A [Youngling]. 

! Physical Description

! Chronology (Possible Spoilers)

* Benji participates in the battle at the [White Tower]. ([TSR,Ch47], [LoC,Prologue])
* [Jisao Hamora], Benji Dalfor, [Hal Moir] and [Arwin] are among the [Younglings] who accompany [Gawyn|Gawyn Trakand] and the [Aes Sedai] to [Cairhien|Cairhien (City)]. ([LoC,Prologue])
* While scouting north, Benji is mortally wounded by the [Shaido]. He returns to the [Aes Sedai] caravan and reports to [Gawyn|Gawyn Trakand] before he dies. ([LoC,Ch55])

! Other References (Possible Spoilers)

# In [Lord of Chaos]
## [LoC,Prologue] - Benji just began shaving.

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