Thu, July 21, 2022, the day before Comic-Con 2022, was big. There were these announcements:

# [Behind the Scenes (BTS) video of Season 2|]
# [Rafe answering (some) WoT Season 2 questions|]
# [Season 3 is green-lit|]
# [New episodes of The Wheel of Time Origins|] coming in August

Still no release date for [Season 2], though.

We're going to take a look at the first two and also how they affect our [Season 2 Predictions]. We're going to also reference other research into the BTS video 

! Behind the Scenes (BTS) video of Season 2

It all comes down to taking a look at the 35 stills that you can grab from the 1:06 minute video.

! Screenshot 1 - Three Aiel

[{Image src='Comic-Con 2022/Screenshot 01.png' width='400' align='left'}]

! Screenshot 2 - Moiraine and Lan

[{Image src='Comic-Con 2022/Screenshot 02.png' width='400' align='left'}]

! Screenshot 3 - Whitecloaks on Horseback

[{Image src='Comic-Con 2022/Screenshot 03.png' width='400' align='left'}]

! Screenshot 4 - Camels

[{Image src='Comic-Con 2022/Screenshot 04.png' width='400' align='left'}]

! Screenshot 5 - Wheel

[{Image src='Comic-Con 2022/Screenshot 05.png' width='100' align='left'}]

! Screenshot 6 - Veiled Whitecloak

[{Image src='Comic-Con 2022/Screenshot 06.png' width='400'}]

! Screenshot 7 - Hunters of the Horn

[{Image src='Comic-Con 2022/Screenshot 07.png' width='400'}]

! Screenshot 8 - Jungle Waygate

[{Image src='Comic-Con 2022/Screenshot 08.png' width='400'}]

! Screenshot 9 - Fort Falme

[{Image src='Comic-Con 2022/Screenshot 09a.png' width='400'}]
[{Image src='Comic-Con 2022/Screenshot 09b.png' width='400'}]

! Screenshot 10 - Explosion

[{Image src='Comic-Con 2022/Screenshot 10.png' width='400'}]

! Screenshot 11 - Rand with Torch

[{Image src='Comic-Con 2022/Screenshot 11.png' width='400'}]

! Screenshot 12 - Moiraine and Lan

[{Image src='Comic-Con 2022/Screenshot 12.png' width='400'}]

! Screenshot 13 - Min

[{Image src='Comic-Con 2022/Screenshot 13.png' width='400'}]

! Screenshot 14 - Rand Walking Through Village

[{Image src='Comic-Con 2022/Screenshot 14.png' width='400'}]

! Screenshot 15 - Long, Blonde Hair Person

[{Image src='Comic-Con 2022/Screenshot 15.png' width='400'}]

! Screenshot 16 - Padan Fain

[{Image src='Comic-Con 2022/Screenshot 16.png' width='400'}]

! Screenshot 17 - Dark-Cloaked Figure

[{Image src='Comic-Con 2022/Screenshot 17.png' width='400'}]

! Screenshot 18 - Dunno

[{Image src='Comic-Con 2022/Screenshot 18.png' width='400'}]

! Screenshot 19 - 

[{Image src='Comic-Con 2022/Screenshot 19.png' width='400'}]

! Screenshot 20 - Whitecloak vs Seanchan

[{Image src='Comic-Con 2022/Screenshot 20.png' width='400'}]

! Screenshot 21 - Quarterstaves

[{Image src='Comic-Con 2022/Screenshot 21.png' width='400'}]

! Screenshot 22 - Explosion

[{Image src='Comic-Con 2022/Screenshot 22.png' width='400'}]

! Screenshot 23 - Whitecloak vs Aiel

[{Image src='Comic-Con 2022/Screenshot 23.png' width='400'}]

! Screenshot 24 - Nailed It!

[{Image src='Comic-Con 2022/Screenshot 24.png' width='400'}]

! Screenshot 25 - Pensive Rand

[{Image src='Comic-Con 2022/Screenshot 25.png' width='400'}]

! Screenshot 26 - Lan Forms

[{Image src='Comic-Con 2022/Screenshot 26.png' width='400'}]

! Screenshot 27 - Rider

[{Image src='Comic-Con 2022/Screenshot 27.png' width='400'}]

! Screenshot 28 - Padan Fain

[{Image src='Comic-Con 2022/Screenshot 28.png' width='400'}]

! Screenshot 29 - War Map
[{Image src='Comic-Con 2022/Screenshot 29.png' width='400'}]

! Screenshot 30 - Night Battle

[{Image src='Comic-Con 2022/Screenshot 30.png' width='400'}]

! Screenshot 31 - Night Battle

[{Image src='Comic-Con 2022/Screenshot 31.png' width='400'}]

! Screenshot 32 - Golden Veil

[{Image src='Comic-Con 2022/Screenshot 32.png' width='400'}]

! Screenshot 33 - Fade vs Rider?

