarath] until [Bayle|domon] returns and recognizes her. They put her under restraint. ([TSR,Ch51])
* Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] begin planning their assault on the [Panarch's Palace|Panarchs Palace]. [Egeanin|Egeanin Tamarath] helps. ([TSR,Ch52])
* Elayne, [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] and [Egeanin|Egeanin Tamarath] sneak into the [Panarch's Palace|Panarchs Palace]. Elayne and [Egeanin|Egeanin Tamarath] free [Amathera|Amathera Aelfdene Casmir Lounault] and knock out [Temaile|Temaile Kinderode]. ([TSR,Ch54])
* Elayne, [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara], [Egeanin|Egeanin Tamarath], [Bayle|domon], [Juilin|Juilin Sandar] and [Thom|Thom Merrilin] take [Amathera|Amathera Aelfdene Casmir Lounault], the [seal|Seals] and the [sad bracelets|Sad Bracelets] back to the [Three Plum Court]. Elayne, [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara], [Juilin|Juilin Sandar] and [Thom|Thom Merrilin] will take the [seal|Seals] back to [Tar Valon] while [Bayle|Bayle Domon] will drop the [sad bracelets|Sad Bracelets] in the deepest ocean. ([TSR,Ch55])

! Journey to Tar Valon

* Elayne, [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara], [Thom|Thom Merrilin] and [Juilin|Juilin Sandar] travel across [Tarabon] to [Amadicia]. They camp near [Mardecin]. ([TFoH,Ch8])
* [Thom|Thom Merrilin] and [Juilin|Juilin Sandar] stay at the camp while [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] and Elayne go for a walk into the village. They go into a seamstress shop that displays a [Yellow Ajah] signal. [Ronde Macura] drugs them with [forkroot|Herbs]. ([TFoH,Ch9])
* [Thom|Thom Merrilin] and [Juilin|Juilin Sandar] rescue Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara]. Now suspicious of the [White Tower], they adopt disguises and continue across [Amadicia]. ([TFoH,Ch10])
* Elayne, [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara], [Thom|Thom Merrilin] and [Juilin|Juilin Sandar] travel across [Amadicia] and stop at [The Light of Truth] in [Sienda] after passing [Valan Luca]'s circus. ([TFoH,Ch13])
* [Galad|Galad Damodred] confronts Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] in the common room of the inn. They refuse to accompany him to [Caemlyn]. They find [Thom|Thom Merrilin] and [Juilin|Juilin Sandar] and plan to leave immediately to find [Valan Luca]'s circus. ([TFoH,Ch16])
* Elayne, [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara], [Thom|Thom Merrilin] and [Juilin|Juilin Sandar] sneak out of the inn and find [Valan Luca]'s circus. He charges them heavily and makes them perform if they are to accompany him to [Ghealdan]. [Juilin|Juilin Sandar] walks the high rope with Elayne. Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] confront [Cerandin|cerandin] who admits she is [Seanchan (People)]. ([TFoH,Ch17])
* [Cerandin] gives [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] and Elayne an %%ot [a'dam|aDam]%%. ([TFoH,Ch24])
* Elayne meets with [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion] in %%ot [Tel'aran'rhiod|TelAranRhiod]%% in the [Heart of the Stone|Stone of Tear]. [Egwene|Egwene alVere] arrives and sees them. [Amys] and [Bair|bair] arrive and they exchange news. ([TFoH,Ch24])
* Elayne and [Egwene|Egwene alVere] reconvene in the [White Tower]. Elayne refuses to tell [Egwene|Egwene alVere] about [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion]. She tells [Egwene|Egwene alVere] about [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara]'s troubles with [Latelle|latelle]. ([TFoH,Ch25])
* They travel north with the circus to the [Eldar River]. Elayne figures out how the %%ot [a'dam|aDam]%% works and thinks that she can make other %%ot [ter'angreal|Angreal]%%. ([TFoH,Ch33])
* Elayne prepares dinner for herself, [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara], [Juilin|Juilin Sandar] and [Thom|Thom Merrilin]. She argues with [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] over who gets to use the [twisted ring], but she finally gives in. ([TFoH,Ch34])
* [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] wakes in tears as [Thom|Thom Merrilin] and [Juilin|Juilin Sandar] carry [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion] into the wagon. [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara]'s [Healed|Weaves] cannot stop her dying, but Elayne's bonding does. ([TFoH,Ch35])
* Elayne tells [Thom|Thom Merrilin] and [Juilin|Juilin Sandar] about [Moghedien]. She does not tell them about [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion], but the [silver arrow] they found gives them all the information they need. ([TFoH,Ch36])
* [Juilin|Juilin Sandar] and Elayne do their high rope act in [Luca|Valan Luca]'s circus. ([TFoH,Ch37])
* [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] tells Elayne about her trip to [Samara]. Elayne is aghast at [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara]'s story, especially the part about [Galad|Galad Damodred]. ([TFoH,Ch40])
* [Uno|Uno Nomesta], then [Galad|Galad Damodred], arrive at the circus and tell [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara], Elayne and [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion] that there is a riverboat at [Samara]. Elayne tries to talk [Cerandin] into joining them but she refuses. ([TFoH,Ch47])
* [Galad|Galad Damodred], [Uno|Uno Nomesta] and the rest of the [Shienarans|Shienar] accompany [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara], Elayne, [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion], [Thom|Thom Merrilin] and [Juilin|Juilin Sandar] into [Samara]. They have to fight their way through a mob. They board the ''[Riverserpent]''. ([TFoH,Ch48])
* [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara], Elayne, [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion], [Thom|Thom Merrilin], [Juilin|Juilin Sandar] and the [Shienarans|Shienar] travel from [Samara] to [Boannda] and on to [Salidar] on the ''[Riverserpent]''. Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] meet with [Egwene|Egwene alVere] and [Amys] in %%ot [Tel'aran'rhiod|TelAranRhiod]%%. ([TFoH,Ch49])

! Salidar

* [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara], Elayne, [Thom|Thom Merrilin], [Juilin|Juilin Sandar], [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion], [Areina|Areina Nermasiv], [Nicola|Nicola Treehill], [Marigan|Moghedien], [Uno|Uno Nomesta], [Ragan] and the rest of the [Shienarans|Shienar] arrive at [Salidar]. ([TFoH,Ch50])
* [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] and Elayne spend much of their time taking the [Salidar Aes Sedai] leaders to %%ot [Tel'aran'rhiod|TelAranRhiod]%%. ([TFoH,Ch54])
* Elayne makes her first %%ot [ter'angreal|Angreal]%%, an %%ot [a'dam]%%, out of the [silver arrow] to leash [Moghedien|moghedien]. ([LoC,Prologue])
* Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] make many "discoveries" with [Moghedien|moghedien]'s aid. These include inverting weaves, Illusion, hiding one's ability to [channel|True Source], invisibility and eavesdropping. ([LoC,Prologue])
* Elayne learns that the [Salidar Aes Sedai] are sending an embassy to [Rand|Rand alThor] and that [Min|Min Farshaw] is going. She and [Min|Min Farshaw] have a heart-to-heart talk about [Rand|Rand alThor]. ([LoC,Prologue])
