Map: A map of Ebou Dar is available in [A Crown of Swords] hc p. 252, pb p. 314, and in the [Guide], p. 267. There is a large map of Ebou Dar in [TWoTRPG|Guide], p. 265.

Ebou Dar is the capital of [Altara]. It is ruled by Queen [Tylin|Tylin Quintara], but her control does not extend far beyond the city. It sits on the southern coast of [Altara] at the mouth of the [Eldar River] and is a major port frequented by the [Sea Folk]. Most of the city lies on the west side of the river but a large slum area known as the [Rahad] lies on the east side. Most of the buildings in Ebou Dar are white and there are many canals. There are many large squares with statues in the middle.

! Wise Women

Ebou Dar is famous for its herbalists and healers who are called Wise Women. They wear distinctive red belts and carry great authority.

! Stores, Inns, Manor Houses

* [Tarasin Palace] - residence of Queen [Tylin|Tylin Quintara], it sits on [Mol Hara Square]
* The Golden Crown of Heaven - a dim hole in the [Rahad] with a blue door ([ACoS,Ch14], [ACoS,Ch38])
* [The Golden Ducks]
* [The Golden Swans of Heaven]
* [The Oarsman's Pride]
* [The Old Sheep]
* The Queen's Glory in Radiance - grimiest tavern in Ebou Dar ([ACoS,Ch14])
* The Rose of the Eldar
* [The Stranded Goose] - an average inn
* The [Three Stars]
* [The Wandering Woman] - an average inn on [Mol Hara Square] across from the [Tarasin Palace]
* The [Winter Blossom] - a very nice inn frequented by the [Deathwatch Guard|Seanchan]
* The [Yearly Brawl] - an average inn
* [Chelsaine Palace] - a private palace
* The six story building - a deserted building holding a store of %%ot [*angreal|Angreal]%%
* Bay Road - this road goes south from the Moldine Gate to the lighthouse at the western mouth of the bay. ([ACoS,Ch39])
* Moldine Gate - the southern gate to the city of Ebou Dar. The Bay Road leads south to the Westpoint lighthouse. ([ACoS,Ch14])
* Three Towers Gate - the western gate to the city of Ebou Dar ([ACoS,Ch17])
* Dal Eira Gate - the northern gate to the city of Ebou Dar. The Great North Road leads north from here. ([WH,Ch30])
* [Mol Hara Square] - a large plaza in the center of Ebou Dar
* The [Rahad] - the slum area of Ebou Dar on the east side of the [Eldar River]
* [Circuit of Heaven] - a recetrack north of the city
* [Silver Circuit] - a racetrack south of the city

! Residents

* Queen [Tylin|Tylin Quintara] - Queen of [Altara]
* [Beslan] - Queen [Tylin|Tylin Quintara]'s son
* [Merilille|Merilille Ceandevin] - An [Aes Sedai] ambassador representing the [Salidar Aes Sedai].
* [Joline|Joline Maza] - An [Aes Sedai] ambassador representing the [White Tower].
* [Teslyn|Teslyn Baradon] - An [Aes Sedai] ambassador representing the [White Tower].
* [Haesel] - a servant in the [Tarasin Palace]
* Master [Jen] - a servant in the [Tarasin Palace]
* Mistress [Carin] - a servant in the [Tarasin Palace]
* [Matilde] - a servant in the [Tarasin Palace]
* [Bren] - a servant in the [Tarasin Palace]
* [Madic] - a servant in the [Tarasin Palace]
* [Laren] - a servant in the [Tarasin Palace]
* [Falion Bhoda] - An [Aes Sedai] of the [Black Ajah]
* [Setalle Anan] - innkeeper of [The Wandering Woman]
* [Jasfer Anan] - husband of [Setalle Anan]
* [Frielle] - their daughter
* [Caira] - a serving girl at [The Wandering Woman]
* [Leral] - a serving girl at [The Wandering Woman]
* [Nevin] - a man killed by [Beslan] in a duel
* [Davindra] - widow of [Nevin]
* [Callie] - a Wise Woman
* [Reanne Corly] - the [Kin]
* [Berowin] - the [Kin]
* [Sumeko|Sumeko Karistovan] - the [Kin]
* [Deryl] - a guard in a ring shop
* [Arnin] - a thug for hire
* [Nad] - a thug for hire
* [Old Cully] - a one eyed beggar
! References (Possible Spoilers)

