Full name: Egwene al'Vere

Pronunciation: eh-GWAIN al'VEER 
[{LinkedImagePlugin image-src='Pronunciation/soundbut.gif' href='Pronunciation/egwene.wav'}]. Sounded altogether, it purposely sounds like 'Guinivere'.

The daughter of [Bran|Bran (TV)] and [Marin|Marin (TV)] al'Vere.

[{Image src='https://m.media-amazon.com/images/G/01/pv_starlight/woft-e7f4ab08-9807-46e1-807e-1ebee05b7e84/ph3_Egwene_CharacterBackground_200x200-555278b8-420b-4b29-9eb4-c50f17541bfb._SX2160_.jpg' link='https://m.media-amazon.com/images/G/01/pv_starlight/woft-e7f4ab08-9807-46e1-807e-1ebee05b7e84/ph3_Egwene_CharacterBackground_200x200-555278b8-420b-4b29-9eb4-c50f17541bfb._SX2160_.jpg' width='200'}]

! Chronology (Possible Spoilers)

* Egwene is initiated into the Women's Circle. ([Episode 101])
* Egwene enters the [Winespring Inn] to applause for being initiated into the Women's Circle. ([Episode 101])
* Egwene and [Rand|Rand (TV)] talk about the Women's Circle ceremony and then share intimate moments.  ([Episode 101])
* Egwene and [Rand|Rand (TV)] talk about [Nynaeve|Nynaeve (TV)] offering her a Wisdom apprenticeship, but she hasn't accepted. ([Episode 101])
* Egwene serves breakfast to [Tam|Tam (TV)] while looking around for [Rand|Rand (TV)]. ([Episode 101])
* Egwene and [Rand|Rand (TV)] talk about her accepting [Nynaeve|Nynaeve (TV)]'s offer of being a Wisdom apprentice. ([Episode 101])
* Egwene and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve (TV)] are on a bridge and they talk about the wind sounding bad. ([Episode 101])
* Egwene spots [Moiraine|Moiraine (TV)] watching the ceremony. Neither speak. ([Episode 101])
* Back in the village, everyone is dancing. Egwene's partner, [Tom|Tom Thane (TV)], is struck in the back with a nasty looking axe and dies. ([Episode 101])
*  [Nynaeve|Nynaeve (TV)] grabs Egwene and pulls her to safety. ([Episode 101])
* [Nynaeve|Nynaeve (TV)] and Egwene pull an injured villager to safety, but he dies soon. ([Episode 101])
* Back in the village, a [Trolloc] has spied [Nynaeve|Nynaeve (TV)] and Egwene and heads towards them. [Nynaeve|Nynaeve (TV)] and Egwene attack back. ([Episode 101])
* Egwene gets [Moiraine|Moiraine (TV)], who [Heals|Weaves] [Tam|Tam (TV)]. ([Episode 101])
*  Egwene  and the others mount up and ride out of the village. ([Episode 101])
* Master [Hightower|Hightower (TV)] ferries [Moiraine|Moiraine (TV)], [Lan|Lan (TV)], [Rand|Rand (TV)], [Perrin|Perrin (TV)], [Mat|Mat (TV)] and Egwene  across the [Taren River]. ([Episode 102])
* [Moiraine|Moiraine (TV)] and [Egwene|Egwene (TV)] talk about the three oaths and the Wisdoms' power of listening to the wind. ([Episode 102])
* Egwene rides up next to [Moiraine|Moiraine (TV)] and asks her why she was able to lie. [Moiraine|Moiraine (TV)] explains how she didn't lie and how she needs to listen carefully to [Aes Sedai] when they speak. ([Episode 102])

! References (Possible Spoilers)

# In [Episode 101]
## [Rand|Rand (TV)] and [Tam|Tam (TV)] talk about how [Rand|Rand (TV)] would save some berries for Egwene when he was younger.
## [Mat|Mat (TV)] mentions that [Rand|Rand (TV)] is pining after Egwene.
## [Perrin|Perrin (TV)] asks [Rand|Rand (TV)] about Egwene's ceremony, but  [Rand|Rand (TV)] says they haven't talked yet.  

Book Character: [Egwene alVere]\\
IMDB: [Madeleine Madden|https://www.imdb.com/name/nm5136993]
More [TV Characters], [Category TV Character]