* [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] and Elayne take [Siuan|Siuan Sanche], [Leane|Leane Sharif], [Anaiya], [Beonin|Beonin Marinye], [Carlinya], [Morvrin], [Myrelle|Myrelle Berengari] and [Sheriam|Sheriam Bayanar] to the [White Tower] in %%ot [Tel'aran'rhiod|TelAranRhiod]%%. After [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] and [Leane|Leane Sharif] leave, the rest are trapped in a nightmare until Elayne can rescue them. ([LoC,Ch7])
* Elayne teaches a [novices] class in [Salidar]. She brings [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] news of [Tarna Feir]'s arrival. ([LoC,Ch8])
* Elayne is kept busy teaching [novices] classes. ([LoC,Ch12])
* Elayne has a really bad day with her [novices] class. Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] use [Need|TelAranRhiod] in %%ot [Tel'aran'rhiod|TelAranRhiod]%% to find something to keep the [Salidar Aes Sedai] from [Elaida|Elaida do Avriny aRoihan] and tie them to [Rand|Rand alThor]. They find an %%ot *[angreal|Angreal]%% storeroom in the [White Tower], then they find the [Bowl of the Winds] in [Ebou Dar]. ([LoC,Ch13])
* [Anaiya] leads a circle including Elayne, [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara], [Nicola|Nicola Treehill], [Ashmanaille], [Bharatine], [Angla], [Lanita], [Shimoku] and [Calindin] when a bubble of evil attacks [Salidar]. ([LoC,Ch14])
* [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara], Elayne and [Siuan|Siuan Sanche] watch the ceremony as [Tarna Feir] leaves [Salidar]. Afterwards, Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] tell [Sheriam|Sheriam Bayanar], [Carlinya] and [Morvrin|morvrin] about the [Bowl of the Winds]. The [Aes Sedai] will not even consider letting the girls go to [Ebou Dar] and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] explodes earning them extended kitchen duty. ([LoC,Ch15])
* [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] and Elayne greet [Thom|Thom Merrilin] and [Juilin|Juilin Sandar] when they return from their mission. They go to [Logain|Logain Ablar]'s cabin for [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] to do some more studying. Elayne runs for help when [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] accidentally [Heals|Weaves] [Logain|Logain Ablar]. ([LoC,Ch29])
* [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] and Elayne meet with [Siuan|Siuan Sanche] and [Leane|Leane Sharif] after they are [Aes Sedai] again and agree to continue their working relationship. ([LoC,Ch30])
* As her first act as the new [Amyrlin|Aes Sedai], [Egwene|Egwene alVere] raises [Theodrin Dabei], [Faolain Orande], Elayne Trakand and [Nynaeve al'Meara] to full [Aes Sedai]. Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] tell her about the [Bowl|Bowl of the Winds]. Elayne is furious that [Rand|Rand alThor] intends to give her the [Lion Throne|Royal Palace] when it is hers by right. ([LoC,Ch36])
* Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] introduce [Egwene|Egwene alVere] to [Moghedien] and give her the %%ot [a'dam|aDam]%% bracelet. [Egwene|Egwene alVere] enlists Elayne, [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] and [Siuan|Siuan Sanche] in her plans. ([LoC,Ch37])
* Elayne tells [Egwene|Egwene alVere] about the %%ot *[angreal|Angreal]%% storeroom in the [White Tower]. ([TGS,Ch8])
* [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] is stunned to find that [Egwene|Egwene alVere] is [Amyrlin|Aes Sedai]. In turn, [Egwene|Egwene alVere], Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] are shocked when [Egwene|Egwene alVere]'s weaves melt as they touch [Mat|Matrim Cauthon]. ([LoC,Ch38])
* [Egwene|Egwene alVere], Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] put [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] in his place, then [Egwene|Egwene alVere] tells the other two that she will send [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] along with them to [Ebou Dar]. Elayne then leaves to find [Aviendha]. ([LoC,Ch39])
* Elayne learns that [Aviendha] slept with [Rand|Rand alThor], so she must be the third woman in [Min|Min Farshaw]'s [viewing|viewings]. She and [Aviendha] decide to accept each other, then Elayne has to convince [Aviendha] not to kill [Min|Min Farshaw]. ([LoC,Ch40])

! Journey to Ebou Dar

* Elayne opens a gateway then she and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] begin their trip to [Ebou Dar] accompanied by [Mat|Matrim Cauthon], [Thom|Thom Merrilin], [Juilin|Juilin Sandar], [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion], [Adeleas|Adeleas Namelle], [Vandene|Vandene Namelle] and others. ([LoC,Ch44])
* Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] travel to [Ebou Dar] accompanied by [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] and the others. Elayne desperately wants to study [Mat|Matrim Cauthon]'s [foxhead medallion|Foxhead Medallion]. They arrive at the [Tarasin Palace]. ([LoC,Ch47])

! Ebou Dar

* Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] are introduced to [Merilille|Merilille Ceandevin] then have an audience with Queen [Tylin|Tylin Quintara]. On the way to the audience, they see [Jaichim Carridin]. ([LoC,Ch48])
* Elayne and [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion] search the [Rahad] for the [Bowl of the Winds]. They witness [Asra] try to [Heal|Weaves] a man. [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] and [Aviendha] also team up for the search. ([LoC,Ch52])
* In %%ot [Tel'aran'rhiod|TelAranRhiod]%%, [Egwene|Egwene alVere] tells [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] and Elayne that [Perrin|Perrin Aybara] and [Faile|Zarine Bashere] are married and are in [Cairhien|Cairhien (Country)]. [Loial] and [Min|Min Farshaw] are there, too. Elayne asks [Egwene|Egwene alVere] to give a message to [Min|Min Farshaw] saying she hopes [Min|Min Farshaw] will like [Aviendha]. {[LoC,Ch52])
* [Egwene|Egwene alVere] visits [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara]'s and Elayne's dreams telling them to keep after [Bowl|Bowl of the Winds], about the problem with [Nicola|Nicola Treehill] and [Areina|Areina Nermasiv], and that [Moghedien] is gone. ([ACoS,Ch10])
* Elayne, [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara], [Aviendha] and [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion] visit the [Sea Folk] to ask for help in using the [Bowl of the Winds]. ([ACoS,Ch13]) 
* Elayne, [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] and [Aviendha] wait in the [Tarasin Palace] for [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion] to return. Elayne starts acting wild as [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion] gets drunk. ([ACoS,Ch21]) 
* Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] visit [The Wandering Woman] and apologize to [Mat|Matrim Cauthon]. They tell him about the [Bowl of the Winds]. They run into [Setalle Anan] who says she will take "runaways" to some women who can help them. ([ACoS,Ch22]) 
* [Setalle|Setalle Anan] take Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] to [Reanne Corly] and the [Kin]. They are not meek enough so they are thrown out. ([ACoS,Ch23]) 
* Elayne wonders how old [Reanne|Reanne Corly] is since she is a strong [channeler|True Source] yet shows age. Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] are attacked on their way back to the [Tarasin Palace]. [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] [Heals|Weaves] Elayne ([ACoS,Ch24])
* Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] return to the [Tarasin Palace] and send [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] to watch the [Kin] house. ([ACoS,Ch28])
