[Moiraine]'s horse in 978-979 NE.

! Physical Description

She is a bay mare. ([NS,Ch4])

! Chronology (Possible Spoilers)

* [Moiraine] is allowed to keep her horse Arrow in the [White Tower] stables, but she is sent to [Merean Redhill] for jumping. ([NS,Ch4])
* [Moiraine] rides Arrow to from the [White Tower] to the village of [Alindaer] to help in [Tamra|Tamra Ospenya]'s census. ([NS,Ch4])
* [Moiraine] rides Arrow back to the [White Tower]. ([NS,Ch5])
* [Moiraine] rides Arrow to [Northharbor|Tar Valon] where the both board the ''[Bluewing]''. ([NS,Ch14])
* [Moiraine] has [Kazin] quickly saddle Arrow so she can ride out of [Canluum] at first light. ([NS,Ch19])
* In [Chachin], [Moiraine] looks for [Siuan Sanche] in the seedy part of town. At [The Ruffled Goose] a woman tries to steal Arrow.

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