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This is a set WikiCategory used to tag all 29 Wolves.

  1. Boundless
  2. Burn
  3. Cold Water
  4. Dapple
  5. Feather
  6. Half Tail
  7. Hopper
  8. Leafhunter
  9. Morning Clouds
  10. Morning Mist
  11. Morninglight
  12. Oak Dancer
  13. Old Deer
  14. Rabbit Nose
  15. Smoke
  16. Snowy Dawn
  17. Sparks
  18. Springhorn
  19. Tall Bear
  20. Three Toes
  21. Thunder Mist
  22. Twilight
  23. Two Deer
  24. Two Moons
  25. Whisperer
  26. White Tail
  27. Wildfire
  28. Wind (Wolf)
  29. Winter Dawn