* Elayne tells the [Aes Sedai] about the [Kin] and gets in big trouble. She receives a note from [Carridin|Jaichim Carridin] offering to take her to [Amador] where [Morgase|Morgase Trakand] is alive. She is infuriated (thinks it is a lie) and takes over the [Aes Sedai] whereupon they defer to her. ([ACoS,Ch30])
* Elayne and the [Aes Sedai] join up with [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion] and visit the [Kin] house. [Reanne|Reanne Corly] agrees to take them to the [six story building|Ebou Dar]. ([ACoS,Ch31])
* Elayne meets with [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] and the others to begin the expedition to get the [Bowl|Bowl of the Winds]. She is angry about [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] and [Tylin|Tylin Quintara] until [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] tells her it is the other way around. He offers her the [foxhead medallion|Foxhead Medallion]. She is overwhelmed, but refuses to take it. ([ACoS,Ch37])
* Elayne and her companions reach the [six story building|Ebou Dar]. She runs upstairs and is attacked by the %%ot [gholam|Gholam]%%. [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] appears and drives off the %%ot [gholam]%% with the [foxhead medallion|Foxhead Medallion] saving her life. She finds the [Bowl of the Winds]. ([ACoS,Ch38])
* [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara], Elayne and [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] meet with the five [Salidar Aes Sedai], the [Kin], and the [Sea Folk] [Windfinders|Sea Folk] to discuss the use of the [Bowl of the Winds]. They prepare to leave immediately. ([ACoS,Ch39])
* In the [Tarasin Palace] stableyard Elayne goes through [Aviendha]'s gateway to the [farm|Farm]. ([TPoD,Ch1])
* As the [Windfinders|Sea Folk] pass through the gateway Elayne is surprised at how strong some of them are. She begins sorting through the assorted %%ot *[angreal|Angreal]%%. ([TPoD,Ch2])
* Elayne and the others ride from the gateway to the [farm|Farm]. The [Aes Sedai] and the [Kin] take turns bugging her to pass care of [Ispan|Ispan Shefar] from the [Kin] to the [Aes Sedai]. ([TPoD,Ch3])
* [Adeleas|Adeleas Namelle] and [Vandene|Vandene Namelle] convince Elayne that she should let them question [Ispan|ispan Shefar]. She continues to sort through the %%ot *[angreal|Angreal]%% booty. ([TPoD,Ch4])
* Elayne participates in the circle that uses the [Bowl of the Winds] to fix the weather. ([TPoD,Ch5])

! Andor

* When the [Seanchan (People)] attack the [farm|Farm] Elayne makes a gateway to [Andor]. When everyone is through she begins to unweave it. She gets lost in the process and when she is shielded by a %%ot [damane|Seanchan (People)]%% the gateway explodes injuring her, [Aviendha] and [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion]. ([TPoD,Ch6])
* Elayne and her party travel across [Andor] toward [Caemlyn]. She hears many rumors about [Morgase|Morgase Trakand], herself and [Rand|Rand alThor]. Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] report to [Egwene|Egwene alVere] in %%ot [Tel'aran'rhiod|TelAranRhiod]%%. ([TPoD,Ch20])
* Elayne and her party travel to the [Royal Palace] in [Caemlyn]. In the [Grand Hall|Royal Palace] she meets with [Dyelin Taravin] who tells her that she supports House Trakand. However, many of the other nobles support [Dyelin|Dyelin Taravin]. ([TPoD,Ch28])
* Elayne sends a message to [Rand|Rand alThor] and to the [Andoran|Andor] nobles by tearing down his banners from the [Royal Palace]. ([TPoD,Ch29])
* Elayne makes [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion] Captain General of the [Queen's Guards|Caemlyn]. ([WH,Prologue])
* Elayne and [Dyelin Taravin] deal with rebellious Houses, angry [Sea Folk] and [Taim|Mazrim Taim] and the [Asha'man]. In a ceremony, Elayne and [Aviendha] are bonded as first-sisters. ([WH,Prologue])
* Elayne and [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion] get an escorted tour of the [Black Tower]. ([WH,Prologue])
* As Elayne rides through [Caemlyn], [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion] brings her the news that [Elenia|Elenia Sarand] and [Naean|Naean Arawn] have escaped. ([WH,Ch7])
* Elayne takes care of business in the [Royal Palace]. ([WH,Ch8])
* Three men attack Elayne while she eats lunch. [Dyelin Taravin] and [Doilin Mellar|Daved Hanlon] save her. ([WH,Ch9])
* [Aviendha] and [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion] guard Elayne after the attack. [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion] and Elayne assign [Doilin Mellar|Daved Hanlon] as the Captain of her guard. Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] meet with [Egwene|Egwene alVere] in %%ot [Tel'aran'rhiod|TelAranRhiod]%% and catch [Slayer|Isam Mandragoran] spying on them. ([WH,Ch10])
* [Rand|Rand alThor] does not want to see Elayne and [Aviendha], but [Min|Min Farshaw] goes to find them anyway. ([WH,Ch11])
* Elayne and [Aviendha] bond [Rand|Rand alThor] as their [Warder|Warders] and include [Min|Min Farshaw] in the weave. [Rand|Rand alThor] spends the night with Elayne. ([WH,Ch12])
* [Egwene|Egwene alVere] and Elayne meet in %%ot [Tel'aran'rhiod|TelAranRhiod]%% in [Emond's Field|Emonds Field] the night before [Egwene|Egwene alVere] moves on [Tar Valon]. The next morning, Elayne decides to visit the [Borderlands] rulers when [Merilille|Merilille Ceandevin] returns with news of her discussions. ([WH,Ch26])
* Elayne meets with King [Easar|Easar Togita], Queen [Ethenielle|Ethenielle Cosaru Noramaga], King [Paitar|Paitar Neramovni Nachiman] and Queen [Tenobia|Tenobia si Bashere Kazadi]. They agree that the [Borderlands] armies will move through [Andor] unmolested. Elayne returns to [Caemlyn] only to learn that there is an army marching on the city. ([WH,Ch27])
* Elayne tells [Melaine] to tell [Bael] not to interfere with the armies surrounding [Caemlyn]. ([CoT,Prologue])
* As they prepare to return from a visit to House [Matherin|Andor], Elayne and [Aviendha] feel enormous [channeling|True Source] to the west and know that it is [Rand|Rand alThor]. [Aviendha] convinces Elayne that they should not interfere. They return to the [Royal Palace]. ([CoT,Ch10])
* Elayne and [Aviendha] arrive at the [Royal Palace] and head for a hot bath while [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion] gives them a status report. ([CoT,Ch11])
* Elayne, [Aviendha] and [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion] meet with [Zaida|Zaida din Parede Blackwing] about the [Sea Folk] leaving. [Zaida|Zaida din Parede Blackwing] agrees to leave nine [Windfinders|Sea Folk] to make gateways. ([CoT,Ch12])
* [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion] and [Aviendha] accompany Elayne as she meets with [Dyelin Taravin] and the young High Seats of four major Houses. ([CoT,Ch13])
* Elayne, [Aviendha] and [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion] meet with [Reene Harfor] and [Halwin Norry] for detailed reports. [Monaelle] examines Elayne with [Caressing the Child|Weaves] and determines that she has two healthy babies. ([CoT,Ch14])
* Elayne cannot make the [twisted ring] work because of her pregnancy, so [Aviendha] goes in her stead to meet with [Egwene|Egwene alVere] in the [Little Tower|Salidar] in %%ot [Tel'aran'rhiod|TelAranRhiod]%%. [Egwene|Egwene alVere] explains the plan with the [Black Tower]. [Aviendha] warns her that [Taim|Mazrim Taim] is dangerous. ([CoT,Ch20])
