aka: Hero of [Salmarna|Other Locations] 

Pronunciation: boo-KAH-mah mah-reh-NEH-lihn

A [Malkier] soldier who is armsman to [Lan|al'Lan Mandragoran].

! Physical Description

He is bluff and broad, almost as tall as [Lan|al'Lan Mandragoran]. His gray hair is shoulder length and he has blue eyes. ([NS,Ch1]) 

! Chronology (Possible Spoilers)

* Bukama follows [Lan|al'Lan Mandragoran] as he checks on the men keeping watch on the last day of the [Aiel War]. ([NS,Ch1])
* [Rakim], [Caniedrin], Bukama and [Lan|al'Lan Mandragoran] scout as the [Aiel] cross [Kinslayer's Dagger|Kinslayers Dagger] heading toward the [Spine of the World]. [Lan|al'Lan Mandragoran] and Bukama spend the next four months touring the south for a breather before returning to the [Blight]. ([NS,Ch12])
* Bukama and [Lan|al'Lan Mandragoran] arrive in [Canluum]. ([NS,Ch15])
* They make their way to [The Blue Rose] where they meet [Ryne Venamar]. After learning about [Edeyn|Edeyn Arrel] and being attacked by six assassins, [Lan|al'Lan Mandragoran] decides they will go to [Chachin]. ([NS,Ch16])
* The three of them ride north from [Canluum]. They notice a woman following and trick her into meeting them. They agree to escort [Alys|Moiraine Damodred] to [Chachin]. ([NS,Ch19])
* They stop for breakfast in [Manala] and note that [Alys|Moiraine Damodred] asks questions of the villagers. ([NS,Ch20])
* They travel on to [Chachin] dealing with brigands and an assassin on the way. ([NS,Ch21])
* When they arrive in [Chachin], [Lan|al'Lan Mandragoran] leads them to the [Aesdaishar Palace]. Bukama and [Ryne|Ryne Venamar] are given small rooms near the barracks. ([NS,Ch22])
* Bukama and [Ryne|ryne_venamar] practice swords when [Moiraine|Moiraine Damodred] passes by. ([NS,Ch25])
* At [Moiraine|Moiraine Damodred]'s request, [Lan|al'Lan Mandragoran] has Bukama follow [Merean|Merean Redhill]. He reports to [Siuan|Siuan Sanche] that she spent the day with Prince Consort [Brys|Brys Kandor]. ([NS,Ch25])
* [Merean|Merean Redhill] has [Ryne|Ryne Venamar] assassinate Bukama. ([NS,Ch26])


! Other References (Possible Spoilers)


# In [New Spring]
## [NS,Ch1] - Bukama is perpetually gloomy. His only expression is a glower.
## [NS,Ch1] - He is the last survivor of the King's Bodyguard who saved [Lan|al'Lan Mandragoran] when [Malkier] was overrun by the [Blight].
## [NS,Ch26] - [Lan|al'Lan Mandragoran] finds Bukama's body, then goes looking for [Moiraine|Moiraine Damodred].
# In [Towers of Midnight]
## [ToM,Ch42] - [Lan|al'Lan Mandragoran] thinks Bukama might cry at seeing all the [Malkier] ex-pats all wearing %%ot [hadori]%% again.
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