# In [The Fires of Heaven]
## [TFoH,Ch16] - [Thom] hears that King [Ailron] means to take the eastern bank of the [Eldar River] from [Salidar] to [So Eban] to [Mosra]. This will actually give [Pedron Niall] control of the river traffic and allow him to squeeze Ebou Dar.
## [TFoH,Ch28] - [Gareth Bryne] sends [Joni|Joni Shagrin] and [Barim|Barim Halle] to Ebou Dar to recruit soldiers.
# In [Lord of Chaos]
## [LoC,Ch13] - In %%ot [Tel'aran'rhiod|TelAranRhiod]%%, [Nynaeve] and [Elayne] use [Need|TelAranRhiod] and find the [Bowl of the Winds] in the [Rahad] in Ebou Dar.
## [LoC,Ch15] - [Sheriam], [Carlinya] and [Morvrin] will not even consider letting two [Accepted] go to Ebou Dar after the [Bowl of the Winds].
## [LoC,Ch20] - The [Ogier] built a [Waygate|Ways] at Ebou Dar during its construction.
## [LoC,Ch36] - [Elayne] and [Nynaeve] tell [Egwene] about the %%ot [ter'angreal|Angreal]%% in Ebou Dar.
## [LoC,Ch37] - [Nynaeve] carelessly mentions Ebou Dar in front of [Moghedien].
## [LoC,Ch39] - [Egwene] plans to send [Elayne], [Nynaeve] and [Mat] to Ebou Dar.
## [LoC,Ch40] - [Thom] tells [Mat] that the girls are going to Ebou Dar.
## [LoC,Ch44] - [Egwene] sends [Elayne], [Nynaeve] and [Mat] to Ebou Dar via gateway.
## [LoC,Ch47] - [Mat], [Elayne], [Nynaeve] and the others arrive in Ebou Dar.
## [LoC,Ch48] - Ebou Dari typically have dark hair and black eyes.
## [LoC,Epilogue] - [Falion|Falion Bhoda] receives a note that [Elayne] and [Nynaeve] are gone from the [Tarasin Palace]. [Falion|Falion Bhoda] is looking for hidden %%ot [*angreal|Angreal]%% in Ebou Dar.
## [LoC,Epilogue] - A [Seanchan] rider looks back at Ebou Dar and thinks of the Return.
# In [A Crown of Swords]
## [ACoS,Prologue] - [Elaida] has sent [Joline|Joline Maza] and [Teslyn|Teslyn Baradon] there as punishment. She learns that [Elayne] and [Nynaeve] are there and orders their capture.
## [ACoS,Ch12] - [Egwene] tells [Lan] to take care of [Nynaeve], Queen [Tylin]'s guest at the [Tarasin Palace], and [Skims|Weaves] him to five or six days north of Ebou Dar; he says he can make it faster.
## [ACoS,Ch16] - Ebou Dar has more festivals than any other city - five in one week starting with [Swovan Night|Calendar].
## [ACoS,Ch23] - Very few of the Wise Women in Ebou Dar are actually native Ebou Dari.
# In [The Path of Daggers]
## [TPoD,Ch6] - High Lady [Suroth] moves her headquarters from [Amador] to Ebou Dar.
# In [Winter's Heart|Winters Heart]
## [WH,Ch14] - [Tuon] leaves [Tanchico] on the ''[Victory of Kidron]'' and sails to Ebou Dar.
## [WH,Ch30] - The [Seanchan] have vast quantities of stores stockpiled on the Bay Road.
# In [Crossroads of Twilight]
## [CoT,Ch2] - [Thom] returns to Ebou Dar for some scouting.
## [CoT,Ch12] - [Windfinders|Sea Folk] who lost ships at Ebou Dar are out of favor. [Zaida] leaves them behind at [Caemlyn] when she heads to [Illian|City of Illian].
# In [Knife of Dreams]
## [KoD,Ch8] - There are numerous bands of [Tinkers] headed in the direction of Ebou Dar because they have heard that [Seanchan] law offers safety.
## [KoD,Ch9] - After [Martine Janata] was stilled, she made her way to Ebou Dar. [Jasfer Anan] found her starving on the streets and took her home.
## [KoD,Ch10] - After a ghost village sinks into the ground, many of the [Valan Luca]'s circus performers want to turn around and return to Ebou Dar.
## [KoD,Ch36] - General [Furyk Karede] leaves northeast [Altara] with [Tuon] and [Selucia] to return them to the [Tarasin Palace] in Ebou Dar.
## [KoD,Epilogue] - [Tuon] returns to the [Tarasin Palace] in Ebou Dar and confronts High Lady [Suroth].
# In [The Gathering Storm]
## [TGS,Prologue] - [Tylee Khirgan] returns to Ebou Dar to report on the [Shaido] and the [Trolloc] attack.
## [TGS,Ch47] - [Rand] [Travels|Weaves] to Ebou Dar with the intent of destroying the [Seanchan].
## [TGS,Ch49] - [Rand] walks through Ebou Dar. He intends to destroy the [Seanchan], but seeing peaceful, happy, concerned people, he cannot make himself do it.
# In [Towers of Midnight]
## [ToM,Ch47] - [Fortuona|Tuon] maintains the [Tarasin Palace] in Ebou Dar as her permanent residence.
More [Category Geography]