* Elayne, [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion] and [Aviendha] lead the defense against one of [Arymilla|Arymilla Marne]'s sorties against the [New City|Caemlyn] wall. ([KoD,Ch13])
* Elayne, [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion] and [Aviendha] return to the [Royal Palace]. On the way to her apartments [Elayne|Elayne Trakand] deals with the captured %%ot [sul'dam|Seanchan (People)]%% and %%ot [damane|Seanchan (People)]%% and the [Windfinders|Sea Folk]. ([KoD,Ch14])
* In Elayne's rooms, [Aviendha] demonstrates a [Talent|Weaves] of identifying %%ot [ter'angreal|Angreal]%%. [Dorindha (Roofmistress)] and [Nadere] arrive with orders for [Aviendha] to come with them; the [Aiel] are leaving [Caemlyn]. Elayne gives [Aviendha] the [amber turtle] and the [twisted ring] to take with her. ([KoD,Ch15])
* Elayne and [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion] meet with the mercenaries. [Elayne|Elayne Trakand] turns down their demand for more money. ([KoD,Ch16])
* Elayne and [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion] meet with [Dyelin|Dyelin Taravin] in the Map Room. [Dyelin|Dyelin Taravin] reports that the six High Seats camped to the south are still neutral. [Vandene Namelle] reports that several of the [Kin] were murdered. ([KoD,Ch17])
* Elayne has an uncordial audience with [Duhara Basaheen], sent by [Elaida|Elaida do Avriny aRoihan] to be her advisor. ([KoD,Ch31])
* Elayne and [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion] plan a raid on the [Black Ajah] house. Elayne is captured when more [Black Ajah] sisters unexpectedly appear. ([KoD,Ch31])
* The [Black|Black Ajah] sisters bundle Elayne into a wagon and head out of town but [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion] organizes a rescue party with the [Windfinders|Sea Folk] and cuts them off. [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion] sends [Dyelin Taravin] to hold off [Arymilla Marne]'s attack on the [Far Madding Gate|Caemlyn]. ([KoD,Ch32])
* After her rescue, Elayne and [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion] attack [Arymilla Marne]'s army from the rear while [Dyelin Taravin]'s force attacks from the front. They capture [Arymilla Marne] and the others. ([KoD,Ch33])
* Elayne holds an audience with High Seats [Abelle Pendar], [Aemlyn Carand], [Arathelle Renshar], [Ellorien Traemane], [Luan Norwelyn] and [Pelivar Coelan]. When [Dyelin Taravin] tells them she has published her support for Elayne, all but [Ellorien Traemane] acquiesce and throw in their support as well. ([KoD,Ch35])
* Elayne feels relieved about something. ([TGS,Ch1])
* In %%ot [Tel'aran'rhiod|TelAranRhiod]%%, [Egwene|Egwene alVere] visits the dreams of Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] ordering them to meet her in two nights. ([ToM,Ch3])
* Elayne, [Dyelin Taravin] and [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion] discuss reports when they receive [Mat|Matrim Cauthon]'s letter. ([ToM,Ch11])
* [Egwene|Egwene alVere] meets with Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] in %%ot [Tel'aran'rhiod|TelAranRhiod]%%. She updates them on [Rand|Rand alThor]'s plans. [Black Ajah] sisters attack them. [Egwene|Egwene alVere] asks Elayne to make more dream %%ot [ter'angreal|Angreal]%%. ([ToM,Ch14])
* Elayne meets with [Alise|Alise Tenjile] and [Sumeko Karistovan] to discuss the future of the [Kin]. Those who want to become [Aes Sedai] can go to [Tar Valon]. Those who do not may remain in [Caemlyn]. Elayne will support them in exchange for [Traveling|Weaves] for a fee and free [Healing|Weaves]. ([ToM,Ch17])
* [Mat|Matrim Cauthon], [Thom|Thom Merrilin] and [Talmanes|Talmanes Delovinde] call on Elayne. She and [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion] are elated at the idea of [Aludra]'s dragons. ([ToM,Ch19])
* Elayne invites several nobles to the [Royal Palace] to see a play. ([ToM,Ch22])
* Elayne tries a ruse to get [Chesmal|Chesmal Emry] to talk but it backfires when [Darkfriend|Darkfriends] [Jaq Lounalt] breaks the prisoners free. [Mellar|Daved Hanlon] stabs her but has [Chesmal|Chesmal Emry] [Heal|Weaves] her. [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] and [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion] find her and take her to [Melfane|Melfane Dawlish]. ([ToM,Ch23])
* [Melfane|Melfane Dawlish] orders a full week bed rest for Elayne. She returns [Mat|Matrim Cauthon]'s [foxhead medallion|Foxhead Medallion]. ([ToM,Ch24])
* Elayne, [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion] and [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] witness the first trial of the dragons from the [Caemlyn] walls. ([ToM,Ch29])
* Elayne and [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion] come up with the idea for [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] to trick the %%ot [gholam]%% into a [Skimming|Weaves] gateway to get rid of it. ([ToM,Ch31])
* In the [Royal Palace] garden, Elayne and [Gawyn|Gawyn Trakand] talk. [Gawyn|Gawyn Trakand] learns about [Bloodknives|Seanchan (People)] from a %%ot [sul'dam|Seanchan (People)]%% and sends a messenger back to [Egwene|Egwene alVere]. ([ToM,Ch33])
* Elayne sends more dream %%ot [ter'angreal|Angreal]%% back to [Egwene|Egwene alVere] with [Nicola|Nicola Treehill] and [Nissa|nissa]. ([ToM,Ch36])
* Elayne vainly tries to use the dream %%ot [ter'angreal|Angreal]%% to join [Egwene|Egwene alVere]'s meeting but she fails. ([ToM,Ch37], [ToM,Ch45])
* [Perrin|Perrin Aybara] sends a messenger to Elayne requesting an audience. ([ToM,Ch44])
* Elayne wakes after a frustrating night of no channeling and has a morning meeting with [Dyelin|Dyelin Taravin] when [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion] brings in [Galad|Galad Damodred] and [Morgase|Morgase Trakand] for a joyful reunion. ([ToM,Ch45])
* Elayne receives a message from [Perrin|Perrin Aybara] requesting an audience. ([ToM,Ch44])
* [Perrin|Perrin Aybara] and [Faile|Zarine Bashere] have an audience with Elayne and [Morgase|Morgase Trakand]. Though tense at the start, they finally agree that Elayne will cede the [Two Rivers] to the [Dragon Reborn|Rand alThor] with [Perrin|Perrin Aybara] as his steward. ([ToM,Ch47])
* In a complex ploy, Elayne strips [Arymilla|Arymilla Marne], [Elenia|Elenia Sarand] and [Naean|Naean Arawn] of their titles and lands. She offers some of these to the visiting [Cairhienin|Cairhien (Country)] nobles. She then offers the prisoners lands elsewhere to start over. ([ToM,Ch50])
* Elayne, [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion] and an escort [Travel|Weaves] to [Cairhien|Cairhien (Country)] where she accepts the [Sun Throne|Sun Palace]. She tells the nobles to prepare to [Travel|Weaves] to the [Field of Merrilor]. ([ToM,Ch52])

! Field of Merrilor

* Elayne arrives at the [Field of Merrilor] with the [Andorans|Andor] and [Cairhienin|Cairhien (Country)]. [Gawyn|Gawyn Trakand] and [Egwene|Egwene alVere] go to meet them and [Gawyn|Gawyn Trakand] is overwhelmed when he sees [Morgase|Morgase Trakand]. ([ToM,Ch56])
* Elayne learns of the attack on [Caemlyn]. She and [Birgitte] go to survey the situation. ([AMoL,Ch1])
* Back at the [Field of Merrilor], Elayne meets with the High Seats. [Aviendha] surprises her. They agree to meet with [Min] before [Aviendha] goes to see [Rand]. ([AMoL,Ch2])

! Other References (Possible Spoilers)

# In [The Eye of the World]
## [TEotW,Ch34] - [Almen Bunt] tells [Rand|Rand alThor] and [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] about Elayne.