[{Image src='Comic-Con 2022/Screenshot 33.png' width='400'}]

! Screenshot 34 - Blurry attacker

[{Image src='Comic-Con 2022/Screenshot 34.png' width='400'}]


! Q & A with Rafe


! Forsaken

[{Image src='Comic-Con 2022/Forsaken.png' link='' width='400' style='border: 1px solid black;' alt='Q: Blink twice if we see more than one Forsaken! A:blink blink'}]

I didn't have any [Forsaken] in my [predictions|Season 2 Predictions], but it's nice to know that there will be more than one. Maybe I'll add something for [Lanfear] and [Rand] and maybe [Semirhage] with the [Seanchan], which is who we might be seeing in screenshot 32.

! Quarterstaff Fight

[{Image src='Comic-Con 2022/Quarterstaff.png' link='' width='400' style='border: 1px solid black;' alt='Q: I have to ask. Gawyn (and I guess the lesser brother Galad) actually beat Mat in the warder training yard in the show right? Theres no way they lose on screen is there? A: This is an iconic scene from the book and we are building to a believable version of it in the show.  Hopefully.  Ha.'}]

Confirmation that the quarterstaff fight is in [season 2]. I had that in there already, so no changes to the [predictions|Season 2 Predictions].

! Moiraine and Lan

[{Image src='Comic-Con 2022/Moiraine and Lan.png' link='' width='400' style='border: 1px solid black;' alt='Q: What is the journey like for Moiraine and Lan in season 2 with their bond still masked'}]

I already had used some interview quotes that point to this to predict Moiraine and Lan's part in [season 2]. No changes to the [predictions|Season 2 Predictions].

! Hopper

[{Image src='Comic-Con 2022/Hopper.png' link='' width='400' style='border: 1px solid black;' alt='Q: Hopper? A: THANK YOU.  WHY IS NO ONE EVER GIVING HOPPER THE RESPECT HE DESERVES.  OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: HOPPER IS IN S2'}]

! Darkfriend Social

[{Image src='Comic-Con 2022/Darkfriend Social.png' link='' width='400' style='border: 1px solid black;' alt='Q: Is the Darkfriend Social gonna be in the show? A: Yep'}]

Excellent! And since that is [TGH,Prologue], I'm going to predict that it's the cold open for [Episode 201]. The prologue for the 2nd book and the opening for the 2nd season.

! Time Gap

[{Image src='Comic-Con 2022/Time Gap.png' link='' width='400' style='border: 1px solid black;' alt='Q: Is the Darkfriend Social gonna be in the show? A: Yep'}]

! Egwene & Renna

[{Image src='Comic-Con 2022/Time Gap.png' link='' width='400' style='border: 1px solid black;' alt='Q: favorite Season 2 two person scene with only the character names and no more A: Egwene Renna'}]

I predicted this plot line would be in this series. No changes to the [predictions|Season 2 Predictions].

! Mat

[{Image src='Comic-Con 2022/Mat.png' link='' width='400' style='border: 1px solid black;' alt='Q: which character had his plot changed the most compared to the books? A: Mat.  But we try to bring the characters back to where they should be by the end of S2.'}]

! Expanding the Forsaken

[{Image src='Comic-Con 2022/Expanding the Forsaken.png' link='' width='400' style='border: 1px solid black;' alt='Q: Can you tell us how much you will be expanding on the forsaken in this season? A: It’s a big point of difference from the books in S2.  We will spend more time with any Forsaken who’s in the show, more how the later books treat the Forsaken than necessarily Books 2 or 3 did'}]

I think this is going to be a dark season.

! Moiraine's Journey

[{Image src='Comic-Con 2022/Moiraine Journey.png' link='' width='400' style='border: 1px solid black;' alt='Q: Any hints on Moiraine’s journey in season 2? A: It’s much expanded from her Book 2 story. But built out of the core of that and of a couple relationships that were not explored in the books

I wonder if the relationships include 1) [Adeleas|Adeleas Namelle] and [Vandene|Vandene Namelle] and 2) [Barthanes|Barthanes Damodred]?
