Title: Lord Captain Eamon Valda

Pronunciation: AY-mon VAHL-dah 
[{LinkedImagePlugin image-src='Pronunciation/soundbut.gif' href='Pronunciation/valda.wav'}]

A Lord Captain of the [Children of the Light].

[{Image src='https://m.media-amazon.com/images/S/xray-scenes-thumbnail-datastore/amzn1.dv.vcid.79c33fa5-0153-4aae-99e8-bb082237d6d9/scenesList/422f6176-7843-4b30-8785-2942f9b8d89b._UR355,NaN_.jpg' width='200' link='https://m.media-amazon.com/images/S/xray-scenes-thumbnail-datastore/amzn1.dv.vcid.79c33fa5-0153-4aae-99e8-bb082237d6d9/scenesList/422f6176-7843-4b30-8785-2942f9b8d89b._UR355,NaN_.jpg'}]

! Chronology (Possible Spoilers)

* Valda burns a [Yellow|Yellow Ajah] [Aes Sedai] alive after cutting off her hands. He then adds her ring to his collection. ([Episode 102])
* Valda questions [Moiraine|Moiraine (TV)] ([Episode 102])
* Valda is asking the [Tinkers] about the false Dragon. [Valda then spots [Perrin|Perrin (TV)] and [Egwene|Egwene (TV)] and tells his men to bring them to him. ([Episode 105])
* Valda enters the tent as other [Whitecloaks] purify [Egwene|Egwene (TV)]. On his command, they put her in a chair and bind her hands, all the while he is eating a meal. He tells her that another [Aes Sedai] mentioned that the [channeling|One Power] hand gestures were just a crutch. He says that he knows that she can touch the [One Power]. He cleans a knife with wine and starts slicing [Perrin|Perrin (TV)]'s back. He is convinced that the [One Power] only comes from the [Dark One|Creator], which is why his goal is to kill all the [Aes Sedai]. He gives [Egwene|Egwene (TV)] a choice: if she [channels|One Power], he will kill her and let [Perrin|Perrin (TV)] go, or don't [channel|One Power] and [Perrin|Perrin (TV)] dies and she is let go. He leaves to let them talk. ([Episode 105])
* Valda enters and asks if they've made a choice. Neither of them say anything, so he starts slicing [Perrin|Perrin (TV)] again. When [Perrin|Perrin (TV)] escapes, [Egwene|Egwene (TV)] comes up behind Valda and stabs him in the shoulder and he falls to the floor. ([Episode 105])

! References (Possible Spoilers)

# Season 1
## [Episode 106] - [Egwene|Egwene (TV)] gives [Moiraine|Moiraine (TV)] the rings she took from [Valda|Eamon Valda (TV)] and states that [Valda|Eamon Valda (TV)] won't harm any more [Aes Sedai].

Book Character: [Eamon Valda]\\
IMDB: [Abdul Salis |https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1357414]
More [TV Characters], [Category TV Character]