## [TEotW,Ch40] - Despite her high station, Elayne practices swearing like a stableman.
## [The Eye of the World],Glossary - Elayne's sign is a gold lily.
# In [The Great Hunt]
## [TGH,Ch4] - [Anaiya] tells [Moiraine|Moiraine Damodred] that [Gawyn|Gawyn Trakand] and Elayne arrived in [Tar Valon].
## [TGH,Ch4] - [Moiraine|Moiraine Damodred] tells [Siuan|Siuan Sanche] that [Egwene|Egwene alVere] is as strong as Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] is stronger.
## [TGH,Ch24] - [Min|Min Farshaw] [views|viewings] that Elayne will share her husband with two others, that she will be a queen, and a severed hand, not hers.
## [TGH,Ch43] - [Min|Min Farshaw] [views|viewings] a red-hot iron and an axe above Elayne.
# In [The Dragon Reborn]
## [TDR,Ch12] - [Siuan|Siuan Sanche] orders [Verin|Verin Mathwin] to tell her every detail about [Egwene|Egwene alVere], Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara].
## [TDR,Ch14] - [Siuan|Siuan Sanche] does not select Elayne to join [Egwene|Egwene alVere] and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] in hunting the [Black Ajah] because of the trouble with [Morgase|Morgase Trakand].
## [TDR,Ch15] - When [Egwene|Egwene alVere] and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] go back to [Egwene|Egwene alVere]'s room, Elayne has not yet returned from [Sheriam|Sheriam Bayanar].
## [TDR,Ch24] - [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] intends to say goodbye to [Egwene|Egwene alVere], [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] and Elayne before he leaves [Tar Valon].
## [TDR,Ch30] - As soon as [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] and the others leave, [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] begins planning his escape.
## [TDR,Ch32] - [Rand|Rand alThor] dreams of [Egwene|Egwene alVere], [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] and Elayne being trapped.
## [TDR,Ch43] - [Perrin|Perrin Aybara] dreams of [Egwene|Egwene alVere], Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] walking into a cage and closing the door behind them. [Liandrin|liandrin] laughs at them and [Lanfear|lanfear] laughs at her.
## [TDR,Ch40] - [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] thinks the killers are after him because of Elayne's letter.
## [TDR,Ch44] - [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] thinks the killers are still after him because of Elayne's letter.
## [TDR,Ch45] - [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] arrives at the [Royal Palace] to deliver Elayne's letter but is refused entrance.
## [TDR,Ch46] - [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] finally gains entrance to the [Royal Palace] and delivers Elayne's letter to [Morgase|Morgase Trakand]. In the process, he overhears [Gaebril|Rahvin] order [Comar|comar] to kill Elayne.
## [TDR,Ch47] - [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] tells [Thom|Thom Merrilin] and [Basel Gill]  about the threat to Elayne. [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] and [Thom|Thom Merrilin] head for [Tear|Tear (City)] to help her.
## [TDR,Ch49] - [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] dreams of [Be'lal|BeLal] weaving a net around [Egwene|Egwene alVere], Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara].
## [TDR,Ch52] - Mother [Guenna|Ailhuin Guenna] tells [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] that [Egwene|Egwene alVere], Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] were taken to the [Stone of Tear].
# In [The Shadow Rising]
## [TSR,Ch1] - [Gawyn|Gawyn Trakand] tells [Min|Min Farshaw] that [Egwene|Egwene alVere], Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] arrived at the [White Tower] with [Verin|Verin Mathwin], then disappeared again.
## [TSR,Ch1] - When Elayne was a baby [Gawyn|Gawyn Trakand] swore an oath to protect her with his life.
## [TSR,Ch2] - [Rand|Rand alThor] dreams about Elayne and [Min|Min Farshaw] seducing him while [Egwene|Egwene alVere] sadly looks on.
## [TSR,Ch10] - [Rand|Rand alThor] mistakenly thinks [Lanfear|lanfear] is jealous of Elayne.
## [TSR,Ch17] - [Moiraine|Moiraine Damodred] bribes [Thom|Thom Merrilin] into accompanying Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] to [Tanchico].
## [TSR,Ch17] - [Gawyn|Gawyn Trakand] continues to ask [Min|Min Farshaw] about [Egwene|Egwene alVere] and Elayne.
## [TSR,Ch21] - [Moiraine|Moiraine Damodred] thinks Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] are on a wild goose chase in [Tanchico], but [Thom|Thom Merrilin] will take care of them.
## [TSR,Ch22] - [Aviendha] is mad at [Rand|Rand alThor] because he thinks [Rand|Rand alThor] mistreated Elayne who is near-sister to her friend [Egwene|Egwene alVere].
## [TSR,Ch28] - [Perrin|Perrin Aybara] dreams that [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] and Elayne stalked cautiously through a demented landscape of twisted, shadowed buildings, hunting some dangerous beast. 
## [TSR,Ch29] - [Egwene|Egwene alVere] wrote home to [Marin al'Vere] telling about her new friends, [Min|Min Farshaw] and Elayne.
## [TSR,Ch36] - [Aviendha] lectures [Rand|Rand alThor] about Elayne being the perfect woman for him.
## [TSR,Ch37] - When [Rand|Rand alThor] stares at [Isendre|isendre], [Aviendha] angrily reminds him that he belongs to Elayne.
## [TSR,Ch47] - [Siuan|Siuan Sanche] tells [Gawyn|Gawyn Trakand] that [Egwene|Egwene alVere] and Elayne are in [Illian|Illian (Country)] with [Mara Tomanes].
## [TSR,Ch48] - [Aviendha] continues to point out the merits of Elayne.
## [TSR,Ch49] - Watching [Lian|lian] and [Amys] eat with [Rhuarc|rhuarc], [Rand|Rand alThor] cannot picture Elayne and [Min|Min Farshaw] doing the same with him.
## [TSR,Ch50] - [Rand|Rand alThor] dreams of swimming in the [Waterwood|Two Rivers] with [Min|Min Farshaw] and Elayne.
## [TSR,Ch53] - [Perrin|Perrin Aybara] dreams that [Egwene|Egwene alVere] stood among a crowd of women, fear in her eyes; slowly the women knelt around her. [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] was one of them, and he believed he saw Elayne's red-gold hair.
## [TSR,Ch57] - When [Rand|Rand alThor] confronts [Lanfear|lanfear], he wishes he could remember how he shielded [Egwene|Egwene alVere] and Elayne.
# In [The Fires of Heaven]
## [TFoH,Prologue] - [Elaida|Elaida do Avriny aRoihan] and her Council are concerned that news of Elayne's and [Galad|Galad Damodred]'s absences may reach [Morgase|Morgase Trakand]. [Alviarin|Alviarin Freidhen] has a clerk forge letters from Elayne to [Morgase|Morgase Trakand].
## [TFoH,Ch2] - [Egwene|Egwene alVere] tells [Rand|Rand alThor] that Elayne loves him.
## [TFoH,Ch4] - [Rand|Rand alThor] falls asleep and dreams of Elayne, [Min|Min Farshaw] and [Aviendha].
## [TFoH,Ch5] - [Egwene|Egwene alVere] has been [dreamwalking|TelAranRhiod], but she has not yet succeeded in finding Elayne's and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara]'s dreams.
## [TFoH,Ch5] - Since [Egwene|Egwene alVere], as a near-sister to Elayne, asked [Aviendha] to look after [Rand|Rand alThor] for her, [Aviendha] now firmly believes that [Rand|Rand alThor] belongs to Elayne and [Egwene|Egwene alVere] cannot convince her otherwise.
## [TFoH,Ch15] - [Elaida|Elaida do Avriny aRoihan] issues orders for Elayne to be found and returned to the [White Tower].
## [TFoH,Ch18] - [Liandrin|liandrin] knows that [Egwene|Egwene alVere], Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] were responsible for the deaths of [Joiya|Joiya Byir] and [Amico|Amico Nagoyin].
## [TFoH,Ch19] - [Morgase|Morgase Trakand] named Elayne after [Ellorien|Ellorien Traemane]'s grandmother, [Elayne Traemane].
## [TFoH,Ch19] - [Morgase|Morgase Trakand] is still angry with the [White Tower] for hiding Elayne.
## [TFoH,Ch20] - [Moiraine|Moiraine Damodred] tells [Rand|Rand alThor] to trust no [Aes Sedai] except herself, [Egwene|Egwene alVere], Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara].
## [TFoH,Ch21] - [Rand|Rand alThor] dreams of [Aviendha], Elayne and [Min|Min Farshaw].
## [TFoH,Ch25] - [Egwene|Egwene alVere] wants to learn to identify Elayne's and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara]'s dreams so she can contact them more directly.
## [TFoH,Ch25] - [Moghedien|moghedien] spies on Elayne and [Egwene|Egwene alVere] in %%ot [Tel'aran'rhiod|TelAranRhiod]%% and learns that they are working with [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion].
## [TFoH,Ch30] - [Rand|Rand alThor] thinks Elayne is still in [Tanchico].
## [TFoH,Ch31] - After they make love, [Aviendha] tells [Rand|Rand alThor] that he still belongs to Elayne.
## [TFoH,Ch35] - Elayne has little talent in [Healing|Weaves]. A black eye is about her limit.
## [TFoH,Ch38] - [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] tells [Uno|Uno Nomesta] that Elayne is with her in the circus.
## [TFoH,Ch51] - When [Rand|Rand alThor] hears that [Morgase|Morgase Trakand] is dead he hopes that Elayne will forgive him.
## [TFoH,Ch54] - When [Rand|Rand alThor] arrives at the [Royal Palace] he thinks of Elayne, then of [Min|Min Farshaw].
## [TFoH,Ch55] - [Rand|Rand alThor] asks [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] to pass a message to Elayne that she should forget him.
## [TFoH,Ch56] - [Rand|Rand alThor] tells [Bashere|Davram Bashere] that [Morgase|Morgase Trakand] and [Gaebril|Rahvin] are dead. He is holding the throne of [Andor] for Elayne.
# In [Lord of Chaos]
## [LoC,Prologue] - [Gawyn|Gawyn Trakand] stays at the [White Tower] because of his duty to Elayne and his love for [Egwene|Egwene alVere].
## [LoC,Prologue] - [Morgase|Morgase Trakand] worries about Elayne, [Gawyn|Gawyn Trakand] and [Galad|Galad Damodred].
## [LoC,Ch9] - [Niall|Pedron Niall] orders [Balwer|Sebban Balwer] to find Elayne and [Gawyn|Gawyn Trakand] and bring them to [Amador].
## [LoC,Ch10] - [Rand|Rand alThor] is confused by his feelings for [Aviendha], Elayne and [Min|Min Farshaw].
## [LoC,Ch15] - [Egwene|Egwene alVere] [dreams|TelAranRhiod] - Elayne forcing [Rand|Rand alThor] to his knees with one hand. Elayne and [Min|Min Farshaw] and [Aviendha] sitting in a silent circle around him, each in turn reaching out to lay a hand on him.
## [LoC,Ch16] - [Luan Norwelyn] and [Ellorien Traemane] say they support [Dyelin Taravin] for the [Lion Throne|Royal Palace], but [Dyelin Taravin] insists that she still supports Elayne.
## [LoC,Ch16] - [Rand|Rand alThor] thinks that he can only trust [Egwene|Egwene alVere], Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara].
## [LoC,Ch18] - [Egwene|Egwene alVere] asks [Rand|Rand alThor] to intercede with the [Wise Ones|Aiel] to take her back to %%ot [Tel'aran'rhiod|TelAranRhiod]%%. She is desperate to return "legally" so she can meet with Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara].
## [LoC,Ch22] - As he juggles, [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] wonders how [Thom|Thom Merrilin] is doing and thinks that Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] probably got him killed.
## [LoC,Ch25] - [Egwene|Egwene alVere] tells [Gawyn|Gawyn Trakand] that Elayne is well, but she cannot tell him where she is.
## [LoC,Ch26] - [Elenia|Elenia Sarand] tells [Rand|Rand alThor] that, by commoner standards, [Tigraine|Tigraine Mantear] and [Morgase|Morgase Trakand] were not related at all. [Rand|Rand alThor] is relieved that he is not related to Elayne.
## [LoC,Ch27] - [Egwene|Egwene alVere] [dreams|TelAranRhiod] of approaching Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara]; every time one of them said a word, they tripped and fell on their faces or dropped a cup or plate or knocked over a vase, always something that shattered on impact.
## [LoC,Ch28] - [Rand|Rand alThor] has bad dreams about running and finally realizes that he is running away from Elayne and [Aviendha].
## [LoC,Ch31] - [Morgase|Morgase Trakand] thinks it will take her lifetime and Elayne's to undo the damage of her treaty with the [Whitecloaks].
## [LoC,Ch32] - [Egwene|Egwene alVere] really wants to talk with Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] but she is afraid to because of her [dream|TelAranRhiod].
## [LoC,Ch33] - [Rand|Rand alThor] sends [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] and the [Band of the Red Hand] to [Salidar] to fetch Elayne back to [Caemlyn].
## [LoC,Ch34] - [Sheriam|Sheriam Bayanar] tells [Egwene|Egwene alVere] that Elayne is well.
## [LoC,Ch40] - [Thom|Thom Merrilin] tells [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] that he and [Juilin|Juilin Sandar] will accompany Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] to [Ebou Dar].
## [LoC,Ch41] - [Rand|Rand alThor] tells a group of [Andoran|Andor] nobles that Elayne is returning to [Caemlyn], but they are doubtful.
## [LoC,Ch41] - [Min|Min Farshaw] gives Elayne's letter to [Rand|Rand alThor], but it only confuses him more about her feelings toward him.
## [LoC,Ch43] - Lady [Dyelin|Dyelin Taravin] tells [Kairen Stang] that her main concern is Elayne.
## [LoC,Ch50] - [Rand|Rand alThor] tells [Berelain|Berelain sur Paendrag] that he intends the [Sun Throne|Sun Palace] for Elayne. [Berelain|Berelain sur Paendrag] thinks she is a good choice.
## [LoC,Ch53] - [Galina|Galina Casban] knew of [Min|Min Farshaw] when she was first in the [White Tower] with [Egwene|Egwene alVere], [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] and Elayne.
## [LoC,Ch55] - [Min|Min Farshaw] tells [Gawyn|Gawyn Trakand] that Elayne loves [Rand|Rand alThor].
## [LoC,Epilogue] - Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] are gone from the [Tarasin Palace] in [Ebou Dar] again. 
# In [A Crown of Swords]
## [ACoS,Prologue] - [Tarna Feir]'s report to [Elaida|Elaida do Avriny aRoihan] on the [Salidar Aes Sedai] noted that Elayne, [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara], [Siuan|Siuan Sanche] and [Logain|Logain Ablar] are there. [Alviarin|Alviarin Freidhen] reports that [Gray Ajah] spies have seen Elayne, [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara], [Aviendha], and [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion] in [Ebou Dar]. [Elaida|Elaida do Avriny aRoihan] believes that [Morgase|Morgase Trakand] is dead so Elayne will be crowned.
## [ACoS,Prologue] - [Pedron Niall] knows through [Balwer|Sebban Balwer]'s report that Elayne is in [Ebou Dar].
## [ACoS,Ch3] - [Perrin|Perrin Aybara] knows that [Rand|Rand alThor] intends both the [Cairhien|Cairhien (Country)] and [Andor] thrones for Elayne.
## [ACoS,Ch5] - When [Rand|Rand alThor] confronts [Colavaere|Colavaere Saighan] she says rumor has Elayne dead. [Rand|Rand alThor] says she is alive.
## [ACoS,Ch7] - [Rand|Rand alThor] worries about Elayne and [Aviendha]. He [Travels|Weaves] to [Caemlyn] in great secrecy so he will not accidentally run into them in case they have returned.
## [ACoS,Ch7] - In [Caemlyn] nobles loyal to Elayne quell a takeover and make [Dyelin|Dyelin Taravin] regent in Elayne's name.
## [ACoS,Ch8] - When [Sheriam|Sheriam Bayanar] notices her ''[a'dam|aDam]'' bracelet, [Egwene|Egwene alVere] tells her it was a going away gift from Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara].
## [ACoS,Ch9] - [Nicola|Nicola Treehill] and [Areina|Areina Nermasiv] try to blackmail [Egwene|Egwene alVere] saying they overheard [Thom|Thom Merrilin] and [Juilin|Juilin Sandar] say [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] and Elayne were pretending to be [Aes Sedai].
## [ACoS,Ch13] - [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] promised [Rand|Rand alThor] to bring Elayne to [Caemlyn] with [Egwene|Egwene alVere] and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara], then promised [Egwene|Egwene alVere] to keep [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] and Elayne safe in [Ebou Dar]. 
## [ACoS,Ch14] - [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] worries that if [Olver] gets hurt he will catch it from Mistress [Anan|Setalle Anan], Elayne, [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara], [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion] and [Aviendha]. 
## [ACoS,Ch15] - [Pedron Niall] ordered [Carridin|Jaichim Carridin] to kidnap Elayne. 
## [ACoS,Ch16] - [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] leaves a note at the [Tarasin Palace] for Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] warning them about [Carridin|Jaichim Carridin]. 
## [ACoS,Ch17] - [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] finds a note in his pocket warning him that Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] are taking too many risks. 
## [ACoS,Ch17] - [Joline|Joline Maza] thinks [Elaida|Elaida do Avriny aRoihan] is angry about [Egwene|Egwene alVere], Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] mainly because they are stronger than she. 
## [ACoS,Ch17] - [Teslyn|Teslyn Baradon] wants to take Elayne, [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara], [Mat|Matrim Cauthon], and [Aviendha] to [Elaida|Elaida do Avriny aRoihan]. 
## [ACoS,Ch17] - Since they have not found the %%ot *[angreal|Angreal]%% stash, [Falion|Falion Bhoda] and [Ispan|Ispan Shefar] consider kidnapping [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] and Elayne to appease [Moghedien|moghedien]. 
## [ACoS,Ch18] - When [Berelain|Berelain sur Paendrag] leaves, [Rand|Rand alThor] intents to have [Dobraine|Dobraine Taborwin] serve as regent in [Cairhien|Cairhien (City)] until Elayne returns. 
## [ACoS,Ch19] - [Min|Min Farshaw] is still confused about her feelings about sharing [Rand|Rand alThor] with Elayne and [Aviendha]. 
## [ACoS,Ch22] - Elayne is confused by [Mat|Matrim Cauthon]'s behavior. All she knows of men is [Rand|Rand alThor] and what [Lini Eltring|Lini Eltring] and [Morgase|Morgase Trakand] taught her. 
## [ACoS,Ch26] - [Morgase|Morgase Trakand] believes that Elayne and [Gawyn|Gawyn Trakand] are still safe in the [White Tower]. 
## [ACoS,Ch26] - [Morgase|Morgase Trakand] abdicates the throne to Elayne effectively making her queen of [Andor].
## [ACoS,Ch30] - Elayne is eighteen.
## [ACoS,Ch33] - [Rand|Rand alThor] wants to send [Min|Min Farshaw] away like he sent Elayne and [Aviendha]. [Min|Min Farshaw] tells [Rand|Rand alThor] that if [Bael|bael], [Mandelain|mandelain] and [Rhuarc|rhuarc] can have two wives then she can deal with [Aviendha] and Elayne.
## [ACoS,Ch35] - [Rand|Rand alThor] tells [Caraline Damodred] the he will put Elayne on the thrones of [Andor] and [Cairhien|Cairhien (Country)].
## [ACoS,Ch37] - [Mat|Matrim Cauthon]'s main driving force is to bring [Egwene|Egwene alVere], Elayne, [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] and [Aviendha] to [Rand|Rand alThor] in [Caemlyn].
## [ACoS,Ch41] - [Rand|Rand alThor] has nightmares about Elayne, [Aviendha] and [Min|Min Farshaw] all glaring at him.
# In [The Path of Daggers]
## [TPoD,Ch2] - The %%ot [gholam]%% was ordered to kill Elayne, [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] and [Mat|Matrim Cauthon], but chooses to go after the women as they are an easier target.
## [TPoD,Ch8] - "[Maighdin|morgase]" reminds [Perrin|Perrin Aybara] of Elayne. [Perrin|Perrin Aybara] tells her [Rand|Rand alThor] plans to put Elayne on the [Lion Throne|Royal Palace]. [Maighdin|Morgase Trakand] replies angrily that the throne is hers by right, not by [Rand|Rand alThor].
## [TPoD,Ch15] - From Elayne's report, [Egwene|Egwene alVere] passed on to the [Sitters] only that the [Bowl of the Winds] had been used, not the bad bargain with the [Sea Folk].
## [TPoD,Ch16] - [Lelaine|Lelaine Akashi] wants Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] to pass a message to [Merilille|Merilille Ceandevin] to contact the [Sea Folk] in [Caemlyn].
## [TPoD,Ch21] - [Rand|Rand alThor] thinks Elayne and Mat are with the [Salidar Aes Sedai] in [Murandy].
## [TPoD,Ch22] - [Rand|Rand alThor] is confused that word spreads that he has a soft spot for women at the same time that rumors fly that he murdered [Morgase|Morgase Trakand], Elayne and [Colavaere|Colavaere Saighan].
## [TPoD,Ch27] - [Min|Min Farshaw] tells [Rand|Rand alThor] and [Dobraine|Dobraine Taborwin] that she believes [Caraline|Caraline Damodred] will support Elayne for the [Sun Throne|Sun Palace].
## [TPoD,Ch29] - When [Rand|Rand alThor] learns that Elayne tore down his banners in [Caemlyn] he believes she has turned against him.
# In [Winter's Heart|Winters Heart]
## [WH,Ch12] - [Min|Min Farshaw] has a [viewing|viewings] of Elayne - "She'll get with child from this. Two of them; a boy and a girl; both healthy and strong."
## [WH,Ch18] - [Setalle Anan] asks [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] how Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] are doing.
## [WH,Ch19] - [Teslyn|Teslyn Baradon] left [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] the warning note about Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] in order to frustrate [Elaida|Elaida do Avriny aRoihan]'s plans.
## [WH,Ch22] - [Rand|Rand alThor] can still feel [Aviendha], Elayne and [Alanna|Alanna Mosvani] in his head, but not as strongly as [Min|Min Farshaw].
## [WH,Ch25] - [Alanna|Alanna Mosvani] tells [Rand|Rand alThor] that [Andor] may or may not support him once Elayne is fully in control.
## [WH,Ch29] - [Egeanin|Egeanin Tamarath] tells [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] that she helped Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] in [Tanchico].
# In [Crossroads of Twilight]
## [CoT,Prologue] - [Ailil Riatin] now openly supports Elayne for the [Sun Throne|Sun Palace].
## [CoT,Ch15] - [Elenia|Elenia Sarand] thinks that [Dyelin|Dyelin Taravin] is really the power behind Elayne.
## [CoT,Ch17] - Only three sisters besides Elayne can make %%ot [ter'angreal|Angreal]%%.
## [CoT,Ch18] - The [Salidar Aes Sedai] [Sitters] think that [Merilille|Merilille Ceandevin] and [Vandene|Vandene Namelle] have Elayne under control.
## [CoT,Ch24] - Sensing them in [Caemlyn], [Rand|Rand alThor] wonders how he can keep Elayne and [Aviendha] safe.
# In [Knife of Dreams]
## [KoD,Ch2] - [Elaida|Elaida do Avriny aRoihan] thinks she will soon have Elayne back in hand.
## [KoD,Ch18] - With [Min|Min Farshaw], Elayne and [Aviendha] bonded to him [Rand|Rand alThor] wonders how he can keep them safe.
## [KoD,Ch21] - [Rand|Rand alThor] is not as sharply aware of [Alanna|Alanna Mosvani] since [Min|Min Farshaw], Elayne and [Aviendha] bonded him.
## [KoD,Ch22] - [Zaida|Zaida din Parede Blackwing]'s Bargain with Elayne is judged favorably so she is elected the new [Mistress of the Ships|Sea Folk].
## [KoD,Ch24] - [Egwene|Egwene alVere] tells [Mattin Stepaneos|Mattin Stepaneos den Balgar] that [Rand|Rand alThor] supports Elayne for both the [Lion Throne|Royal Palace] and the [Sun Throne|Sun Palace].
## [KoD,Ch27] - When [Rand|Rand alThor] [Travels|Weaves] to [Altara], Elayne feels faint a hundred and fifty leagues east in [Caemlyn]. [Aviendha] in [Arad Doman] feels even fainter.
# In [The Gathering Storm]
## [TGS,Ch2] - When [Egwene|Egwene alVere] waits on [Elaida|Elaida do Avriny aRoihan], it is her first sight of [Elaida|Elaida do Avriny aRoihan] since she, Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] left to hunt the [Black Ajah].
## [TGS,Ch3] - [Aviendha] detests cities, but thinks that Elayne does a good job running [Caemlyn].
## [TGS,Ch4] - [Gawyn|Gawyn Trakand] struggles with his loyalties to [Egwene|Egwene alVere], Elayne and the [White Tower].
## [TGS,Ch7] - [Daigian|Daigian Moseneillin] does not treat [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] as full [Aes Sedai] even though [Egwene|Egwene alVere] raised her and Elayne to the shawl.
## [TGS,Ch8] - [Siuan|Siuan Sanche] confirms to [Egwene|Egwene alVere] that the storeroom Elayne described holds the most dangerous [One Power] objects.
## [TGS,Ch9] - [Perrin|Perrin Aybara] does not want [Alliandre|Alliandre Maritha Kigarin]'s allegiance. She can swear to Elayne or [Rand|Rand alThor] if she wants.
## [TGS,Ch11] - [Aviendha] must regain her honor to merit [Rand|Rand alThor] as much as [Min|Min Farshaw] and Elayne.
## [TGS,Ch11] - Among [Aiel], complaining is considered weak, yet Elayne complains constantly about her pregnancy even though she is strong.
## [TGS,Ch13] - [Gawyn|Gawyn Trakand] does not like [Elaida|Elaida do Avriny aRoihan], but he chose her side because of what [Siuan|Siuan Sanche] did to Elayne and [Egwene|Egwene alVere].
## [TGS,Ch24] - [Bryne|Gareth Bryne] chides [Gawyn|Gawyn Trakand] for not being in [Caemlyn] with Elayne.
## [TGS,Ch29] - [Rand|Rand alThor] sort of trusts [Dobraine|Dobraine Taborwin]. He knows [Rand|Rand alThor] intends the [Lion Throne|Royal Palace] for Elayne.
## [TGS,Ch30] - [Lelaine|Lelaine Akashi] questions [Gawyn|Gawyn Trakand] on Elayne-s taxation policies.
## [TGS,Ch36] - [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] thinks thirty days in [Caemlyn] will give [Aludra|aludra] time to get started on her Dragons and perhaps Elayne will help.
## [TGS,Ch47] - [Rand|Rand alThor] can barely feel Elayne through the bond.
# In [Towers of Midnight]
## [ToM,Prologue] - [Galad|Galad Damodred] hopes that Elayne now holds the [Lion Throne|Royal Palace].
## [ToM,Ch6] - [Morgase|Morgase Trakand] wonders if Elayne has returned to [Caemlyn].
## [ToM,Ch8] - [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] sends a letter to Elayne as soon as he arrives in [Caemlyn] but he receives no response  as Master [Norry|Halwin Norry] ignores it.
## [ToM,Ch9] - [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] sends a second, more strongly worded letter to Elayne that [Norry|Halwin Norry] delivers.
## [ToM,Ch15] - [Rand|Rand alThor] tells [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] that he wants her in the circle using %%ot [Callandor]%% at the [Last Battle|Creator], perhaps with Elayne or [Aviendha].
## [ToM,Ch21] - Returned from scouting [Cairhien|Cairhien (Country)], [Seonid|Seonid Traighan] reports that Elayne has the throne in [Andor].
## [ToM,Ch27] - [Darlin|Darlin Sisnera] and Elayne are important to [Egwene|Egwene alVere]'s plans to change [Rand|Rand alThor]'s mind about breaking the [seals|Seals].
## [ToM,Ch29] - [Morgase|Morgase Trakand] is surprised that [Galad|Galad Damodred] ran into Elayne in [Ghealdan].
## [ToM,Ch37] - When he leaves to return to the [White Tower], [Gawyn|Gawyn Trakand] tries to say goodbye to Elayne but [Birgitte|Birgitte Trahelion] refuses him thinking she is in the dream world.
## [ToM,Ch38] - When [Mesaana|mesaana] collars [Egwene|Egwene alVere], she thinks this was the same way Elayne and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara] captured [Moghedien|moghedien].
## [ToM,Ch42] - [Gawyn|Gawyn Trakand] wants to marry [Egwene|Egwene alVere] right away but she is shy about protocol. What would her parents and Elayne think?
## [ToM,Ch44] - [Morgase|Morgase Trakand] really wants to get to [Caemlyn] so she can aid Elayne.
## [ToM,Ch53] - [Perrin|Perrin Aybara] tells [Faile|Zarine Bashere] that he disagrees with Elayne. He trusts [Rand|Rand alThor] and thinks breaking the [seals|Seals] is the right thing to do.
## [ToM,Ch57] - [Mat|Matrim Cauthon] tells [Moiraine|Moiraine Damodred] that Elayne is now Queen of [Andor].
# In [A Memory of Light]
## [AMoL,Prologue] - [Jarid Sarand] orders his remaining men to take Elayne and behead her, but they ignore him.
## [AMoL,Prologue] - [ Leilwin] and [Bayle Domon] slip through a gateway from [Tar Valon] to the [Field of Merrilor] where she asks for [Nynaeve] or Elayne.
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